Download Jesús Peiró
Jesús Peiró-Palomino Position and Affiliation Lecturer (Ayudante Doctor) in Economics Departamento de Economía (Department of Economics) Jaume I University Address Departamento de Economía Facultat de Ciències Jurídiques I Econòmiques Avenida de Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n, 12071 Castellón Spain Em ail: W ebpage: Phone: + 34 96 472 85 92 Education 2014 UNIVERSITY JAUME I Ph.D. in Economics, with honors. 2012 UNIVERSITY JAUME I & U N I V E R S I T Y O F V A L E N C I A Master in Economic Integration. 2010 UNIVERSITY JAUME I BA Degree in Business Administration. Academic Positions Junior doctor, Department of Applied Economics II, University of Valencia (Nov/14 Aug/16) Pre-doctoral fellow, Department of Economics, University Jaume I, (Mar/11 - Oct/14) Visiting professor, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University (Denmark). (Sep/13–Dec/13) Research Interests Growth and convergence Regional economics Social capital 1 Articles in English European regional convergence revisited: the role of intangible assets, The Annals of Regional Science, (2016), 57 (1), 165-194 Social capital and economic growth in Europe: nonlinear trends and heterogeneous regional effects, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, (2016), 78 (5), 717-751 Does social capital matter for European regional growth?, European Economic Review, (2015), 77, 47-64, with A. Forte and E. Tortosa-Ausina Social capital, investment and economic growth: some evidence for Spanish provinces, Spatial Economic Analysis, (2015), 10(1), 102-126, with E. Tortosa-Ausina Can trust effects on development be generalized? A response by quantile, European Journal of Political Economy, (2013) 32, 377-390, with E. Tortosa-Ausina Book Chapters Industrias de servicios creativos y productividad del trabajo en las regiones de la Unión Europea, in La Economía de las Actividades Creativas: Una Perspectiva desde España y América Latina, (2017), Cuadrado, J.R. and Valdivia, M. (ed.), forthcoming, with R. Boix Social capital and income convergence in European regions, in Handbook of Regional Development and Social Capital, (2016), Chapter 12, 321-355, Weslund, H. and Larsson, J.P. (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, with E. Tortosa-Ausina Conferences, Workshops and Invited Seminars Inv. seminar Dept. of Business Administration, Jaume I University (Castellón, Feb/17) XLII International Conference on Regional Science (Santiago de Compostela, next Nov/16) 4th International Workshop of Computational Economics and Finance (Paris, Apr/16) International Finance and Banking Society Conference (Barcelona, Jun/16) Inv. seminar Dept. of Business Administration, Jaume I University (Castellón, Feb/16) Inv. seminar Dept. of Economic Analysis, University of Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Jan/16) XII Inteco Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Nov/15) 2 XLI International Conference on Regional Science (Reus, Nov/15) Workshop on Regional Economy and Creative Industries (Alcalá de Henares, Jun/15) Workshop on Clusters and Industrial Districts (Valencia, May/15) XL International International Regional Science (Zaragoza, Nov/14) XI Inteco Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Nov/14) Workshop on Social Capital, Institutions and Economic Development (Valencia, Oct/14) XI Workshop on Social Economy (Forlí-Bologna, Jun/14) XVII Applied Economics Meeting (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Jun/14) Inv. seminar Dept. of Economic Analysis University of Valencia (Valencia, Mar/14) XXXVIII Symposium of Economic Analysis (Santander, Dec/13) Inv. seminar IVIE (Valencia, Jul/13) 4th IIPPE Conference (The Hague, Jul/13) Inv. seminar Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (Toulouse, Jun/13) Inv. seminar Dept. of Economics Public University of Navarre (Pamplona, Jun/13) XVI Applied Economics Meeting (Granada, Jun/13) XXXVII Symposium of Economic Analysis (Vigo, Dec/12) XXXVIII International Conference on Regional Science (Bilbao, Nov/12) XIX Inteco Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Nov/12) Workshop on Creativity Networks and Clusters (Castellón de la Plana, Nov/12) XV Applied Economics Meeting (A Coruña, Jun/12) VIII Inteco Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Nov/11) III Jornada Nacional sobre Estudios Universitarios (Castellón de la Plana, Jun/11) Research Projects Spanish National Plan Cambio de ciclo económico y evaluación de las organizaciones: instituciones financieras y sector público (ECO2014/55221-P) Evaluación de la eficiciencia y la productividad de las organizaciones en un contexto de crisis económica: instituciones financieras y sector público (ECO2011/27227) Valencian Regional Plan PROMETEOII2014/053 Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE) Cuentas de la educación en España y sus CC.AA. Mar/14-May/15 3 Referee for BBVA Foundation, Review of International Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 4