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LUCHA TM HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CREDIT ANALYSIS Last Name(s), First Name, Middle Name Student ID mm/dd/yyyy Student Name: _____________________________________________ ID #________________ Date of Birth: ________________ District ISD District High School District Name: ________________________________________ Campus Name: __________________________________________ 123-456-789 First Name, Last Name CDC# :________________________________ District/Campus Contact Name: __________________________________________ 512-509-9999 Phone:_________________________________ Email:_______________________________ TOTAL CREDITS EARNED 12.5 Semester Grade TEXAS PEIMS # 03100500 03100700 03100600 03101100 English Language Arts English 1 English 2 English 3 English 4 Mathematics Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus 03060201 03010200 03040000 03050000 Science Integrated Physics & Chemistry Biology Chemistry Physics 03220100 03220200 03220300 03220400 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2010-2011 10 11 9 10 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 03320100 03340400 03340100 03330100 03310300 .5 03810100 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 10 9 9 S1 .5 .5 .5 03820101 03860105 03860115 03860125 03241400 S2 89 76 92 81 78 89 76 Matemáticas I & II Matemáticas III PE 1A - Foundations of Personal Fitness 98 70 70 Álgebra 2 Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I & II Física/Química Biología I & II Química I & II Física I & II Social Studies World Geography World History US History US Government Economics Health Health Education Physical Education Team Sports Team Sports Team Sports Speech Communication Applications Technology Applications RECOMMENDED LUCHA™ COURSES FOR CREDIT OR INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT COURSES COMPLETED IN MEXICO Lengua Adicional al Español Inglés I, II, III SA 2009-2010 2010-2011 TEXAS REQUIREMENTS E CREDITS EARNED PL GRADE LEVEL M SCHOOL YEAR MEXICO 80 Historia Universal Economía I & II 85 100 100 Cultura Física y Salud I Educación Física Educación Física Laboratorio de Informática I & II 2008-2009 2009-2010 9 10 1 1 03440200 03480042 Other Languages Spanish 2 Latin 1 100 76 100 81 Español Etimología I & II 2008-2009 9 1 03500100 Fine Arts Art 1 100 100 Expresión y Apreciación Artísticas NOTE: Italicized LUCHA courses are recommended for instructional support. NOTE 2: Álgebra 2 is TEKS aligned; however, no exams are available. TM All contents © 2011 The University of Texas at Austin. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. PG 1 OF 2 LUCHA TM HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CREDIT ANALYSIS Last Name(s), First Name, Middle Name Student Name: ____________________________________________ Semester Grade TEXAS SCHOOL YEAR GRADE LEVEL CREDITS EARNED PEIMS # Student ID mm/dd/yyyy ID # _______________ Date of Birth: _______________ TEXAS COURSE EQUIVALENT S1 S2 MEXICO COURSES COMPLETED IN MEXICO ADDITIONAL COURSES COMPLETED IN MEXICO FOR CREDIT COMMENTS (These courses are to be used for credit, as appropriate.) 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2009-2010 2009-2010 2010-2011 9 9 10 11 10 10 11 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 03380002 03380022 03380032 03380042 12112120 (03380002) (03380022) Special Topics: Social Studies Special Topics: Social Studies Special Topics: Social Studies Special Topics: Social Studies Scientific Research & Design Special Topics: Social Studies Special Topics: Social Studies 100 100 70 75 78 81 75 Historia de México Historia de México Ciencias Sociales I Ciencias Sociales II Artes y Humanidades I Filosofía I Artes y Humanidades II Student Specialization: None Note: Some courses in Mexico are full year courses where only a final grade is given. This grade represents both the semester and the final grade in the course. Note: If the district could provide the student's 8th grade transcript for analysis, the transcript may show that the student has already earned credit for Spanish 1. COURSES ATTEMPTED IN MEXICO — NO CREDITS AWARDED 2008-2009 2009-2010 9 10 12011500 12731100 Keyboarding Career Connection* 50 I 50 Taquimecanografía Orientación Vocacional Note: If District Policy allows, credit may be awarded for Spanish 1 and/or Spanish 2 when a student receives credit for Spanish 3. ( ) indicates PEIMS #s that cannot count for duplicate credit. *Note: Career Connection was taken prior to August 2010. ADDITIONAL COURSES COMPLETED IN MEXICO - NO TEXAS EQUIVALENT COURSE 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 9 9 9 9 90 95 80 85 Signature: ______________________________________________ UT K– 16 LUC H A ™ DI RE C TOR 90 95 80 85 Matemáticas Formación Cívica y Ética Lengua Extranjera Asignatura Opcional Date: _______________________ All contents © 2011 The University of Texas at Austin. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. PG 2 OF 2