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The most holy structure in Islam is situated in Saudi Arabia. It is according to Islam the centre of the world. MAKKAH The Kaaba is the qibla, the direction for Muslims perform the salat. The area around the Kaaba is considered sacred, and inside the area the conclusion of peace of God reigns. Man and animals are all safe here, and shall not be forced away. PowerPoint by DOINA Music: Amr Diab & Diana Haddad – Sidi Mansour (Ya Baba) Makkah is located about 80 km from the Red Sea Coast, around a natural well. La Meca se encuentra a unos 80 km de la costa del Mar Rojo In this city, loved by Muslims for centuries, people still feel the presence of the Prophet's spirit. En esta ciudad, querida por los musulmanes durante siglos, la gente aún siente la presencia del espíritu del Profeta. Each pilgrim first enters into ihram. This is a spiritual state of purity during which the person must not quarrel, commit any act of violence or engage in sexual activity. Each pilgrim first enters into ihram. This is a spiritual state of purity during which the person must not quarrel, commit any act of violence or engage in sexual activity Cada peregrino primero entra en ihram. Éste es un estado de pureza espiritual en el que la persona no debe pelear, cometer cualquier acto de violencia o participar en la actividad sexual. One fifth of humankind shares a single aspiration: to complete, at least once in a lifetime, the spiritual journey called the Hajj. Una quinta parte de la humanidad comparte una sola aspiración: completar, por lo menos una vez en la vida, el viaje espiritual Llamado El Hajj. Men signify the state of ihram by bathing, and wearing two pieces of unsown white cloth: "one covers the body from waist to ankle and the other is thrown over the shoulder.“ Vestidos con dos piezas de tela blanca unsown: "Uno cubre el cuerpo desde la cintura hasta el tobillo y el otro se lanza en el hombro." Women usually wear a simple white dress and "a head covering, but not a veil." "The white garments are symbolic of human equality and unity before God, since all the pilgrims are dressed similarly." Las mujeres suelen llevar un sencillo vestido blanco y "una mantilla, pero no el velo." "Las vestiduras blancas son símbolo de la igualdad humana ante Dios y la unidad, ya que todos los peregrinos se visten de manera similar." The pilgrim will then repeat the Talbiyah (Talbeeyah) prayer. One English translation is: "Here I am, O God, at Thy Command! Here I am at Thy Command! Thou art without associate; Here I am at Thy Command! Thine are praise and grace and dominion! Thou art without associate.“ El peregrino entonces repetir la Talbiyah (Talbeeyah) dedicado a la oración For 14 centuries, countless millions of Muslims, men and women from the four corners of the earth, have made the pilgrimage to Makkah, the birthplace of Islam. In carrying out this obligation, they fulfill one of the five “pillars” of Islam, or central religious duties of the believer. Durante 14 siglos, millones de musulmanes, hombres y mujeres de todos los rincones de la tierra, han hecho la peregrinación a La Meca, cuna del Islam. The Ka'bah, focal point of Muslims' prayers, highlights the unity of the believers. Symbol of the oneness and centrality of God, the Ka'bah stands in the courtyard of Mecca's Sacred Mosque where at the season of the hajj the faithful gather for rituals that precede and end their pilgrimage. La Ka'bah, el centro de coordinación de los musulmanes, pone de relieve la unidad de los creyentes. Símbolo de la unidad y centralidad de Dios, la Ka'bah está en el patio de la Sagrada Mezquita de la Meca, donde en la época de hajj los fieles se reúnen para rituales que preceden y poner fin a su peregrinación The city is revered by Muslims for containing the holiest site of Islam, the Masjid al-Haram (The Sacred Mosque) of Mecca. A pilgrimage to Mecca during the week of the Haij is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, a sacred duty. La ciudad es venerada por los musulmanes porque contiene lo más sagrado para el Islam, la Masjid al-Haram (La Sagrada Mezquita), de la Meca. Una peregrinación a la Meca durante la semana de la Haij es uno de los cinco pilares del Islam, un deber sagrado. The pilgrims go back radiant with hope and joy, for they have fulfilled God's ancient injunction to humankind to undertake the pilgrimage. Above all, they return with a prayer on their lips: May it please God, they pray, to find their hajj acceptable, and may what the Prophet said be true of their own individual journey: Los peregrinos regresar radiante de esperanza y de alegría, porque ellos han cumplido con el antiguo mandamiento de Dios a la humanidad a emprender la peregrinación. Por encima de todo, regresan con una oración en sus labios: "There is no reward for a pious pilgrimage but Paradise.“ “No hay recompensa por un peregrinaje piadoso sino paraíso” People of other faiths are forbidden from entering the city. A las personas de otras religiones se les prohibe entrar en la ciudad. ( with all my respect for any religion…) (Con todo mi respeto a cualquier religión…)