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Curriculum Vitae –July 2014
Address :
Senior Researcher and Visiting Scholar (since 2004)
Office of Population Research . Princeton University
226 Wallace Hall . Princeton, NJ 08544
Citizenship :
Citizen and Resident of the United States
Born in Venezuela
Education :
PHD in Sociology. School of High Studies in Social Sciences .
University of Paris X. France . Doctorat en Sociology, Summa CumLaude.
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Université de Paris X. France) 1980
M.A. Sociology of Développent. Institute d’Etudes du développent Economique et Sociale. Paris.
B.A., Sociology. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas. Venezuela. 1971
Languages :
Fluent in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese (Brazil)
And Visiting:
(Spring 2012)
Visiting Professor and Researcher at the Geography Department University of
Navarra . U.N.A.V. Pamplona. Spain .April - July
(2004-present) Senior Researcher.Office of Population Research. Princeton University
Visiting Scholar and Researcher, Department of Sociology and the Population
Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania
(1997-1999) Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Temple University
(Summer1993) Visiting Professor. Instituto de Sociología de Nuevas Tecnologías. Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid Spain
(1986-1987) Visiting Scholar. Regional Science Department. University of Pennsylvania .
(Summer 1981) Visiting Professor at the North African University’s. Alger, Marocco and Tunes.
E.D.N.A. Programme de Formation pour l’environnement
(1976/2002) Professor. Institut of Urbanisme. University Central de Venezuela . Caracas.
Major Fields:
International Migration – Immigrant Latino Identity –High Skill Educated International Migration.
Urban Sociology, Latino American Studies, Youths - Urban Violence, Authoritarian democracies
Honors and
Order Jose Maria Vargas Give by the Central University of Venezuela in recognition of the
Academic activities and Research trajectory. July 12, 2002
Program of Research Promotion .National Council for Science and Technology. PPI. CONICIT.
Caracas. Venezuela. Levels 1 and 2 (1990-2000)
Russell Sage Foundation. CO- PI with Douglas Massey. Project Transnational Identities and
Behavior: An Ethnographic Comparison of First and Second
Generation Latino Immigrants.
2002. 50.000US$
FNRS National Fond for Scientific Research, and the DDC-SDC Direction for Cooperation and
Development. IREC IU/UCV, Co- PI and Doctoral Thesis adviser for “International Research
partnership for mitigating syndromes of global change”.2001-2005 .60.000 US$
National Council of Science and Technology, CONICIT . Caracas PI Project
The Urban Social Movements and the Policy State Intervention in the urban
of Caracas, 100.000 US $
1983-1987 .Caracas Venezuela
metropolitan Area
Grant from the National Council of Science and Technology of Venezuela CONICIT – and The
Foundation for the Community Fundacomun .Caracas.
PI of the Project “Reproduction of the Work Force in the Urban Structure: the working class
conditions in the segregated areas of Caracas”. 200.000 US $
1979-1981 Caracas Venezuela
Academic Coordinator and Participant of International Seminar "Venezuela Today ".
Sponsor by Office of Population Research. Institute for International and Regional Studies.Latino
American Studies Program. Sociology Department from Princeton University . Co-Sponsor by the
Center for Democracy and Development of Americas CDDA. Princeton University April 17, 18/
Consultation on the 2014 Human Development Report. New York 10 Oct, 2013
Participant and Coordinator “Latino American Migration to United States and Spain: Agenda for
Comparative Research” /Research Seminar. OPR- Navarra University. November 18-19, 2010
Participant and Coordinator“Princeton Brainstorming Meeting for the 2009 Human development
report On Migration” United Nations Development Program. Wallace Hall. Princeton University.
