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Dar-us-Salam Publications P.O. Box 79194, Houston, TX 77279 – Tel: (713) 722-0419 – View more details & place your order online at OTHER LANGUAGES BRIEF LIST (Revised March 2015) ℗ = Items of other publishers, all others by Dar-us-Salam. All Prices are in US Dollars. = 6x9” (width x height) HB (Standard size), = 7x10” HB, all others paperback except when noted. *cos = currently out of stock SPANISH BOOKS S01 Yuz' 'Amma Part 30th [Spanish 4.00 Qur’an 30th part with Arabic -PB] S02 Del Noble Coran [Spanish Qur’an] Abdel Ghani Melara Navio A Without Arabic - Medium 6x4” 9.95 B Without Arabic - Pocket size On Sale! 6.95 D With Arabic - Large (HB) 8 x 5½” 23.95 S03 100 Ahadith Sobre Los Modales 4.95 Islamicos (w/Arabic) [100 Ahadith About Islamic Manners] S05 La Oracion en el Islam 4.95 [How to Pray in Islam] S06 Nuestro Profeta Muhammad (S) 4.95 [Our Prophet] S07 ?Quien Es Tu Senor Y Quien Es Tu 4.95 Profeta? 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