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Unidad 1 “VERBO TO BE” Es uno de los auxiliares más utilizados en inglés. En español su traducción seria “ser o estar” y al igual que éste idioma se clasifica en singular y plural utilizado de la siguiente manera con los pronombres personales: Positivo Singular Plural I He She It We You They am is are ( I´m) ( He´s) ( She’s) ( It’s) Yo Soy- Yo Estoy El Es- El Está Ella Es- Ella Está Eso Es- Eso Está ( We’re) ( You´re) ( They´re) Nosotros Somos- Nosotros Estamos Vosotros Sois- Vosotros Están Ellos –Ellas Son- Ellos Ellas Están Negativo Singular I He She It am I’m not He’s not She’s not It´s not is Not Plural We You They are (He isn't) (She isn´t) (It´s isn´t) or We’re not (We aren´t) You’re not (You aren´t) They’re not (They aren´t) Nota: No se utiliza la contracción en respuestas afirmativas Ejemplo: Am I a teacher? Yes, I´m Am I a teacher? Yes, Iam. Ejercicios. 1. Complete utilizando AM - IS - ARE donde creas convenientes. 1.1 He’ __s_ in the kitchen. 1.2 She______ a beautiful woman. Unidad 1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 They_______ in the garden. You_____ a better person. I ______ a student. We______ good classmates. It_____ a bus 2. Use el “Verbo To Be” de manera negativa en las siguientes oraciones. 2.1 (My car dirty): my car dirty__________________________________________________ 2.2 (They actors actresses):______________________________________________________ 2.3 (She person):______________________________________________________________ 2.4. (The house not a one):_______________________________________________________ 2.5. (He not a player):_______________________________________________________ isn’t and small big baseball 3. Forme preguntas con las siguientes oraciones. 3.1 John is 23 years old: Is john 23 years old? ______________________________________ 3.2 Maria and Marta are my sisters: __________________________________________________ 3.3 He is an English teacher:_________________________________________________________ 3.4 She is a biology student: ________________________________________________________ 3.5 They are good singers:___________________________________________________________ 4. Responda afirmativa y negativamente las siguientes oraciones. 4.1 Is Carlos the best singer? Yes, He is the best singer_______________________/ No, he isn´t the best singer. Is the party on Saturday? ______________________________________/___________________________________ ___ Are they your new classmates? ______________________________________/___________________________________ ___ Am I tall person? ______________________________________/___________________________________ ___ Is Jane at home? ___________________________________/____________________________ Unidad 2 TO BE / PREGUNTAS Para formar preguntas utilizamos el “Verbo To Be” (am - is - are) además de un sujeto y un complemento Singular Plural I He She It We You They Preguntas am Am is is are are I? he? she? it? we? you? they? Con Adverbios de interrogación: Where......? Positive What...........? Who........? How........? Why.............? Where are you now? I am at home What’s your name? My name is David How old are you? I am 23 years old Why is the dog here? Because is my favorite pet Para respuestas afirmativas: I am. Yes, Yes, he She It We you They Para respuestas negativas: I am not. No, is. are. No, he She it isn´t. we you they aren´t. Unidad 2 Ejercicios. 1. Responda las siguientes preguntas con la información que está entre paréntesis. 1.1 What is the color of your house? (Blue): The colour of my house is blue.____________________ 1.2 When is the party? ( on May):_____________________________________________________________________ _ 1.3 Where is the supermarket?(near the bank):________________________________________________________ 1.4 Who is the new singer? ( Beck):___________________________________________________________________ 1.5 How old is she? ( 26 years old):_____________________________________________________________________ 2. Encuentre la respuesta correcta en la Columna B. Columna A a. Is that a new car? b. I am 23 years old c. Are they brothers? d. Where is she from? e. How much is that? f. Are you American? g. At what time the shops open? h. Is she married? Columna B _____ Yes, she is _____ No, I am Venezuelan _____ It´s 2000 Bs _____ Canada _____ how old are you? _____ No, they aren´t __a__ Yes, it is _____ At seven am 3. Escriba respuestas cortas. 3.1 Is she single? No, she isn´t ______________________________________________________ 3.2 Are they dancers? __________________________________________________________________________ ________ 3.3 Is it a dog? __________________________________________________________________________ ________________ 3.4 Is the weather nice today? