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CURSO DE HEPATOLOGÍA BÁSICA Y TRANSLACIONAL: “Bioingeniería aplicada a la hepatología” Del “Hígado en un Chip” al hígado bioartificial. Rosa Villa Grupo Aplicaciones Biomédicas (IMB-CNM, CSIC) Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial Multiscale tissue engineering for liver reconstruction Organogenesis.2014 R Sudo. Keio University;; Yokohama, Japan Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial MICROELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial LAB ON A CHIP MICROFLUIDICS DEVICES, MICRO TOTAL ANALYSIS SYSTEMS (µ-TAS) Microfluidic diagnostic technologies for global public health. Nature. 2006 Jul Yager et als. University of Washington Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial ORGAN ON A CHIP + q The convergence of Lab-on-Chips and cell biology has permitted the study of human physiology in an organ-specific context, introducing a novel model of in vitro multicellular human organisms. q An Organ-on-a-Chip is a multi-channel 3-D microfluidic cell culture chip that simulates the activities, mechanics and physiological response of entire organs and organ systems. Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial ORGAN ON A CHIP Lung on chip. Huh et al., Nature Protocols 2012 Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial ORGAN ON A CHIP Microfluidic devices have been developed to investigate the biological responses of cells and tissues to various mechanical stimuli. Microfluidic platforms for mechanobiology. Lab on a chip. 2013 Polacheck WJ. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial LIVER ON A CHIP Adams et al. Nature Reviews Immunology 6, 244–251 (March 2006) | 0.1-‐ 0.5 dyne/cm2 A biologically inspired liver sinusoid with a microfluidic endothelial-‐like barrier (a) A SEM micrograph depicts the microflui dic sinus oid unit. (b) A cord of hepatocytes in the cell area region of the device is fed nutrients across the endothelial-‐like barrier via convective flow as media is fed through the outer flow channels. This device sustained rat and human hepatocytes for 7 days without the introduction of exogenous matrix Architecture of Liver Sinusoid. The 3-D BIOMIMETIC LIVER Device Physiologies to Captute • • • • • Cellular Mechanisms of Action Albumin, Urea, LDH leakage, Glucosa Drug metabolism Zonation (O2, chemical) Bile Production (a) Results of cell alignment and culture. a Aligned cells in two lines like a hepatic cord. (b) Bile canaliculi formation in the cell culture area. Hepatocytes formed bile canaliculi along the hepatic cord-‐like structure. (c) Control experiment in a 24 well plate. Bile canaliculi were formed randomly in the well plate. LP Lee Bile canaliculi formation by aligning rat primary hepatocytes in a microfluidic device Biomicrofluidics 5, 022212 (2011) Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial LIVER ON A CHIP Identification of the four types of mouse hepatic cells in an in vitro 3D liver sinusoid liver chip cultured for 1 day. A–D. Immunostaining of respective biomarkers for the distinct types of cells. Hepatocytes stained with E-‐cadherin (red), CK pan (green) and nucleus (blue ) are closely seeded in the lower channel of the assemble d liver chip. Intriguingly, co-‐culture and shear flow enhance albumin secretion independently or cooperatively, while shear flow alone enhances HGF production and CYP450 metabolism. Mimicking liver sinusoidal structures and functions using a 3D-configured microfluidic chip. Lab Chip 2017 M. Long et als. University of Chinese Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial X Retina on a chip Biomedical Applications Group Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial 2015 2016-‐2017 Patent: EP14157145.5 lla X, Vila S, Yeste J, Peralta C, Gracia-Sancho J, Villa R A Novel Modular Bioreactor to In Vitro Study the Hepatic Sinusoid Plos One 9 (2014) e111864 Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial LIVER ON A CHIP (a) (b) (c) Excretory function (d) (e) CYP3A4 Activity MAINTENANCE OF HEPATOCYTE P HENOTYPE IN VITRO HUMAN 3 -‐7 DAYS Gene e xpression (lost prevention) Dr. J. Gracia-Sancho Liver Vascular Biology Research Group Gene e xpression (gain prevention) Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial LIVER ON A CHIP 1. 2. 3. 4. Drug development and targeting Human disease modeling Personalized medicine Artificial Liver or support Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial Microbioreactor systems 3D printing technologies The LiverChip® is a multiwell liver-‐on-‐a-‐chi p device that enables extended (>1 month) maintenan ce of phenotypically intact three-‐dimensional primary human liver cells. It consists of fluidically isolated wells that house scaffolds for cells to adhere to and culture in perfused conditions. Primary rat hepatocytes and stabilizing stromal fibroblasts in agarose gels. Cells survive at t he gel perimeter and near perfused channels ( 8 days od culture) L.G. Griffith Perfused multiwell plate for 3D liver tissue engineering Lab Chip, 10 (2010) S. Bathia Rapid casting of patterned vascular networks for perfusable engineered 3D tissues. Nat Mater. (2012) . MIT. Microfabricated hydrogel s. Takeuchi Metre-long cell-laden microfibres exhibit tissue morphologies and functions Nature Materials 12 (2013) Del hígado en un chip al hígado bioartificial GRACIAS!!