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JALISCO BASIC ECONOMIC INFORMATION • Population 6,322,002 inhabitants (2000) • Labor force 2,753,653 inhabitants (2000) • GDP 346,685,277 (figure in thousand pesos, 2001). • Main economic activities Electronics, computer science, telecommunications, footwear, confectionery, jewelry, agriculture. • Main companies Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, Cervecería Modelo de Guadalajara, Celanese Mexicana, Cementos Guadalajara, Convertidora Industrial, Farmacias Guadalajara, Grupo Embotelladoras Unidas, Hewlett Packard, Hilasal Mexicana, Honda, IBM, Kodak, Laboratorios Nordin, Source: Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico del Estado de Jalisco. INFRASTRUCTURE • Airports Two International Airports: Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta • Highways 24,595.52 km Link to SCT: • Railway Network 1,153.22 km • Ports Puerto Vallarta • Industrial parks 20 industrial parks in the Metropolitan zone of Guadalajara and 12 inside the State. TRADE (2002, in thousand dollars) • • Total trade Total trade with US 18,997,752 12,359,444 • • • Exports Maquila Non maquila 10,075,848 4,993,264 5,082,585 • • • • Imports Definitive imports Temporary imports Maquila 8,921,904 2,917,776 2,699,394 3,304,733 Source: Secretaría de Economía, with data from Banco de México Link to State Government web page: SUPPORTS AND INCENTIVES FOR INVESTORS After analyzing the positive effects that new investments have, the state government can resign temporarily to the collection of diverse taxes, with the purpose of allowing a better initial development to the newly established companies. Investors are guided in their processes of proceeding beyond diverse governmental instances to accelerate their installation and opening. In all cases, new investments are analyzed with a socioeconomic criteria.