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Are we Venezuelan? __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 4. Revise las siguientes oraciones y encuentre los “ posibles errores “ My name´z José. Iem 23 years old and I living with my family in a little house. I likeing school a lot. My friends are very nice. My schoolteacher is from Caracas. She´z very beautiful and I likeing her classes a lot. At home, I always do my work after lunch. When I go to bed, I takes an aspirin. My name’s Jose__________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Unidad 3 PRESENTE CONTINUO Es uno de los tiempos verbales más usados en Inglés. Se forma utilizando Am – Is- Are + gerundio de cualquier verbo. Su equivalente al Castellano seria endo – ando (corriendo, caminando, hablando, etc.) Singular I He She It am is (not) Plural We You They are - ING I´m eating He´s reading She´s playing football The cat is drinking milk We're working everyday You´re wearing a blue jean They are having dinner Nota: Verbos que terminan en “e” se elimina añadiendo “-ing ” al final. Make Making Haciendo Smoke Smoking Fumando Write Writing Escribiendo Take Taking Tomando Verbos terminados en “ ie”, ésta terminación cambia a “ y “ y se agrega “ ing” Lie Lying Mintiendo Dye Dying Muriendo Verbos terminados en vocal + consonante con golpe de voz en ésta terminación, la consonante se repite: Stop Stopping Parando Run Running Corriendo Get Getting Obteniendo Verbos terminados en “ w ” y “y”, solamente se añade “ ing ” Ejemplo: Draw Drawing Dibujando Play Playing Jugando Los siguientes verbos no se pueden utilizar en Presente Continuo: Want//Know//Remember//Like//Mean//Forget//Love//Understand Ejercicios Unidad 3 1. Cambie las siguientes oraciones a “Presente Continuo”. 1.1 We come late: We are coming late__________________________________________________________ 1.2 I have dinner: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________ 1.3 They arrive on time:______________________________________________________________________ ___________ 1.4 You call my doctor:____________________________________________________________________ _____________ 1.5 She plays the piano:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 1.6 We help our classmates:________________________________________________________________ ____________ 2. Ordene las siguientes oraciones en “ Presente Continuo” 2.1 ( I / wash / my hair / not / am): I am not washing my hair_________________________________ 2.2 ( It / raining / is / right / now / not /):_____________________________________________________________ 2.3 ( You / are / reading / the newspaper /):____________________________________________________________ 2.4 ( She / some / apples / is / eating /):_________________________________________________________________ 2.5 ( He / watching / T.V / is / not /):__________________________________________________________________ 3. Use I am + -ing en las siguientes oraciones 3.1 ( wait for someone) : I am waiting for someone______________________________________________ 3.2 (play in the park) :_________________________________________________________________________ _________ 3.3 ( swim in the river):_____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 3.4 (work on my project):___________________________________________________________________ ___________ 3.5 (wear a blue jean) :_________________________________________________________________________ _________ 3.6 ( take a shower) : __________________________________________________________________________ ________ 4. Escriba las siguientes oraciones en “Presente Continuo”. My friend´s name is Carlos. He lives in Los Angeles with his sister Maria (1), and his mother and father. Carlos and Maria get on 7.45 a.m everyday (2) . They have breakfast at 8. o´clock (3). They enjoy arepas with cheese and black coffee (4) . They leave school at 12.00 p.m (5). They eat dinner with their parents at 8 p.m (6) . He´s living in Los Angeles with his sister Maria_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __________ Unidad 4 PRESENTE CONTINUO / PREGUNTAS Positivo Singular Plural I He She It We You They Preguntas am is Am studying eating driving sleeping etc. Is are Are I he she it we you they studying? eating? driving? sleeping? etc. Are you drinking soda ? No, I am drinking an orange juice Is she saying something wrong ? Yes, she is saying something wrong Are they doing their homework? Yes, they are doing it What are you choosing? An apartment. Are you coming with us? I don´t think so Orden de las palabras con: Adverbios de interrogación Where What are they working? In a restaurant are you writing? A letter is / are + Sujeto + Is Are she they Respuestas cortas: I am. I am not. -ing singing? reading? Yes, he she it No, is. he’s she’s its (he isn´t) (she isn´t) (it isn´t) not. or Yes, we you they are. No, we're you´re They´re not. (we aren´t) (you aren´t) (they aren´t) Are you leaving now? Yes, I am. Is Carlos buying a car? No, he isn´t. Unidad 4 Ejercicios. 