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Historia del Pensamiento Económico Profesor.- Fabio Monsalve La profesión más antigua del mundo … I was somewhat taken aback and overawed by the title [of the talk he was giving], “My evolution as an Economist”. It sounded as if I had to start from my invertebrate state and then move up to higher states. I then suddenly realized or remembered a very important thing: economics is a very old profession. In fact I think it is the oldest profession in the world. I know this claim is disputed by others. There is a story, I think authentic, of an argument about this among an engineer, an economist, and a surgeon. The problem was that each claimed that his profession was the oldest. The surgeon spoke first and said, “Remember at the beginning when God took a rib out of Adam and made Eve? Who do you think did that? Obviously, a surgeon.” The engineer, however, was undaunted by all this and said, “Just a moment. You remember that God made the world before that. He separated the land from the sea. Who do you think did that except an engineer?” “Just a moment,” protested the economist, “Before God made the world, what was there? Chaos. Who do you think was responsible for that?” (Franco Modigliani) ¿Qué hacemos aquí… … en el Grado en Economía? … en la Asignatura de Historia del Pensamiento Económico? Expectativas Objetivos Capacitar al estudiante para identificar las principales corrientes de pensamiento económico; especialmente su filosofía económica sus propuestas políticas Objetivos Contribuir a entender la situación del estado actual del Análisis Económico; sus fortalezas y debilidades. No, como mera erudición nostálgica Sí, como método para analizar el proceso creativo de las ideas y las circunstancias que han llevado a la prevalencia de unas y al olvido de otras. Objetivos Fortalecer al deontología profesional, incidiendo en la responsabilidad ante la sociedad de los profesionales de la economía en la dimensión ética de la disciplina. Temario Temario Bibliografía … y lecturas recomendadas Resources Mooddle Web del professor Methodology Lección magistral del tema Lectura y discussion de los materiales recomendados (dinamizadas por los propios estudiantes) Puntuación Elemento Practicas Participación activa Sesión del estudiante Examen Trabajo final % 10 15 25 30 20