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1º ESO GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: Guide for language assistant.
Elena García Marín
1. Where was Mesopotamia located?
2. What does Mesopotamia mean?
3. What are the names of the two important rivers in Mesopotamia? Why is it called “Fertile
4. Name three things invented by the Mesopotamians
5. What type of writing was used in Mesopotamia?
6. Did they use paper to write? Where did they write on?
7. Who was Hammurabi?
8. What is polytheism?
9. What is a “ziggurat”?
10. Write the name of some important towns in Mesopotamia
1º ESO GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: Guide for language assistant.
Elena García Marín
1. Where was Mesopotamia located?
Mesopotamia is located in the region of western Asia (at the present moment is Iraq).
2. What does Mesopotamia mean?
Mesopotamia mean “land between two rivers”.
3. What are the names of the two important rivers in Mesopotamia? Why is it called
“Fertile Crescent”?
The two important Mesopotamia’s rivers are Tigris and Euphrates. It is called “Fertile
Crescent” because it had the rich soil to cultivate.
4. Name three things invented by the Mesopotamians
They invented a lot of thigs as cities, temples, writing, canals, mathematics, astronomy and
5. What type of writing was used in Mesopotamia?
The Mesopotamian writing is called “cuneiform”.
6. Did they use paper to write? Where did they write on?
They did not write on paper, they wrote on clay tablets.
7. Who was Hammurabi?
Hammurabi was a powerful king who wrote the first code of law in the world.
8. What is polytheism?
Polytheism is to believe in many gods and goddesses
9. What is a “ziggurat”?
Ziggurat is the name of the Mesopotamian temple. It is massive, tiered, pyramid shaped
10. Write the name of some important towns in Mesopotamia
Some important towns in Mesopotamia were Ur, Uruk, Kish and Lagesh.
1º ESO GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: Guide for language assistant.
Elena García Marín
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers begin in eastern Turkey, flow in a southeast
direction, converge in southeast Iraq, and empty in the Persian Gulf. In ancient times,
the land between the twin rivers was called Mesopotamia which was the site of the
world's first civilization.
Mesopotamia means "the land between the rivers" or "the land between the two
rivers." This was the site of the world's first civilization, Sumer.
Mesopotamia is often referred to as the "cradle of civilization" because the world's
first civilization occurred there.
Sumer was the world's first civilization. It was located in the southern area of
Mesopotamia where the twin rivers converged. The people who lived in this area were
called Sumerians.
In order to control the destructive seasonal flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers, the ancient Sumerians constructed levees, or raised areas of earth, in order
to hold back the floodwaters.
The ancient Sumerians irrigated, or watered, their crops by using a system of
irrigation canals. By devising such a irrigation system, the ancient Sumerians were
able to successfully establish a permanent civilization.
The ancient Sumerians organized themselves into competing city-states. A Sumerian
city-state consisted of the city, the surrounding mud brick wall, and the surrounding
The ziggurat was a temple. It was located in the center of each Sumerian city-state.
It housed the city-state's patron god. The term ziggurat means "mountain of god" or
"hill of heaven." Since the ziggurat was a sacred place, only priests could enter it.
1º ESO GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: Guide for language assistant.
Elena García Marín
The ancient Sumerians created the world's first writing system known as cuneiform.
The term cuneiform means "wedge-shaped." Sumerian writing is wedge-shaped
because of the the type of instrument that was used to create it.
The ancient Sumerians used a stylus to write. A stylus is a wedge-shaped instrument
made out of reed. The Sumerians wrote on wet clay tablets with a stylus.
An edubba is a Sumerian school where young boys learned reading, writing, and
After graduating from a Sumerian school, a young man became a scribe, or a writer.
In early ancient Sumerian history, the powerful priests were also the kings of the
Gilgamesh is one of ancient Mesopotamia's most legendary historical figures. He was
a heroical priest-king from the Sumerian city-state of Uruk.
An empire is a collection of kingdoms under the power of one powerful ruler.
Around 2300 B.C., Sargon I created the world's first empire in the area of ancient
Mesopotamia. Since he was from the northern reaches of Mesopotamia known as
Akkad, the world's first empire was Akkadian.
About 1800 B.C., the Amorites moved into Mesopotamia. They established their own
city-states, and Hammurabi was the king of Babylon. He conquered the Akkadians and
ruled all of Mesopotamia. His reign is often described as the "Golden Age of
Babylon"because he established many new reforms.