1. Formule preguntas con las siguientes respuestas. 1.1 Is Maria boring ____________________________ _________________________________________________________? No, Maria is very nice. 1.2 _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________? Yes, I am working on it 1.3 _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________? No, they are reading a newspaper 1.4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________? No, it isn’t raining 1.5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________? No, he is writing a poem 2. Complete el siguiente diálogo. a. Hello,______How are you?_____________________________________________________________________________ _____ b. Hi!!! I am O.K and you?_____________________________________________________________________________ ________ a. What are you taking?___________________________________________________________________________ __________ b. ____________________a pill_______________________________________________________________________________ ____ a. Are you ill_?______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ b No,______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ a Is Maria____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ b. Yes, she is.________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ a Well, see you soon._____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ b.________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ a:________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ 3. Cambie las siguientes oraciones a “ Presente Continuo” 3.1 I wash my car: I am washing my car__________________________________________________________________ 3.2 She serves the dinner everyday:_________________________________________________________________________ ______ 3.3 He lives in a flat:______________________________________________________________________________ ________________ 3.4 They change some money at the bank:_______________________________________________________________________ 3.5 You take some clothes from here:____________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 She sees with Carlos:____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Unidad 5 PRESENTE SIMPLE Se usa para expresar cosas que son verdaderas en general o que ocurren con cierta frecuencia. También se usa para expresar hábitos. I You read like He She reads likes We They work think etc. It works thinks .etc VERBOS QUE TERMINAN EN SE LE AGREGA “y “ “s” “x” “ch” “sh” “do”, “go” Todos los demás verbos “y” cambia por “ies” “es” “es” “s” ALWAYS - USUALLY - SOMETIMES - OFTEN + PRESENTE SIMPLE Si se trata del verbo principal, el adverbio va delante del mismo: I usually like big cities. Tim always works very hard. Jessica often lives near the bank. Si se trata del verbo “To Be” (am, is. are), el adverbio va detrás del mismo: He is usually late. They are often at bed at 10 p.m. We are still in our job. Si es un verbo compuesto ( auxiliar + verbo), los adverbios ocupan una posición intermedia entre ellos: I can never find my keys at time. They’ve all sent the letters. It doesn´t often rain here. Unidad 5 Ejercicios 1. Agregue “ s “ o “ es “ a los siguientes verbos: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 walk: walks____________ arrive:_______________________ eat:__________________________ go:___________________________ 1.5 try:_________________________ 1.6 finish:______________________ 1.7 play:________________________ 1.8 close:________________________ 2. Traduzca al Inglés los siguientes verbos y encuéntrelos en ésta sopa de letras: Olvidar: forget____________// Colocar:______________// Tomar (Cosas):_____// Dar:_________________________// Entender:___________________// Ganar:____________________// Leer.__________ Ir:____________________________// Hacer ( Tarea):______________// Perder:____________// Sentir.______________________// t a t b o s f e e u e u o a k i o n n f g t d x k t l d x e r p i z e e e o y e o h t y m r l v z l f a k e s e l o i x //Sentarse:____________________// Mostrar:____________________// r d o t h p k o s g e o a w o e e w s o a n n i w a m a i e d p u t h e n x k l 3. De los siguientes verbos encontrados formule una oración utilizando la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it). Forget: She forgets her diary everyday.