Download ¡Hola estudiantes de 5-6! mayo 2013 In Spanish 5, we will begin the
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¡Hola estudiantes de 5-6! mayo 2013 In Spanish 5, we will begin the year with a review of the Present Tense, including regulars and irregulars. A few weeks into the semester, we will take a benchmark test on the Present Tense. Some of the verbs will be ones you are familiar with and some will be new to you. We will go over all the verbs and study them together in class, for homework, on the internet, etc. in preparation for the benchmark. The Present Tense is important to have mastered in order to move on to other more advanced conjugations later. If you would like to begin preparing over the summer, attached here are 3 things to help you: 1) a list of the 130 verbs we will study and that could be on the Present Tense Benchmark. 2) an example of the Benchmark Test. There will be many versions of the test but they will all look like this one in format. The verbs will all come from the list mentioned in #1 3) A worksheet to help you see the different patterns and categories of verb conjugations I will also put the materials on the school website for you to access this summer. If you do choose to begin preparing over the summer, here are some ideas of what you could do: - review the regular conjugations of -ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the present tense. - make flashcards with verbs and their English definitions - use to look up conjugations of words you don’t know - look for patterns of verbs that have the same irregular conjugations Don’t stress! This is not required homework. And we will prepare together as a class. However, students who prepare a bit over the summer may have an easier time and/or pass the Benchmark sooner than those who do not. *No one will receive any extra credit for working on these materials. It is optional. ¡Ten un verano fabuloso y te veré en agosto! Prfa Mitchell Spell-changing verbs in el presente 1. acostarse 2. actuar 3. almorzar 4. aparecer 5. atraer 6. caber 7. caer(se) 8. cerrar 9. coger 10. colgar 11. comenzar 12. componer 13. comprobar 14. concluir 15. conducir 16. confiarse en 17. conocer 18. construir 19. contar 20. contener 21. continuar 22. contradecir 23. contribuir 24. convenir 25. corregir 26. costar 27. crecer 28. dar 29. decir 30. defender 31. demostrar 32. desaparecer 33. descolgar 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. desconfiar de deshacer despertarse destruir detener dirigir distraer distribuir divertirse dormir(se) elegir empezar encender encontrar entender entretener enviar escoger espiar esquiar establecer estar evaluar exigir exponer freír graduarse guiar haber hacer hervir huir imponer 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. incluir influir intervenir introducir ir jugar llover mantener medir mentir merecer morir(se) mostrar negar nevar obedecer obtener ofrecer oír oler parecer pedir pensar perder poder poner predecir preferir prevenir probar producir proponer querer 100. recoger 101. recomendar 102. recordar 103. reducir 104. reírse 105. repetir 106. resolver 107. saber 108. salir 109. satisfacer 110. seguir 111. sentarse 112. sentirse 113. ser 114. servir 115. sobresalir 116. soler 117. sonar 118. sonreír 119. soñar 120. sugerir 121. suponer 122. tender 123. tener 124. traducir 125. traer 126. variar 127. venir 128. ver 129. vestirse 130. volver Test Score Nombre ______________________ Cumplan todos los espacios con las formas correctas . v. P EXAMEN del Presente Indicativo ES 50pts español 5 MS 42.5pts AS ES 0 errores – translation 0-2 errores – conjugación inglés 1. to go 2. to undo, unmake 3. to sleep 4. to deserve 5. to evaluate 6. to trust 7. to wake up 8. to snow 9. to contribute 10. to feel 11. to follow 12. to contain MS 1-2 errores – translation 3-4 errores – conjugación español 13. ser 14. imponer 15. mantener 16. prevenir 17. parecer 18. influir 19. guiar 20. perder 21. oler 22. soñar 23. pedir 24. sonreír MS 1-2 errores – translation 3-4 errores – conjugación inglés YO Week 2 -3pts Week 3 -5pts 0pts After -10pts AS 3+ errores – translation 5+ errores – conjugación ÉL / ELLA NOSOTROS XXXXXXXXX ES 0 errores – translation 0-2 errores – conjugación español YO Responsibility 1st Try +1pt XXXXXXXXXXXXXX AS 3+ errores – translation 5+ errores – conjugación ÉL / ELLA NOSOTROS Conjugación del presente del indicativo Nombre y apellido:______________________________ Hora:_____ Los pronombres del sujeto = subject pronouns yo nosotros nosotras tú vosotros vosotras usted (Ud.) ustedes (Uds.) -----------------------------------------------él ellos ella ellas Los pasos (steps) 1. cut off -ar, -er, or –ir 2. now you have the “stem”(raíz) of the verb 3. add the appropriate ending Los verbos regulares –ar –er –ir Los verbos “de bota” – “boot” verbs 1. 2. These verbs change in the stem There is no change in the nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms Los verbos de bota de nuestra lista son: 1. e>ie:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: 2. o>ue:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 3. u>ue:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 4. e>i: :_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 5. uir>y: :_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 6. iar>í:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 7. uar>ú:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ 8. iar>í:_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ _____________________=_____________________ Los verbos irregulares en “yo” form 9. cer>-zco: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: 10. -cir>-zco: ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ Yo _____________________=_____________________ Yo 11. ger>-jo: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: 12. -gir>-jo: ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ Yo _____________________=_____________________ Yo Los verbos irregulares en “yo” form 1. In the yo form they are different than all other forms 2. los de nuestra lista:________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: Los verbos yo -go 1. In the yo form they end in “-go” 2. los de nuestra lista:________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Un verbo interesante: _____________________=_____________________ Yo _____________________=_____________________ yo Totalmente Irregulares Ser = _______________ ¡¡Ojo!! Hay = there is, there are Estar = _______________ Ir = _______________