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MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 UNIT 2. WHAT CAN YOU DO? y MISCELLANEA y Tareas y habilidades 1. Relaciona los siguientes trabajos con las tareas o habilidades que les corresponden. Pilots participate in fashion shows. A bodyguard coordinate a group of workers. Cowboys fly any kind of plane. Directors Secretaries can plumb in a dishwasher. shot at any suspicious person. Plumbers read and write more than one language. A model ride horses and gather the cattle. A translator type very fast. 2. A continuación, escribe las frases en su forma negativa. 1. Pilots can not / can’t fly any kind of planes. 2. _____________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________________________ El pasado del verbo ‘To be’ (SER/ESTAR) - Como puedes observar en la tabla sólo hay dos formas distintas was / were. - La negación se consigue añadiendo la partícula negativa not al verbo. La interrogación se hace invirtiendo el orden del sujeto y el verbo. Afirmación Negación Interrogación I was I was not (wasn't) was I? you were you were not (weren't) were you? he/she/it was he/she it was not (wasn't) was he/she/it? we were we were not (weren't) were we? you were you were not (weren't) were you? they were they were not (weren't) were they? Página 1 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 y TEXT y Can Este verbo pertenece al grupo de los verbos modales, que se caracterizan por un número de rasgos específicos. Estos son: - Todos los verbos modales son auxiliares; es decir, hacen la negación y la interrogación por sí mismos. - Tienen una única forma para todas las personas; la tercera persona del singular no cambia, como ocurre en el presente simple. - Carecen de forma de infinitivo, participio y gerundio. - Siempre van seguidos de otro verbo en forma de infinitivo sin la partícula to. (Ejemplo con ‘go’.) Afirmación I can go you can go he/she/it can go we can go you can go they can go Negación I cannot (can't) go you cannot (can't) go he/she/it cannot (can't) go we cannot (can't) go you cannot (can't) go they cannot (can't) go Interrogación can I go? can you go? can he/she/it go? can we go? can you go? can they go? - El significado de este verbo es poder y puede expresar posibilidad, permiso, capacidad o habilidad. Ejemplos: He can't come this evening. Can I go to the toilet? (2) (1) - posibilidad. – permiso. I can speak three languages. He can eat a whole chicken. (3) (4) – habilidad. – capacidad. 3. ¿Podrías traducir los ejemplos expuestos? 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________ y Could Ésta es la forma del pasado del verbo can. Se utiliza para hablar de nuestras capacidades en el pasado; es decir de lo que sabíamos o podíamos, o no, hacer. Página 2 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 Como puedes observar en la tabla, existe una única conjugación para todas las personas. Afirmación Negación Interrogación I could I could not (couldn't) could I? you could you could not (couldn't) could you? he/she/it could he/she/it could not (couldn't) could he/she/it? we could we could not (couldn't) could we? you could you could not (couldn't) could you? they could they could not (couldn't) could they? He couldn’t come last evening. (1) - posibilidad. I could speak three languages. (2) – habilidad. He could eat a whole chicken. (3) – capacidad. 4. ¿Podrías traducir los ejemplos expuestos? 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ 5. Listening. ‘English lesson’. Escucha a los compañeros de clase de Lidia hablar acerca de las cosas que saben y no saben hacer. Sarah: Good morning, everybody. OK... Yesterday’s lesson was about the verb ‘can’. Let’s see what you can remember! Claudia, you’re from Italy, so you can speak Italian. Can you speak any other languages? Claudia: I can speak Italian, I can speak French, but I can’t speak English. Sarah: Well, you can speak a little English, mmm, O.K. Let’s see... Jaan, you are an artist. What can you do in your job? Jaan: Well, I’m a fashion designer so I can draw, I can create original clothes and I can take pictures of my models too! Sarah: Thank you, Jaan. Now, Natalie, you play the piano in a pop group. Can you play any other instruments, the drums, for example? Christine: Well, I can’t play the drums but I can play the guitar and the violin too. Lidia: I can play the guitar, too. Do you sing in the group, Natalie? Christine: Heavens, certainly not! I can’t sing. I’m a very bad singer. Sarah: Orlando, what can you explain about yourself? Orlando: Well, I work for a very important computer company. I can design games for children, programmes for other companies and I can compose music on the computer. Página 3 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 Sarah: That’s very interesting. Thanks, Orlando. Now, can any of you explain the rules for this verb? Dímitra? Dímitra: No, I’m afraid I can’t. Sarah: Akís? Akís: Well, I can use this verb and understand its meaning, er, but I’m afraid I can’t explain the rules. 6. Escribe algunas oraciones acerca de las habilidades de los compañeros de clase de Lidia. Ejemplo: Claudia can speak Italian and French, but she can’t speak English. 