______________________________________________________ Put:___________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Sit: __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Take:_____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Unidad 6 PRESENTE SIMPLE / NEGATIVO Positivo. I You We They work read write eat etc. He works She reads It writes eats etc. Negativo. I We You They He She It do not work read write eat etc. or (I don´t work) (You don´t read) (He doesn´t write) (She doesn´t eat) etc. does not I-We-You-They.........don´t. He-She-It..........doesn´t. ATENCION: Se utiliza don´t-doesn’t + un verbo en infinitivo I don´t go shopping very often. She doesn´t have free time. Carla doesn´t choose anything. Cuando se utiliza el AUXILIAR DOES, los verbos NO llevan “S”. “ES”, “IES” She doesn’t fly to Germany He doesn’t take the test. Does the cat stay in your bed? Unidad 6 Ejercicios. 1. Seleccione la alternativa correcta. 1.1. a) I don´t play the piano. b)I doesn´t play the piano. c) I don’t play the piano. 1.2. a) She don´t drink coffee b) She doesn´t drink coffee. c) She doesn´t drinking coffee. 1.3. a) They don´t like apples b) They don´t likeing apples c) they doesn´t like apples. 1.4. a) She doesn´t learning French. b) She don´t learn French. c)She doesn´t learn French. 1.5. a) The dog don´t go away. b) The dog doesn´t go away. c)The dog doesn´t going away. 2. Complete las siguientes oraciones con la información que está entre paréntesis. 2.1. I ___________have_____________ to work ( have) 2.2. They__________________________ to drive ( have + not) 2.3. He____________________________ to smoke ( need+ not) 2.4. She ___________________________too much sandwiches (eat) 2.5. You__________________________ to visit old friends (love) 2.6. We__________________________ to live here (like + not) 3. Use always, often, usually, frequently en las siguientes oraciones. 3.1 I eat breakfast: ________I always eat breakfast________________________________________________ 3.2 I travel by plane:________________________________________________________________________ _____________ 3.3 I play poker:________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 3.4 I take a bath after lunch:________________________________________________________________________ ____ 3.5 I work at night:________________________________________________________________________ ______________ 4. Use don´t-doesn´t en las siguientes oraciones. 4.1. I like football: ____I don´t like football:_______________________________________________________ 4.2. She makes the dinner:_______________________________________________________________________ _______ 4.3. The flowers smell good:________________________________________________________________________ ____ 4.4. I feel tired:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Unidad 7 PRESENTE SIMPLE / PREGUNTAS Se utiliza “do” y “does” para formar preguntas en Presente: I We You They He She It know lose find come etc. Do breaks builds begins etc. Does know? lose find? come? he she it break? build? begin? El orden en las palabras: WH………… DO, DOES + SUJETO +VERBO +COMPLEMENTO What Where How much How many Do does does do you he it you do live cost visit on Sunday? now? in that shop? your friends? ALWAYS, USUALLY, SOMETIMES, OFTEN. What DOES She DO you I we you they always usually often eat buy at lunch? in the market? Respuestas Cortas: Positivo. I you we they Negativo. I you we they do. yes, don´t no, he she it does. he she it doesn´t Unidad 7 Ejercicios. 1. Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando “DO-DOES”. 1.1 ____Do______ you go by bus? 1.4 _____________he ride horses? 1.2 ______________ she travel by car? 1.5______________they teach at night? 1.3 ______________ you understand? 2. Cambie a positivo las siguientes oraciones. She doesn’t write a poem: ______She writes a poem__________________________________________ They don’t steal that watch:____________________________________________________________________ ____ He doesn’t sell food:______________________________________________________________________ __________ We don’t say German words:____________________________________________________________________ ___ She doesn’t meet my friends:____________________________________________________________________ ___ 3. Forme preguntas con las siguientes oraciones. (wash - you - hair):_________Do you wash your hair?