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género Python ¿Tienes alguna duda, sugerencia o corrección acerca de este taxón? Envíanosla y con gusto la atenderemos. Ver todas las fotos etiquetadas con Python en Banco de Imagénes » Descripción de EOL Ver en EOL (inglés) → Functional adaptation 1 Jaw swal l ows l arge p rey: p yth on s The jaws of pythons allow the snakes to swallow huge prey because of their multibar linkages. Modify > Modify physical state > Size/shape/mass/volume Get, store, or distribute resources > Capture, absorb, or filter > Organisms "We mammals make no great use of multibar linkages, but a lot of other vertebrates depend on them. The most famous are snakes that can swallow items of prey whose diameters and cross sections exceed those of themselves. How pythons (genus Python ) manage was carefully analyzed by Frazzetta (1966), who regarded their skull and jaws as linkages with no fewer than eight bars. Such snakes use two such linkages, one on each side of the head, with a lot of flexibility in between. The setup permits the mouth to gape sufficiently to accommodate huge prey, which then get digested at leisure." (Vogel 2003:400401) Learn more about this functional adaptation. Statistics of barcoding coverage 2 Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats Specimen Records:25 Specimens with Sequences:32 Specimens with Barcodes:21 Species:7 Species With Barcodes:7 Public Records:8 Public Species:5 Public BINs:3 References 1. © The Biomimicry Institute, some rights reserved 2. © Barcode of Life Data Systems, some rights reserved