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ESTILO DIRECTO E INDIRECTO. El Estilo indirecto o Reported speech es una estructura que se emplea cuando queremos decir o hacer mención sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente. Para hacer mención sobre lo que alguien ha dicho usamos verbos como explain, promise, say, tell, suggest... Aunque los más utilizados son say y tell. No es necesario cambiar el tiempo del verbo si el verbo de la oración principal está en presente.. Para introducir lo que ha dicho, usamos that aunque muchas veces se puede omitir esta palabra. Al convertir una oración de "Direct Speech" a "Reported Speech" tenemos en cuenta que el verbo principal retrocede un tiempo Tabla de cambios que sufre el verbo: Direct speech Reported speech present simple past simple I am happy He said he was happy I sleep He said he slept present continuos I am feeling happy I am sleeping past simple I was happy I slept present perfect I have been happy I have slept past continuos He said he was feeling happy He said he was sleeping past perfect He said he had been happy He said he had slept past perfect He said he had been happy He said he had slept present perfect continuos past perfect continuos I have been feeling happy He said he had been I have been sleeping feeling happy verbal. He said he had been sleeping simple conditional future I will be happy I will sleep He said he would be happy He said he would sleep simple conditional future perfect I will have been happy I will have sleep perfect He said he would have been happy He said he would have slept Verbos modales Direct speech Reported speech CAN COULD I can sleep He said he could sleep MAY MIGHT I may sleep He said he might sleep WILL WOULD I will sleep He said he would sleep MUST I must sleep HAD TO He said he had to sleep Cambios que pueden sufrir algunas partículas de lugar y tiempo: now at that moment, then tonight that night today that day last night the night before this morning that morning this week that week next week the following week next year the year after here there VOZ PASIVA / ACTIVA Como en español, la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo 'to be' (ser) y el participio pasado. They made this car in 1963. (active) This car was made in 1963. (passive) El sujeto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activa. Estudia la siguiente lista de las formas del verbo en pasiva. (pp = participio pasado) Verb Tense Structure am/are/is + pp PRESENT CONTINUOUS am/are/is being + pp FUTURE (WILL) will be + pp FUTURE (GOING TO) am/are/is going to be + pp PAST SIMPLE was/were + pp PAST CONTINUOUS was/were being + pp PRESENT PERFECT have/has been + pp PAST PERFECT had been + pp FUTURE PERFECT will have been + pp PRESENT SIMPLE En las formas del ‘future progressive’ (will be being + pp) y ‘perfect progressive’ (has been being + pp) no es muy común su uso. Para decir quién hacía la acción o qué la causaba, usa 'by'. La voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar quién o qué hace la acción.