_______________________________________ ( catch - the ball - he):_______________________________________________________________________ _______ (drink - they - sodas):____________________________________________________________________ ___________ (keep - secrets - she):______________________________________________________________________ ________ (she - gives - the keys):_____________________________________________________________________ ________ 4. Agregue always- usually-often-frequently a las siguientes oraciones. She works every afternoon: __________She always works every afternoon____________________ He is the winner:____________________________________________________________________ ________________ They write a song in their home:___________________________________________________________________ We lie every day:______________________________________________________________________ ______________ 5. Forme preguntas con what- who- which-where en las siguientes oraciones. 5.1 I eat sandwiches at 3 pm: ________What do you eat at 3 pm_________________________________? 5.2 She is my favorite singer:________________________________________________________________________ ___? 5.3 He likes this dog:__________________________________________________________________________ _________? 5.4 They live near my house:________________________________________________________________________ ___? Unidad 8 HAVE / HAS I we you they He She has. It have. I we have got. you they (I´ve got) (you’ve got) (we’ve got) (they’ve got) he she has got. it (he's got) (she's got) (it’s got) Have got se utiliza en caso de posesión y cuando se trata de enfermedad o dolor. I´ve got a car. You’ve got two kids. She´s got a new house. We’ve got some money. Have implica acciones y experiencias. I have breakfast. He has a cigarette. You have a nice time. They have troubles. My mother is having a bath. NEGATIVO. I We have not You (haven’t) They He She It got has not (hasn’t) got PREGUNTAS. I Have you we they Has he she it RESPUESTAS CORTAS got? Yes, I you we they he she it have has. got? I, you, we, they haven´t. No, he, she. It hasn’t Unidad 8 Ejercicios. 1. Encuentre los errores en las siguientes oraciones. 1.1 Maria have got two cars: _______Maria cars_____________________________________ has got two 1.2 They hasn´t get any job:_______________________________________________________________________ ______ 1.3 He have got a new machine:__________________________________________________________________ ______ 1.4 We hasn’t get news cars:______________________________________________________________________ _____ 2. Ordene las siguientes oraciones. ( he - got - has - too much money):______He has got too much money_______________________ ( he she and have a new guitar):______________________________________________________________ ( a place we gothave for living):_____________________________________________________________ ( I many ideas got have):____________________________________________________________________ (You new friends have – got):_________________________________________________________________ 3. Seleccione las respuestas de las alternativas dadas. I _______don´t____________ a party at home. a) don´t. b) won’t. c) doesn´t She________________________ to wait her friends. a) have. b) has. c) does They_______________________ have a Math book a) doesn´t. b) hasn´t. c) don´t. He _________________________lots of phone calls. a) has. b) do. c) does. Maria and Marta ________________________have vegetables. 1. doesn´t. b) don´t. c) hasn´t. 4. Re- escriba las siguientes palabras. 4.1 t ’ n s a h t o g: ______________h a t___________________________________________________________ s n ´ t g o 4.2 v e n ’t h a t g o: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 4.3 s e y, h e s a s h:___________________________________________________________________________________ __________ 4.4 o n, e w h v a e n ´t :____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Unidad 9 WAS / WERE Positivo Negativo I He She It You We They ( I wasn´t) (He wasn´t) (She wasn´t) (It wasn´t) (You weren´t) (We weren´t) (They weren´t) was were Preguntas Was Respuestas Cortas I? he? she? it? I he She It Yes, we? Were you? they? we you they were. weren´t. Pasado. I was 21 ( last year). They were hungry. We were afraid. *Were you late this morning? No, I wasn’t. // Yes, I was. wasn´t. No, We you they Presente. I am 22 (now). They are hungry (now). We are afraid. I he she It was. *Was Michelle tired last night? Yes, she was.// No, she wasn’t. Was-Were + lugar y tiempo. SUJETO +WAS-WERE +LUGAR Y TIEMPO We She were was in Spain last December at home yesterday Was-Were + adjetivos ( afraid, cold, tired) The weather was cold yesterday. Unidad 9 Ejercicios. 1. Cambie las siguientes oraciones de Presente Simple a Pasado Simple. 