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Prevalencia de la mineralización de la Cadena Estilohioidea en radiografías panorámicas de pacientes mayores de 18 años del Centro de Diagnóstico por Imágenes Prevalence of mineralization of the Stylohyoid Chain in panoramic radiographs in people over 18 years from Centro de Diagnóstico por Imágenes __________________________________________________________________ Eduardo Calle Velezmoro, Leon Ricardo Palti Menéndez, Andres Agurto Huerta, Maria Eugenia Guerrero Acevedo, Cinthia Salazar Fernández ABSTRACT Introduction: The Stylohyoid Chain mineralization in panoramics radiographs has been already described as an asymptomatic event or a symptomatic occurance present with different types of signs and symptoms that may even lead to different syndromes. Digital panoramic radiographs are the principal diagnostic method for the stylohyoid chain mineralization evaluation. Objetive. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of mineralization of the stylohyoid chain and the side, type, sex and age group in patients older than 18 years treated at the “Centro de Diagnóstico por Imágenes”. Matherials and methods. There were 1 202 digital panoramic radiographs analyzed to determine the beginning of a process of the stylohyoid chain mineralization that should get more than 30 mm when measured from the caudal margin of the tympanic plate to the tip of the Stylohyoid Chain. Results. A prevalence of 94,3% in the age range over 80 years and 90,6% in males was obtained. We found a prevalence of 82,9%. Stylohyoid Chain mineralizations, from which 79,6% were bilateral. There was a predominance of type III unilateral and bilateral mineralization; also. Conclusion: In our population there is a high prevalence of the stylohyoid chain mineralization compared with previous studies in different parts of the world, as well as a higher prevalence of bilateral type III, appearing at a higher rate in male patients and at the age range over 80 years. Key Words: Mineralization, temporal bone, panoramic radiographs. _______________________________________________________________________________ Correspondencia: Universidad de San Martin de Porres – Facultad de Odontologia Eduardo Calle Velezmoro Dirección, Jr Andres Bello 272 Distrito Ate, Lima 30 Teléfono: 3480407 / 993730849 Correo electrónico: