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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKBOJBotanical Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4074The Linnean Society of London, 2003? 2003
Original Article
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143, 449–451.
Preliminary checklist of the orchids of Chile
Instituto de Botánica, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile
Received March 2002; accepted for publication July 2003
This article provides a preliminary checklist of the orchids occurring in Chile, based on historical and recently published literature. Data compilation was assisted by using databases available on the Web (IPNI, W3Tropicos and KR).
The list comprises seven genera (Aa, Bipinnula, Brachystele, Chloraea, Codonorchis, Gavilea and Habenaria) and 50
taxa (49 species and one variety), 25 of which are believed to be endemic to Chile. It includes the publication of a new
combination, Gavilea feuilleana comb. nov. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the
Linnean Society, 2003, 143, 449-451.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Aa – Bipinnula – Brachystele – Chloraea – Codonorchis – Gavilea – Habenaria
– Orchidaceae.
Chilean orchids have hitherto received little attention,
largely due to unclear taxonomy and lack of specialists
working on the group. Even quite basic information
concerning orchid biology, ecology and conservation, as
well as taxonomy, is still lacking. Recently, because of
their horticultural potential, interest has increased
and investigations are currently proceeding into
clonal propagation, flowering patterns and mycorrhizal associations.
With the exception of the research into Argentinian
orchids conducted by Correa (1956, 1968, 1969a,b),
studies of the taxonomy of Chilean orchids date from
the mid-19th and early 20th centuries (e.g. Poeppig,
1833; Richard, 1852; Reiche, 1910). Since that time, no
further work has been undertaken . The only list of
Chilean orchids currently available is that included in
the catalogue prepared by Marticorena & Quezada
(1985) that lists all vascular plants occurring in the
country. Providing an updated and usable checklist
will help contribute to forthcoming research into taxonomic and other aspects of Chilean orchids.
The preliminary list presented in this paper is
based on both historical and recently published
*Present address. Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology
and Evolution, Massey University, Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand. E-mail:
literature. Data compilation was assisted by
consulting databases available on the Web, including International Plant Names Index (IPNI) (http://, Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature
( and
W3Tropicos ( The species
included and the names considered valid are based on
current information and the experience gained by the
author working in the field. The list comprises 50 taxa
(49 species and one variety), 25 of which are believed
to be endemic to Chile (Table 1).
N: native to Chile. E: endemic to Chile
Aa Rchb. f.
Number of species: 1
nervosa (Kraenzl.) Schltr. 1912. Repert. Spec. Nov.
Regni Veg. 11 : 150. .................................................N
Bipinnula Comm. ex Juss.
Number of species: 4
fimbriata (Poepp.) Johnst. 1929. Contr. Gray Herb.
85: 28 ........................................................................ E
plumosa Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts.
1: 51 .......................................................................... E
taltalensis Johnst. 1929. Contr. Gray Herb.
85: 27. ...................................................................... E
volckmannii Kraenzl. 1903. Orchid. Gen.
Sp. 2: 22 .................................................................... E
© 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143, 449–451
Brachystele Schltr.
Number of species: 1
unilateralis (Poir.) Schltr. 1920. Beih. Bot. Centralbl.
37 (2): 374................................................................. N
Codonorchis Lindl.
Number of species: 1
lessonii (Brongn.) Lindl. 1840. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.
411 ............................................................................ N
Chloraea Lindl.
Number of taxa: 30
alpina Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 17 ................. N
apinnula (Gosewijn) Szlach. 2001. Polish Bot. J.
46 (1): 20................................................................... E
barbata Lindl. 1834. J. Bot. 1: 5 ............................. N
bidentata (Poepp. et Endl.) M. N. Correa 1969.
Darwiniana 15: 395 ................................................. N
bletioides Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts
1: 50 .......................................................................... E
chica Speg. et Kraenzl. 1902. Anales Mus. Nac.
Buenos Aires 7 (3–4): 167 ........................................ N
chrysantha Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 15 ......... E
crispa Lindl. 1840. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 401.......... E
cristata Lindl. 1834. J. Bot. 1: 4.............................. E
cuneata Lindl. 1840. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 400 ....... E
cylindrostachya Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn.
Pl. 15......................................................................... N
disoides Lindl. var. disoides 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit.
Arts 1: 47 .................................................................. E
disoides Lindl. var. picta (Phil. ex Kraenzl.) M. N.
Correa. 1969. Darwiniana 15: 439 ......................... N
galeata Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts 48 ...... E
gaudichaudii Brongn. 1829. Voy. Monde,
Phan. 189 ................................................................. N
gavilu Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts
1: 48 .......................................................................... E
grandiflora Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl.14 .......... E
heteroglossa Rchb. f. 1849. Linnaea 22: 863 .......... E
lamellata Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts
1: 49 .......................................................................... E
lechleri Lindl. ex Kraenzl. 1904. Orchid. Gen. Sp
2: 96 .......................................................................... N
longipetala Lindl. 1840. Gen. Sp. Orchid.
Pl. 400....................................................................... E
magellanica Hook. f. 1847. Fl. Antarct 2: 350 ....... N
multiflora Lindl. 1827. Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts
1: 49 .......................................................................... E
nudilabia Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 16 ........... E
philippii Rchb. f. 1849. Linnaea 22: 863 ................ N
prodigiosa Rchb. f. 1849. Linnaea 22: 863 ............. E
speciosa Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 14 .............. N
virescens (Willd.) Lindl. 1827 (non 1840). Quart. J.
Sci. Lit. Arts 51 ........................................................ N
viridiflora Poepp. 1833. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 14 ........... N
volckmanii Phil. ex Kraenzl. 1904. Orchid. Gen. Sp.
2: 121 ........................................................................ N
Gavilea Poepp.
Number of species: 12
araucana (Phil.) M. N. Correa. 1956. Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 6 (2): 82 ............................................... N
australis (Skottsb.) M. N. Correa. 1956. Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 6 (2): 77 ............................................... N
cardioglossa (Reiche) Martic. 2000. Gayana Bot.
57 (2): 192 ................................................................. E
feuilleana (Kraenzl.) C. A. Lehnebach
comb. nov................................................................ E
glandulifera (Poepp.) M. N. Correa. 1956. Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 6 (2): 75 ............................................... N
insularis M. N. Correa. 1968. Revista Mus. La Plata,
Secc. Bot. 11: 75........................................................ E
kingii (Hook. f) M. N. Correa. 1956. Bol. Soc. Argent.
Bot. 6 (2): 85 ............................................................ N
leucantha Poepp. 1883. Fragm. Syn. Pl. 18............E
litoralis (Phil.) M. N. Correa. 1969. Fl. Patagonica,
Colecc. Ci. Institute Nac. Tecnol. Agropecu.
8 (2): 195 .................................................................. N
longibracteata (Lindl.) Sparre ex L.E. Navas. 1973.
Fl. Cuenca de Santiago de Chile, 1: 180.................E
lutea (Pers.) M. N. Correa. 1956. Bol. Soc. Argent.
Bot. 6 (2): 78 ............................................................ N
odoratissima Poepp. 1833. Frag. Syn. Pl. 19 ......... N
Habenaria Willd.
Number of species: 1
paucifolia Lindl. 1835. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 31..... N
Basionym: Asarca feuilleana Kraenzl. 1904. Orchid.
Gen. Sp. 2: 36.
This rather distinctive species has been overlooked for
years and not included in any list of Chilean plants
before, perhaps because of the lack of subsequent col-
Table 1. Statistics on the Chilean orchid flora derived
from species included in this list. Number of taxa (A) native
and (B) endemic to Chile
© 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143, 449–451
lections after its description or incorrect identification
when collected. Kraenzlin (1903-04) states the
unknown provenance of the type specimen he studied.
Currently, the species has been recorded by the author
in provinces of southern Chile (39–40∞S). A voucher
specimen is deposited in the herbarium of the Instituto de Botánica (VALD), Universidad Austral de
Chile, Valdivia, Chile (CHILE, X Región, Prov. de
Valdivia, Valdivia, Llancahue, October 1998, Lehnebach s/n).
The following taxa are not included in the list
because their species status is doubtful or because
their occurrence in the country is uncertain.
deflexa Ravenna. 2001. Onira, Bot. Leafl.
5(12): 45.................................................................... E
major Ravenna. 2001. Onira, Bot. Leafl.
5(12): 46.................................................................... E
tectata Ravenna. 2001. Onira, Bot. Leafl.
5(12): 44.................................................................... E
multilineolata C. Schweinf. 1941. Bot. Mus. Leafl.
9: 57 .......................................................................... N
This last species, originally reported for the south of
Perú, has only been recorded once in Chile (Parra &
Rodríguez, 1994). I am not aware of the existence of a
voucher specimen collected by these authors to support its occurrence in the country.
Thanks are due to the following: Dr Mark Large for
advice and comments on an earlier draft of this article;
Dr M. Riveros, Dr D. Szlachetko and Biblioteca del
Instituto Darwinion (Argentina) for supply of bibliographic material. This paper was originally submitted
to Lindleyana.
Brongniart A. 1829. Phanerogamie. In: Duperrey, LI. Voyage
autour du Monde,Vol. 2. Paris.
Correa MN. 1956. Las especies argentinas del género Gavilea.
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 6: 73–86.
Correa MN. 1968. Una nueva especie del género Gavilea
(Orchidaceae). Revista del Museo de la Plata, Sección
Botánica 11: 75–77.
Correa MN. 1969a. Chloraea, género sudamericano de Orchidaceae. Darwiniana 15: 374–500.
Correa MN. 1969b. Orchidaceae. In: Correa MN, ed. Flora
Patagónica, Vol. 2. Buenos Aires: INTA.
Hooker JD. 1847. Flora Antarctica 2, 209–574.
Johnston IM. 1929. Papers on the Flora of Northern Chile.
Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 85: 27–28.
Kraenzlin F. 1903–04. Orchidacearum Genera et Species 2, 1–
Lindley J. 1827. Remarks upon the orchidaceous plants of
Chile. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts I.
Lindley J. 1834. Catalogue of the Orchideae in Mr. Cuming’s
collection of South American plants. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign I: 4–8.
Lindley J. 1840. The genera and species of orchidaceous
Plants, London.
Marticorena C. 2000. Nuevos nombres y nuevas combinaciones en la flora de Chile. Gayana Botánica 57: 191–192.
Marticorena C, Quezada M. 1985. Catálogo de la flora vascular de Chile. Gayana Botánica 42: 1–115.
Navas LE. 1973. Flora de la Cuenca de Santiago de Chile. I.
Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Monocotyledoneae. Santiago:
Ediciones Universidad de Chile.
Parra B, Rodríguez S. 1994. Orquídeas de las provincias de
Valparaíso y Quillota. IX. Reunión Nacional de Botánica, 21–
24 Septiembre. Valdivia, Chile.
Poeppig E. 1833. Fragmentum Synopseos Plantarum Phanerogamum. Leipzig.
Ravenna P. 2001. New or noteworthy Chloraea species
(Orchidaceae). Onira, Botanical Leaflets 5: 44–47.
Reiche C. 1910. Orchidaceae Chilenses. Anales del Museo
Nacional de Santiago de Chile, Sección 2, Botánica, entrega
18: 1–88.
Reichenbach L. 1849. Orchidiograpische Beitrage. Linnaea
22: 861–864.
Richard A. 1852. Orquídeas de Chile. In: Gay C. Flora de
Chile, Vol. 5. Santiago.
Schlechter F. 1912. Die Orchidaceen-Gattungen Altensteinia
H.B. et Kth., Aa Rchb. f. und Myrosmodes Rchb. F. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 11: 147–150.
Schlechter F. 1920. Versuch einer systematischen Neuordung der Spiranthinae. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 37: 317–454.
Szlachetko DL. 2001. Genera et Species Orchidalium. I. Polish Botanical Journal 46: 11–26.
© 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143, 449–451