1.1 I´m at home: _______I was at home______________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Jane and Michael are tired:________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 1.3 She isn´t afraid:________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 1.4 We aren´t at scool:________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ 1.5 Maria isn´t happy:____________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 2. Forme preguntas con las siguientes oraciones utilizando WAS- WERE. 2.1 (we / at the cinema?):_____were we at the cinema____________________________________________________? 2.2 (they / hungry?):_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________ 2.3 (i / thirsty?):______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 2.4 (the people friendly?):_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________ 2.5 (the museums / interesting?):__________________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. 3.1 Complete utilizando WAS - WERE. _________Paul and Marta happy? ______Were Paul and Marta happy_________________________________? We_______________ not in kitchen:________________________________________________________________________? the The sofa ___________clean enough:____________________________________________________________________________? The mall ___________too big:__________________________________________________________________________________ ? 4. Complete las siguientes oraciones con la información que está entre paréntesis. 4.1 Was the weather ugly? (cold). No, the weather was cold_____________________________________________________________________________ Were Pedro and Jose in the office? (at home). No,__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Was your house near the bank? (drugstore) No,__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Were you at Maria’s party?(Pedro’s party) No,__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Unidad 10 PASADO SIMPLE Para formar el Pasado Simple de cualquier verbo en Inglés, se debe tomar en cuenta sí en un Verbo Regular o un Verbo Irregular. Se expresa con este tiempo cosas que ocurrieron en el pasado. Si es un Verbo Regular se le añade el sufijo “ ed ”. Presente work dance start ask Pasado worked danced started asked etc. Si es un Verbo Irregular, el Pasado Simple se escribe de manera distinta: Presente Begin leave Pasado began left do make build eat fall Positivo. I / He / She It / We / You / They did made built ate fell etc. Negativo. talked. I / He / She It / We / You / They Try - study - copy - stop - plan PRESENTE Try Study Copy Stop Plan Pregunta. did not talk ( didn’t talk) I / He / She Did It / We / You / They talk? PASADO tried studied copied stopped planned Unidad 10 Ejercicios. 1. Use el verbo que está entre paréntesis para completar las siguientes oraciones. 1.1 I ________played___________ football last Friday. (play) 1.2 He__________________________ black coffee last night. (drink) 1.3 They________________________ at home last year.(fly) 1.4 We__________________________ many letters last month.( sent) 1.5 She__________________________ for her exams very hard. ( study) 2 We__________________________ a lot of photos on holiday. ( take) 2. Marque con un “ V ” aquellos verbos que están correctamente escritos y con una “ F “ aquellos verbos que están mal escritos. walked leaved swimmed comed followed sent taked saw worked beginned drove swam drank wrote went stopped wined cried drinked asked cooked played came eated gave meted flew gived writed brought met passed took made spent crossed won cried stoped left sended forgot did finded sended found bought ate Unidad 11 PASADO SIMPLE / PREGUNTAS Infinitivo Preguntas Positivo Negativo ask I asked I ask walk drink leave we they she walked we drank left he it walk drink did not see we saw you ( didn't) cry they cried he cry come she came it come I ask? Did leave we you walk? drink? they leave? see he see? cry? come? Se utiliza did / didn't + un verbo en Infinitivo. Carlos didn't answer the question. You didn't tell me anything. Did you go to the movies?. El orden de las palabras. WH………… What Where How much DID + SUJETO +VERBO +COMPLEMENTO did You she he Say see spend yesterday? them? that night? she Respuestas cortas: Positivo. Negativo. I you we they Yes, I you we they did. No, he she it didn't. he she it Did Rosa look wonderful? Yes, she did. Did you invite them? No, I didn't. Unidad 11 Ejercicios. 1. Forme preguntas utilizando Did…? 1.1 I bought a new book: _____Did you buy a new book________________________________________? 1.2 She played football very well:______________________________________________________________________ ? 1.3 They got up late this day:______________________________________________________________________ ____? 1.4 We worked very hard this week:__________________________________________________________________? 1.5 He met my brother last month:____________________________________________________________________ ? 