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VERBO AUXILIAR TO BE = SER O ESTAR TO BE = AM, IS, ARE…… PERSONAL PRONOUNS I = Yo You = Tu, Ud, Uds. El verbo To be (ser, o estar) para conjugarse con los pronombres cambia a : Am, Is , Are… Estas formas le corresponden a los pronombres personales… de la siguiente forma: Afirmative: I . Am HE = Él You She = Ella We It = Eso , Esto They We = Nosotros (as) He They = ellos, ellas She It are is Negative : I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We aren´t Interrogative: Interrogative negative am I ? Am I not ? Are you ? Are not you ? Is he ? Is not he ? Is she ? Isn´t she ? Is it ? Is not it ? Are we ? Aren´t we ? Are they ? Are not they ? They are not Is it a house ? Is not she a doctor? Are they girls? Yes it is a house No they aren´t girls Yes it is. They are boys No, she is not a doctor. She is a student Change next sentences to They are apples and oranges - , ? , ?- She is a woman It is a blue car It is a big desk We are boys He is a teacher GERUNDIO EL GERUNDIO DE LOS VERBOS SE FORMA AGREGANDO ING AL INFINITIVO, SUPRIMIENDO LA PARTICULA TO. EJEMPLO: TO GO = IR GOING = IENDO TO WORK WORKING EN CASTELLANO ESTA TERMINACION (ING) CORRESPONDE A LOS SUFIJOS ANDO O IENDO. PARA AGREGAR DICHA TERMINACION A LOS VERBOS TENEMOS CIERTAS REGLAS: 1. SI EL VERBO TERMINA EN E SE SUPRIME LA E ANTES DE AGREGAR ING. EJEMPLO : TO TAKE TAKING TOMAR, LLEVAR 2. TOMANDO, LLEVANDO VERBOS MONOSILABOS QUE TERMNAN EN UNA SOLA CONSONANTE, PRECEDIDA DE UNA SOLA VOCAL, DUPLICARA LA CONSONANTE FINAL ANTES DE AGREGAR ING… EJEMPLO: TO PUT PUTTING PONER, METER PONIENDO, METIENDO 3. TODOS LOS DEMAS VERBOS UNICAMENTE AUMENTAREMOS LA TERMINACION ING. EXEPCIONES: EJEMPLO : TO WORK --------- WORKING BE = BEING TO PLAY PLAYING… SEE = SEEING. …….. PRESENTE PROGRESIVO O CONTINUO Las formas del presente del verbo be son am, is, are. El presente progresivo o continuo se forma con el presente del verbo to be ( am, is, are) que se usa en este caso como auxiliar además de colocar el siguiente verbo en gerundio (ing). Este tiempo se usa para describir una acción que esta aconteciendo en el momento actual. I AM STUDYING ENGLISH I AM NOT STUDYING ENGLISH AM I STUDYING ENGLISH? AM I NOT STUDYING ENGLISH? THEY ARE TALKING THEY ARE NOT TALKING ARE THEY TALKING? AREN´T THEY TALKING? Exercise: Change next verbs to gerund and translate: Change next sentences to afirmative, negative , interrogative and interrogative negative in english: To work To study To do To iron To bake • Yo estoy estudiando inglés • Laura esta nadando en la casa • Rocio esta leyendo el libro de inglés To cook CAMBIA A INGLES LAS SIGUIENTE ORACIONES To move To dance To swim To read 1. ¿Dónde estas tu estudiando ? 2. ¿Qué esta rocio leyendo ? 3. Yo estoy estudiando en Mexico 4. Rocio esta leyendo un libro Write next song in your notebook 2nd parcial • Dust in Wind Kansas • I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind. • Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea All we do, crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind [Now] • Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy. Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind Dust in the wind, everything is dust in the wind.