Download Phonetic: Discrimination and production of regular past tense verbs
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Colegio Santa María Maristas CORE: ACTIONS To do archery: To do arts and crafts: To go canoeing: To go hiking: To go mountain biking: To go rock climbing: To make friends: To read a map: To sing camp songs: To sleep in a tent: To use a compass: To watch wild animals: after afternoon amazing después tarde sorprendente anywhere en/ a cualquier sitio around away beach before between bottom bowling but call careful characters chat room cold colourful compass dark daytime easy enviroment expensive falls faster finger forest full stop funny hard healthy high alrededor afuera playa antes entre fondo, pie bolos pero llamada cuidadoso personajes “chat” frío coloridos brújula oscuridad día fácil medio ambiente caro cataratas más rápido dedo bosque punto y seguido divertidos difícil saludable alto PAST SIMPLE WH- QUESTIONS When I go? Where You go? How He travel? did She Who go with? What It do? Which clothes We wear? How long You stay? Why they go? ENGLISH 5 holiday however if incredible joke vacaciones sin embargo si incredible chiste junk mail propaganda de correo kingdom reino last week la pasada semana less than let’s see lift looks great lucky mail many middle mine more than most near news night noise noticeboard nowadays menos que veamos ascensor parece genial afortunado correo mucho, s medio mío, míos más que la mayoría cerca noticias noche ruido tablón de anuncios hoy en día on the other hand por otro lado parade phone mobile postcards desfile teléfono móvil postales question mark singo de interrogación raincoat really rides roller coaster scary score see you soon silly slow snack so song soon south sunny telefon box tent impermeable de verdad atracciones montaña rusa miedosa puntuación hasta pronto tonto lento apertitivo tan canción pronto sur soleado cabina telefónica tienda I You He She It We you Because went in August went to the beach travelled by car went with my family swam in the sea wore a swimsuit stayed there for a month they love the beach PASADO DE VERBOS IRREGULARES to buy to drink to do to get up bought drank did got up to go to eat to have to ride CAMP STORIES FOOTPRINTS UNIT 2 went ate had rode the best top tower tree true two years ago UK until warm weather wet whole with world world yesterday el major cima, cúspide torre árbol verdadero hace dos años Reino Unido hasta templado tiempo atmosférico húmedo entero con mundo mundo ayer VERBS to act out representar to arrive llegar to attach adjuntar to call llamar to carry llevar, transportar to clean limpiar to cross cruzar to download descargar to enjoy disfrutar to finish terminar to give dar to hold sostener, agarrar to know saber to laugh reír to look at mirar to lose perder to receive recibir to save ahorrar to see ver to sing cantar to sing cantar to sleep dormir to stay in touch estar en contacto to stay permanecer to surf navegar to switch off apagar to take a photo sacar una foto to watch observar Los Verbos Regulares forman su pasado añadiendo –ed look looked clean cleaned love loved to see to send to swim to run saw sent swam ran to sleep slept Phonetic: Discrimination and production of regular past tense verbs. Pronunciación ED ID 1. Se pronuncia -ID en los verbos que terminan con las consonantes t y d: To calculate = calculated /kalkiuléitid/ (calcular) To arrest = arrested /arréstiid/ (arrestar) To pat = patted /pátid/ (dar una palmada) To roast = roasted /róustid/ (asar) To succeed = succeeded /saksídid/ (tener éxito) To mind = minded /máindid/ (importarle a uno) T D 2. Se pronuncia -T después de las consonantes mudas f, 3. Se pronuncia -D después de las consonantes sonoras b, g, j, k, p, s, sh, ch, o th [suave]: l, m, n, z, v, ng y th [fuerte]. Asimismo, después de todos To laugh = laughed /la:ft/ los sonidos vocales y (reir/se) diptongos: To pick = picked /pikt/ (levantar) To sip = sipped /sipt/ (sorber, saborear) To mess = messed /mest/ (desordenar) To fish = fished /fisht/ (pescar) To mob = mobbed /mobd/ (acosar) To beg = begged /begd/ (rogar) To fill = filled /fild/ (llenar) To quiz = quizzed /kuízd/ (concursar) To match = matched /macht/ (emparejar) 4. Ten presente que lo importante en este aspecto de la gramática es el SONIDO CON EL CUAL FINALIZA EL VERBO, no la letra o su pronunciación. Por ejemplo, el verbo fax finaliza con la letra x pero con el sonido /s/; por su parte, el verbo like termina con la letra e pero con el sonido /k/.