1.6 We did our homework very fast:__________________________________________________________________? 1.7 Tom had a shower in the morning:________________________________________________________________? 1.8 They came today very early:_____________________________________________________________________ __? 2. Forme oraciones en Pasado con los siguientes complementos. 2.1 ……… three o ´clock: ________I went to the park at three o´clock___________________________ 2.2 ………… football in the beach: ________________________________________________________________________ 2.3 ………… the museums in Paris: _______________________________________________________________________ 2.4 …………. in the local restaurants: _____________________________________________________________________ 2.5 …………. on holyday in summer: ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Use los siguientes verbos para completar las siguientes oraciones. Un solo verbo a la vez GO√ ARRIVE STAY DON´T WALK DECIDE BUY “ The first time I _______went____ abroad was when I went to London: I went with my three friends. The plane and the train were quite expensive se we______________________ to travel by bus. We___________________ in London for three days. At four o´clock, our bus__________________ yet. We_____________________________ a lot that day. After walking, we didn't want to walk but immediately we___________________ near Oxford Street. There, we_____________________________ a lot of things. It was great that holiday”. Unidad 12 PASADO CONTINUO A diferencia del Presente Continuo, el Pasado Continuo se forma utilizando el Verbo To be en pasado + un verbo con -ing Positivo Singular I He She It was Preguntas dreaming watching playing getting Was I he she it dreaming? watching? Plural We You They etc. were Were we you they playing? getting? etc. Negativo I He She It We You They was not (wasn’t) were not (weren´t) watching dreaming playing getting etc. What were you doing? I was working on. We were studying at home. Why were they late? Because it was raining a lot. She was thinking about the consequences. He was washing his car that day. I was driving home at 6.30 this evening. We were cooking dinner when she came. AM -IS - ARE + -ING ( PRESENTE) WAS - WERE + -ING ( PASADO) Unidad 12 Ejercicios. 1. Seleccione el verbo correcto en las siguientes oraciones. 1.1 Where were / did you ? I was / did at Maria's home 1.2 What were / did you doing there? I was / did studying Math and Biology1.3 When I was / did calling my dog, it was / were sleeping. 1.4 We were / was reading when you were / was playing. 2. Seleccione la forma correcta del verbo. 2.1 Helena ( was, were, does) studying Biology last Friday. 2.2 Marta and Jose (was, were, does) doing their job yesterday. 2.3 I don´t know what (are, were, does) you doing that night. 2.4 We (was, were, does) telling the whole truth. 2.5 He (was, were, does) riding a horse when he fell down. 3. Forme oraciones en Pasado Continuo 3.1 ( at 9.45 - Tom - his car - drive): __At 9.45, Tom was driving his car___________________________________ 3.2 ( at 11.45 - she - carry - a bag):_________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 ( at 10.30 - Ana - go - home):_______________________________________________________________________________ ____ 3.4 ( at 8.15 - you - sleep):_______________________________________________________________________________ __________ 3.6 ( at 6.10 - they - ride - a bicycle):___________________________________________________________________________ __ 4. Revise errores en las siguientes oraciones. 4.1 I were watching T.V:_____________I was watching T.V_________________________________________________ 4.2 I was haveing a shower: _________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 4.3 I were eating meat:____________________________________________________________________________ _______________ 4.4 I was buyeding a magazine:_________________________________________________________________________ _________ 4.5 I was went to bed early:_____________________________________________________________________________ _________ Unidad 13 PRESENTE PERFECTO I Expresa una acción que acaba de ocurrir hace poco tiempo y cuyos resultados tienen efecto sobre el presente. Se forma utilizando Have- Has + participio pasado de cualquier verbo. Negativa I We You They He She It Preguntas have not (haven´t) has not (hasn´t) Have Has I you we they played? washed? started? he she it gone? done? seen? slept Verbos Regulares Verbos Irregulares Para los Verbos Regulares, el pasado simple y el participio pasado termina en –ed. PRESENTE PASADO PARTICIPIO PASADO live happen play Lived Happened Played Lived Happened Played Para los Verbos Irregulares, el participio pasado es algunas veces igual al pasado simple y algunas veces diferente. *Revisar lista de verbos Irregulares. * PRESENTE PASADO PARTICIPIO PASADO pay make forget Paid Made Forgot Paid Made Forgotten Positivo. I you we they Negativo. I you haven´t. we they have Yes, No, he she it he she it has. hasn´t. Unidad 13 Ejercicios. 