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DECÁLOGO BUENOS HABITOS Comenzando el nuevo curso es la ocasión ideal para recordar los hábitos saludables que debemos seguir para seguir creciendo sanos y fuertes, tanto físicamente como intelectualmente. 1. Por la mañana hay que desayunar, aunque haya que madrugar. 2. Tu alimentación debe ser variada. 3. Toma frutas y verduras: “5 al día”. 4. Bebe la suficiente cantidad de agua 5. Consume pescado regularmente y huevos con moderación 6. Consume ocasionalmente carnes rojas y a ser posible acompañadas de verduras y cereales 7. Consume alimentos ricos en hidratos de carbono: pan, cereales de desayuno, pasta, arroz, legumbres y patatas. 8. Consumir diariamente una cantidad moderada de productos lácteos. 9. Haz ejercicio físico 10. Recuerda que no hay alimentos buenos ni malos. GOOD HABIT GUIDE Once the course has started, it is a good time to remember certain healthy habits which we must follow in order to grow in a healthy and strong way, not only physically but intellectually as well. 1. You must have breakfast, despite getting up early. 2. You must have a varied diet. 3. Have fruit: 5 times a day. 4. Drink enough water. 5. Often have fish, but have eggs moderately. 6. Have red meat occasionally, dressed with vegetables and cereals if possible. 7. Have food rich in carbohydrates such as bread, cereals for breakfast, pasta, rice, legumes and potatoes. 8. Have a moderate amount of dairy products a day. 9. Do physical exercise. 10. Remember there is neither bad nor good food.