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Te presentamos algunos anuncios de prensa con diferentes ofertas de trabajo. Imagínate que te estás buscando trabajo. Decide cuál te interesa más y explica las razones. I think I would be suitable for job number _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Página 4 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Rellena los huecos con la forma correcta de los verbos To be (am, is, are, was, were) y Can (can, could), ya sea en afirmativa, interrogativa o negativa: 1. _________ you swim when you ________ six years old? 2. (on the phone) I _______ sorry, Jim _______ here at the moment; he ______ at work now, but you _______ phone him home after 6 p.m. 3. Where _______ you yesterday afternoon? - I _______ out for lunch with a friend. 4. Excuse me, ______ you tell me the time? It ______ a quarter past three. 5. Peter and I ______ in the library on Saturday but we ______ study because it ______ very hot. y VOCABULARY y Vocabulario relacionado con el trabajo Empresario Employer Empleado Employee Trabajador, productor, obrero Worker Aprendiz Trainee, apprentice Personal Staff Agencia de colocaciones Employment Bureau, agency Trabajo Work Empleo, puesto de trabajo Employment, job Oficio Trade; Craft Colocación Situation, post Profesión Profesión, occupation Empleo de media jornada Part-time employment, part-time job Accidente de trabajo Industrial accident Contrato Work contract Huelga Strike Sueldo, salario Salary, pay, wage Jornal Daily wages Parado Unemployed person Página 5 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 Jobs Meanings Paro; Desempleo ; Desocupación Unemployment Salario mínimo Minimum Wage Contratar To employ Despedir To dismiss, to fire Solicitar un empleo To apply for a job Página 6 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 Electrician Electricista Engineer Ingeniero Farmer Granjero Fisherman Pescador Fishmonger Pescadero Hairdresser Peluquero Head teacher Director de colegio Jeweller Joyero Journalist Periodista Judge Juez Lawyer Abogado Manager Director Miner Minero Musician Músico Nurse Enfermera Painter Pintor Photographer Fotógrafo Pilot Piloto Plumber Fontanero Police officer, policeman Oficial de policía, policía Politician Político Receptionist Recepcionista Sailor Navegante Salesman/ Saleswoman / Salesperson Vendedor/a, representante Secretary Secretaria Singer Cantante Surgeon Cirujano Teacher Profesor, maestro Travel agent Agente de viajes Waiter / waitress Camarero/a Writer Escritor Página 7 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 y Preposiciones de tiempo PREPOSICIÓN USO - Horas del día at 7 o’clock, at noon at midnight... at on in from - to / until / for at at at at at En las expresiones: the moment the weekend night Easter Christmas... on on on Días y fechas Monday 6 June 1999 Christmas Day in in in in in in in Meses, años, estaciones, y siglos November (the) summer 1955 the 20th century, En las expresiones the morning the afternoon the evening. Periodos de tiempo I work from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening. He isn’t free until this afternoon. She studies for three hours every day y SELF-EVALUATION EXERCISES 9. Escribe preguntas para las siguientes respuestas. 1. ____________________________________________________________? Yes, I can cook all type of pasta dishes and pizza. 2. ____________________________________________________________? I think they weren’t at the party last Saturday. 3. ____________________________________________________________? In fact, I wasn’t on holidays last year because I was ill in hospital. 4. ____________________________________________________________? No, I couldn’t draw very well then but after some classes I am quite good. 5. ____________________________________________________________? Página 8 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 I’m sorry, I can’t speak English. 6. ____________________________________________________________? Your workbook? It was under your bed! 10. ¿Qué pueden y qué no pueden hacer los siguientes animales? Escribe oraciones completas, usando la información adicional. Usa un diccionario si lo necesitas. Example: Polar bears can fish with their paws. 1. Snakes / walk 2. Cheetahs / run 3. Elephants / remember 4. Kangaroos / jump 5. Penguins / fly 6. Cats / see / dark 7. Bats / see 11. Hay errores en cada una de las frases siguientes. Corrígelos. 1. He cans play the guitar and the flute. 2. We don’t be at home in the mornings. 3. They live near of the beach. 4. She don’t like reading very much. Página 9 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 5. When I was eight years old I can swim. 6. Was you good at mathematics at school? 7. My sister not studies at university. 8. I don’t have some coffee for breakfast. 9. Do you can cook ‘paella’? 10. I don’t work for the mornings, I work in the afternoons. 12. Une los verbos de la columna A con los complementos de la columna B. Por ejemplo: Take photographs. A B take y y baseball do y y jogging make y y a bath y photographs play y do y y the beds have y y exercise y breakfast go y catch y y the train take y y the ironing go y y the bus have y y shopping y OPEN EXERCISES EVALUATION 13. Responde a las siguientes preguntas: 1. Where were you yesterday morning? Página 10 MEDIO. UNIDAD 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Could you read at the age of six? _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many languages can you speak? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What day was it yesterday? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. When was your mother born? _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. How do you travel to work? _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. Escribe una breve redacción comparando cómo eres ahora y cómo eras hace algunos años. Usa los verbos ‘To be’ y ‘Can’ en las formas de presente y de pasado. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Página 11