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Características de inglés básico Objetivos Destinado para aquellos alumnos Este curso le enseñará al alumno: que recién comienzan con el estudio del inglés. Cómo mantener una conversación en inglés. Ordenar comida en un restaurante. Chatear con amigos. Duración Duración aproximada de 90 horas de formación online y actividades complementarias. Programa de Contenidos Part 0 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Greetings Pronunciation 1 Saying Hello Meeting Peter Meeting Electra Food and Drink Pronunciation 2 Times and Dates Hawaii Food Shopping Transportation Pronunciation 3 The Neighborhood The Travel Agency In the Area Vacation Clothes Pronunciation 4 Shopping Around A Clothing Sale A New Coat Going Out Pronunciation 5 Talking About Food Eating in Town Italian Food Mexico City Paris Istanbul San Francisco India Belgium Chin Ital Baja Dead Sea Florida Alps Petra Stonehenge Machu Picchu The Great Wall Germany Japan Africa Chile Safari Grand Canyon Rainforest Great Barrier Reef Carnival Music Festival Running of the Bulls Day of the Dead The Kremlin Buckingham Palace The Empire State Building The Guggenheim Museum Holland Flower Market Tokyo Fish Market Guatamala Crafts New York Stock Exchange Avda. Lope de Figueroa, 20 Piso1 Puerta 7 | CP: 28804 | Alcalá de Henares - Madrid - España Tel: 918 259 389 | Fax: 912 965 904 | e-mail: | 1 Características de inglés intermedio Objetivos El nivel intermedio es el nivel adecuado para estudiantes que: Tienen un conocimiento sólido de inglés y fuertes habilidades de lectura. Quieren aprender más palabras y mejorar su gramática. Entender conversaciones cortas e instrucciones básicas. Quieren ser capaces de hablar en inglés en una amplia gama de temas. Quieren ser capaces de leer y escribir reportes, cartas y artículos con detalles. Duración Duración aproximada de 72 horas de formación online y actividades complementarias. Programa de Contenidos Part 0 Part 1 Part 2 Sympathy: Sorry About Mimi Child is Saved by Puppies Fighting Among Animals Famous People Indira Gandhi Charlie Chaplin How Old is Old? Africa: The Promise of a Bucket La Tomatina Around the World Galapagos Islands Fussy Kids Can be Cured Dreams: What Do Yours Mean?Hypnosis is Still a MysteryA Piece of Advice Recipe Chocolate Chip Cookies Folklore on Food Dividing the Chicke Overeating Superstars Today Living Longer and Better Twins After All Today Is the Day Save the Parrots Women in the Medical Profession A Night in Jail The Tailor Who Cut Too Muc Good Service Are You Tracy? Time to Go to School Yes, Agnes The Suitcase Instructions: See More Tablets Curing Pain with Acupuncture What Is Color-blindness The Last Leaf Men's Women's Brains An Accidental Discovery Virtual Reality: What is it? Crime and Technology Go Fly a Kite! Invitation: Shoe Salesman wards A Leisure and Hobbies Stamp Collecting How Can I Thank You for the Socks? This Is a Chain Letter Look at the Bright Side The Right Way Where Are the Fathers? A Message in a Bottle Who Talks More: Men or Women? Ad: Companions Wanted Night Work When I Turn 83 Advance Warning The Self-Made Athlete Dear Jennifer Environmental News Health and Happiness New Invention: Stir it! The Independent Decision Worried in the Workplace Sorry I Can't Come My First Football Complaint: What's in My Spinach? Rice: The Staff of Life How Spaghetti Came to Italy NASA and Nature Animal Entertainment Whale Watching Owe It to the Shark Robotics Lost? Ask a Computer Ad: New Invention Water Ducky Popular Science Television Cartoons The First Olympic Games Entertainment Dancing What Do Colors Mean to You? Are All Hatters Mad? Indian Art The Dracula Disease How About Some Yogurt? The Meet-Your-Mate Hotel Save the Lake True Stories? How Cave Paintings Were Discovered An Apology Letter Schools Have Changed My Wedding Is Almost Ready Qualified or Not? Long Life Avda. Lope de Figueroa, 20 Piso1 Puerta 7 | CP: 28804 | Alcalá de Henares - Madrid - España Tel: 918 259 389 | Fax: 912 965 904 | e-mail: | 2 Características de inglés avanzado Objetivos Este nivel está destinado para aquellos alumnos que ya tienen un nivel de inglés avanzado. Es el nivel adecuado para aquellos alumnos que: Tienen un nivel avanzado de inglés y unas excelentes habilidades de lectura. Quieren obtener un vocabulario extenso y además, quieren perfeccionar su gramática. Comprender conversaciones en una amplia gama de temas y que desean ampliarlo aún más. Quieren ser capaces de escribir ensayos detallados, reportes y cartas. Quieren ser capaces de discutir temas complejos. Duración Duración aproximada de 90 horas de formación online y actividades complementarias. Programa de Contenidos Part 0 Part 1 Part 2 Useful Underwear of the Past It's Friday! The Language of Gestures Learning English Is Like a Dream Fortune Teller 1 Fortune Teller 2 The Hospital 1 The Hospital 2 The Brothers The Lost Earrings The Miserly Rich Man Jenny Punishments The Mozart Murder The Wind and the Sun The California Gold Rush The Amish Working At Night. At What Cost? The People of Zambia Travel Experience Pizza with a Difference Better Late Than Never After All These Years The Appointment While I Was at Work What Happened to Her? Walt Disney: A Dream Come True A Long Time Ago The Famous Friend George Stunt Acts Scuba Diving Job Hunting Working Life Earthquakes Floods Volcanoes Natural Disasters Luciano Pavarotti Mother Teresa Salvador Dali Martin Luther King Baseball Kite Flying Bungee Jumping Mountain Climbing Taj Mahal Antarctica Egypt Manhattan What Is the Ozone Laye No Peace and Quiet Someone Familiar Obsessed Breaking Stereotypes The Last Piano Lesson The Interview The Mediator The Detailed Message Endangered Animals Save the Planet Recycling Global Warming Space Bionics Genetics Anthropology Acting Movies Rock and Roll Television Court Trials Computer Crimes Crime Solving Witness Protection Australian Aborigines Tibet The Basque Culture People and Their Cultures Childhood Lessons Can't Sleep Good Parking What Would You Do If Blind Date Bad Timing Thanks to Me Mother Knows Best Avda. Lope de Figueroa, 20 Piso1 Puerta 7 | CP: 28804 | Alcalá de Henares - Madrid - España Tel: 918 259 389 | Fax: 912 965 904 | e-mail: | 3