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Lucas Manuel Cabello Geisler Formal Education: ● Universidad de Chile​ ​(2014­present) Relevant CS courses at Universidad de Chile: ●
CC1000 Herramientas Computacionales para Ingeniería y Ciencias: Computational tools for engineering (2014) CC1001 Computación I: Programming in python (2014)
CC3001 Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos: Algorithms and data structures (2014) CC3101 Matemáticas Discretas para la Computación: Discrete Mathematics for CS (2014) CC4003 Taller de Programación: Competitive programming (2014, 2015) EI2001 Taller de Proyecto: Software development for Lego robots (2015) CC3201 Bases de Datos: Databases (2015) CC3301 Programación de Software de Sistemas: Systems Programming (2015) CC3002 Metodologías de Diseño y Programación: Design and Programming Methodologies (2016) CC3102 Teoría de la Computación: Theory of Computation (2016) CC5206 Introducción a la Minería de Datos: Introduction to Data Mining (2016) CC5502 Geometría Computacional: Computational Geometry (2016) ​
Extracurricular Courses: ●
PentaUC: Two week Java programming course in Universidad Católica (2009) PentaUC: Two week digital art course using Context Free and Structure Synth in Universidad Católica (2011) EDV Matemática I: Three week math course in Universidad de Chile (2012) TRM I: One year math reasoning course in Universidad Católica (2012) EDV Computación I: Three week Python programming course in Universidad de Chile (2013) TRM II: One year math reasoning course in Universidad Católica (2013) EDV Computación II: Three week Python programming course in Universidad de Chile (2014) ICPCCL: Competitive programming training camp (2015 and 2016) Escola de Verão da Maratona de Programação:
Competitive programming training camp in Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2016) Work Experience: ●
Taught basic C++ at Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera (high school) for one semester (2014) Developer for Hour of Code Chile, worked on game used by over 30000 Chilean students (2015) Internship at Behaviour Interactive, worked on a videogame as a software engineer (2016) Teacher’s Aide in Competitive Programming class at Universidad de Chile (2016) Awards/Competitions: ●
OCI: Bronze medal in the first version of the Chilean Informatics Olympiad (2013) OCI: Bronze medal, Classified for IOI in the second version of the Chilean Informatics Olympiad (2013) IOI Taiwan: Participation in International Olympiad in Informatics (2014) ACM­ICPC: Fourth place in Chile for Regional Competition (2014) ACM­ICPC: Fourth place in Chile for Regional Competition (2015) Languages ● Native Spanish ● Native English