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Let´s learn english Let´s learn english Unit 1 Presente Simple p3 Unit 2 There is & There are p10 Index Unit 14 Reported Speech (El estilo indirecto) p108 Unit 3 Presente Continuo p13 Unit 4 Pasado Simple p21 Unit 5 Pasado Continuo p31 Unit 6 Present Perfect p41 Unit 7 Future p49 Verbo Tenses Test p62 Unit 8 Some & Any p66 Unit 9 a lot (of), much, many, adj no p71 Another & Other/s p76 Unit 10 Modals in use p78 Unit 11 The passive p86 Unit 12 Mixed verb tenses p100 Unit 13 Verbos seguidos por “-ing” o “to”, cuando los dos son posibles p104 Unit 15 Relative Clauses p121 Unit 16 Conditionals p131 Let´s learn english VERB TENSES Let´s learn english Presente Simple: Uso: Este tiempo verbal se usa para expresar acciones que se hacen con habitualidad, para expresar un hecho, o bien una verdad general. Eg: I usually get up at 8.30 in the morning. I live in Cartagena. The sky is blue. Estructuras: Como se forman las diferentes frases en P.S. Afirm: Sujeto + verbo + Complementos. I GET UP AT 7.00 IN THE MORNING. Nota: Si el sujeto de la oración es 3ª persona del singular He, She, It al verbo se le añade s o es en función de la terminación del verbo. Eg: She walks to go to work. He watches T.V. in the evenings. VERB TENSES Let´s learn english Negat: Sujeto + don´t / doesn´t + verbo + complementos. I DON´T WANT TO GO. SHE DOESN´T WANT TO GO. Interr: Do/does + Sujeto + verbo + complementos.? DO YOU LIKE FOOTBALL. ? DOES HE LIKE FOOTBALL. ? Nota: Date cuenta como en este tiempo verbal tanto en las oraciones negativas como interrogativas, se usa el auxiliar DO en función del sujeto. Utilizarás DO para todas las personas excepto la 3ª singular que utilizarás DOES. El auxiliar se utiliza con todos los verbos normales es decir, todos aquellos que no sean ni el verbo To be, can o algún otro módal. VERB TENSES Let´s learn english Presente Simple: PASA LAS SIGUIENTES FRASES A NEGATIVA I want to go to England for holidays She is very intelligent I don´t want to go to England for holidays She isn´t very intelligent He likes playing football with his friends He doesn´t like playing footbal with…… They see their parents every week They don´t see their parents every week We go to school by bus We don´t gp to school by bus I get up very early in the morning I don´t get up very early in the morning She has a shower every day at night She doesn´t have a shower every day at…. You have to study very hard to pass You don´t have to study very hard to pass… My father listens the news on the radio at night My father doesn´t listen to the news on the radio at night