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Natural Sciences – Unit 5: Diet, digestion and excretion Diet, digestion and excretion The nutrients in food A healthy diet Body tissues: tejidos corporals Brown bread: pan integral Afternoon snack: merienda Breakfast: desayuno Butter: mantequilla Brush: cepillar Carbohydrates: carbohidratos Cereals: cereales Carrots: zanahoria Food: comida Fizzy drinks: bebidas gaseosas Contain: contener Diet: dieta Essential: esencial Bladder: vejiga Fats: grasas Exercise: ejercicio Nails: uñas Fish: pez, pescado Nuts: nueces Oil: aceite Lentils: lentejas Overweight: sobrepeso Lunch: almuerzo Potatoes: patatas Meal: comida Rice: arroz Milk: leche Pulses: legumbres Pears: peras Strawberries: fresas Cough: tos Disease: enfermedad Milk products: productos lácteos Excess: exceso Energy: energía Flip- flops: sandalias Poultry: aves de corral Excretory system: sistema escretor Quantity: cantidad Servings: raciones Type: tipo Healthy: saludable Healthy habits Level: nivel Eyesight: vista Dinner: cena Unhealthy: no saludable Anus: ano Wide: ancho Digestive system: sistema digestivo Pulses: legumbres Sweets: dulces Our digestive and excretory systems Hygiene: higiene Gastric juices: jugos gástricos Ill: enfermo Kidneys: riñones Prevent: prevenir Large/ small intestine: intestino grueso/ delgado Properly: correctamente Oesophagus: esófago Stomach: estómago Teeth: dientes, muelas Thin: delgado Ureters: uréter Urine: orina Waste: de desecho Rest: descansar Sneeze: estornudar Sit: sentarse Stand: estar de pie Stretch: estirar Wash: lavar