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UNIT 3: LA FAMILIA GENEALOGICAL FAMILY TREE/ÁRBOL GENEALÓGICO (OF A FAMOUS FAMILY) Create a PowerPoint presentation or poster using the family vocabulary. Slide 1: Make a title slide using “La familia” as the title. Include clipart, photos or drawings related to the family. (Don’t forget on this slide you must have the family tree) Slides 2-13: Make 12 or more different slides containing a family vocabulary word on each. Also, you need at least one clipart, photo or drawing on each slide. You must label with names and ages. Use the verb tener to express AGE (tengo,tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis and tienen) Write a short description of each family member explaining the relationship to each other. Don’t forget to use the verb ser! *Feel free to add animations and/or sound effects to your presentation.* La familia Presentation Scoring Guide Excelente (4) Muy bien (3) Bien (2) No muy bien (1) Content Included information beyond requirements Included all required information Missing one piece of information Missing two or more pieces of information Language Included Spanish and English on all slides. Included Spanish and English on all slides but one. Included Spanish and English on all slides but two Did not include Spanish and English on all slides Clip Art Included clipart on all slides Included clipart on all slides but one Included clipart on all slides but two Did not include clipart on all slides Perfect spelling, no errors Very good spelling, 1-2 errors Good spelling, 3-4 errors Poor spelling, 4 or more errors Spelling