Download ¿Cómo soy yo? Project
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¿Cómo soy yo? Project • • • • Required Elements – 10 points Adjective/Noun Agreement – 10 points Spelling/Capitalization/Punctuation – 5 points Creativity/Neatness – 5 points • Total Points = 30 Required Elements – 10 points In complete sentences, describe yourself. You must include the following: • 3 physical characteristics – size/stature – eyes – hair Yo soy baja. Yo no soy delgada. Yo tengo los ojos azules. Yo tengo el pelo rubio y corto. • 3 personality traits – character Yo soy simpática. También yo soy paciente • 3 clothing/color items – Yo llevo unos jeans azules y una camisa roja. Draw a picture of yourself which represents what you wrote about yourself. ¿Cómo soy yo? por Señorita Nielson Yo tengo los ojos azules y el pelo rubio. Yo soy baja. Yo soy inteligente y paciente. También yo soy trabajadora. Yo llevo unos jeans negros, una camiseta rosada, y unos zapatos azules. ¿Cómo soy yo? Project Rubric Required Elements 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 physical characteristics 3 character traits 3 clothing/ color items 1 self-portrait Noun-Adjective Ag reement must agree in gen der must agree in num ber Spelling/Capitalization/Punctuation Creativity/Neatness 10 9 8 5 4 3 10 8 9 5 4 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 7 2 7 2 2 2 6 1 6 1 One po int is deducted for each missing element. One po int is deducted for each error in nou n-adjective agreement. 1 One po int is deducted for each error in spelling, capitalization, or punctuat ion. 1 Is the product free of o bvious smudge s and wrinkles in the paper? Is the hand writing ne at? Is it obvi ous the student put forth eff ort in this project?
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