1. Forme oraciones en Presente Perfecto. 1.1 Mel Gibson / made / a new film: ____Mel Gibson has made a new film_______________________ 1.2 Steven Spielberg / win / several Oscars:_____________________________________________________________ 1.3 Jack Nicholson / play / the Batman:________________________________________________________ Joker in 1.4 Both / have / two heart attacks:_____________________________________________________________________ 2. Ordene las siguientes oraciones en Presente Perfecto. 2.1 How long / you / have / been / married? ___How long have you been married_______________? 2.2 he / has / abroad / been:________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2.3 Four times / I / have / read / it:_______________________________________________________________________ 2.4 His glasses / lost / he / has:__________________________________________________________________________ 3. Cuales de los siguientes verbos están en Pasado Participio. 3.1 catch build bitten√ 3.2 bring done fall 3.3 chosen become have 3.4 grow gone forget 3.5 driven come eat 4. Forme oraciones en Presente Perfecto 4.1 Ana missed the bus: ______Ana has missed the bus___________________________________________ 4.2 He bought some sweaters:_____________________________________________________________________ _____ 4.3 They carried some heavy boxes:_____________________________________________________________________ 4.4 She saw me lately:________________________________________________________________________ ___________ 4.5 We did the homework:____________________________________________________________________ __________ Unidad 14 PRESENTE PERFECTO II Los adverbios explican como ocurre un hecho o una acción. Yet: utilizado en oraciones con el verbo en negativo Where’s Tom? He isn´t here yet. The potatoes aren´t quite ready yet. I don´t know the answers yet. Yet: utilizado en oraciones interrogativas (preguntas) Has he come yet? No, he hasn´t come yet. Are you ready to leave? Not yet. Have you been in Paris? Not yet, I am still waiting for money. RECUERDA: I haven’t………..yet. Have you………..yet? Already: utilizado en oraciones interrogatives y afirmativas. I ´ve already seen the film. What time are your friends coming? They´re already here. I have already mentioned. Just: utilizado para expresar algo que ha pasado en un periodo de tiempo demasiado pronto. Is Tom here? No he has just gone. I´ve just been out shopping. He was just leaving when the phone rang. Ever: usado principalmente en preguntas, oraciones negativas y comparaciones. Has Ana ever been in France? Yes, once. I don´t remember ever seeing him before. That’s the biggest fish I´ve ever seen. Never: adverbio que denota en ninguna ocasión ni en ninguna vez. We’ve never been to Paris. I´ve never ridden a horse. Who’s that man? I dont know. I´ve never seen him before. Have you ever play golf? No, never. Unidad 14 Ejercicios. 1. Forme preguntas en Presente Perfecto. 1.1 (She / yet / leave / not?) : ________________Hasn´t she left yet_?______________________________ 1.2 ( he / come /yet?):____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 1.3 ( you / visit / Mérida / yet?):_____________________________________________________________________ ___ 1.4 ( they / go / yet?):_____________________________________________________________________ ______________ 2. Agregue already – just – ago a las siguientes oraciones. 2.1 I have seen this movie:____________ _____I have already seen this movie_______________________ 2.2 She has eaten some apples:_______________________________________________________________________ ___ 2.3 They have played football:______________________________________________________________________ _____ 2.4 We have taken an English course:__________________________________________________________________ 2.5 You have swum very well:_________________________________________________________________________ __ 3. Seleccione la alternativa correcta. 3.1 a)I already bet my money. b)Already I bet my money. c)I bet already my money. 3.2 a)I ´ve been just out shopping. b)I´ve just been out shopping. c)I´ve been out shopping just. 3.3 a)Has Carlos been ever there?. b)Has Carlos been there?. c)Has Carlos ever been there? 3.4 a)We´ve never been here. b)We´ve been here never. c)We´ve been never here. 3.5 a)I already have done it. b)I have already done it. c)I have done already.