January 13, 2009
Co-Director for the Conference “Globalization and the Rise of the Left in Latin- America,
”Witherspoon Institute and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Policy at
Princeton University. Dec 4-8, 2007
Participant in the panel “Pandilla’s and Transnational Gangs in Central America” IN Oppenheimer
Presents, Television Program. July. 2007
Coordinator for the Seminar Venezuela Today. Co-Sponsor by the Centre of Migration and
Development, Latin-American Studies Program, the Princeton Institute for International and
Regional Affairs, and the Latin-American migration Project at Princeton University. April 13,
Consultant Taller International Sur- Norte de Investigación – Acción- Formación de Proyectos
Sociales Urbanos. (International Work shop South North, Research-Action-Formation of Social
Projects). ENDA AL- ENDA . Senegal- ENDA France. Santa Fe de Bogotá. Colombia. Oct 1994Feb1995 -
Structural Adjustments and Social Responses in Urban Latin America Seminar
Department. Urban Studies and Population Studies Center . University of Pennsylvania (for MA PhD) Fall 2002/ Spring 2003
American Ethnicity. Sociology Department. Temple University. (U.G). 1999
Society Comparative Development .Sociology Department. Temple University.(U.G) 1997-1998
Seminars for Master’s degree in Urban Design, and Urban Planning .Institute of Urbanism,
Facultad Architecture, Central University of Venezuela 1976-1994
Brokered Boundaries: Creating Immigrant identity in Anti Immigrants Times. (Co- Authored with
Douglas Massey).
Russell Sage Foundation June 2010
Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America. The ANNALS of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science.Volume 606, No. 1 July 1 2006 (Co-edited with
and introduction by Douglas S.Massey and Jere Behrman)
Malandros. Bandes Gangs et Enfants de la rue : culture d’urgence a Caracas.
(Malandros. Gangs and street kids: urgency culture a Caracas.) (Co- Authored With Yves
Pedrazzini) Prologue by Manuel Castells O.
Desclee de Brower. Editions Charles Leopold Mayer. Paris. pp 271
Malandros, bandas y niños de la calle. Cultura de Urgencia en la Metrópoli Latinoamericana.
(Malandros, gangs and street kids : Urgency culture in Latin American metropolis ) (Co-Authored
With Yves Pedrazzini ) Vadell Hermanos Editorial . Valencia, Caracas. Pp 197 (First edition 1992Second edition 1998 )
“Negociando Fronteras y límites: la identidad Latina en un contexto de rechazo” Magaly
Sanchez –R IN Maria A Sotes-Elizalde (Coord)
Emigración, identidad y países receptores. Pp 171-200. Valencia. Tiran lo Blanch. In press ISBN:
“Migracion de Talento y Profesionales Cualificados : El caso reciente de Inmigrantes
venezolanos a Estados Unidos” Magaly Sanchez R y Douglas Massey. IN
Migracion y Educación en Venezuela: Análisis y propuestas. TALVEN. Forthcoming
“Venezuelan Immigrants” IN Multicultural America. Ronald Bayor, Editor. An
Encyclopedia of the Newest Americans Vol 4, pages 2191-2213
Greenwood from the collections of ABC-CLIO. July 2011
“Restrictive Immigration Policies and Latino Immigrant Identity in the United States”
(Co- Authored with Douglas Massey) in Human development Research Paper (HDRP) series on
the theme of human mobility and he upcoming HDR 2009 Report
“Free Trade and Latin America: Echoes and Repercussions for International Migration”.
IN Labor in the Americas. Issues facing Economic Integration and Free Trade . Editors. Paolo
Paiva, Ray Marshall and Robert.H Wilson. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. University
of Texas - Austin.
“Percepción de la Identidad Latina y Americana por parte de los Inmigrantes Latinos en
Estados Unidos”. (Co author with Douglas Massey)
IN Marina Ariza y Alejandro Portes (Coordinadores). El País Transnacional. Migración Mexicana y
Cambio Social a través de la Frontera. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. UNAM. México. D.F
“Insecurity and Violence as a New Power Relation in Latin America”
IN Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America. (Co -Editor with
Douglas S. Massey and Jere Behrman)
“El ciclo perverso de la violencia e inseguridad como relación de poder en América
Latina” ( The pervers cycle of violence and insecurity ,as a power relation in Latín América )
Capitulo XXIV
IN Violencia Criminalidad y Terrorismo. Venezuela Positiva. Varios Autores.
(IN Violence, Criminality and Terrorism. Venezuela Positiva)
Caracas. December
JACS “Central America and the Caribbean. Key Challenges of Sustainable Development
and Research priorities: Social Practices as Driving Forces of Change “ (with various authors) IN
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change. Edited by Hans Hurni, Urs Wiesmann and
Roland Schertenleib VOL 1, pages 193-328
NCCR. North-South,Berne. Switzerland.
“Le Barrio, la rue, les gangs, une critique de la Sociologie Urbaine “ ( The Barrio, the
street , the gangs, a critic to the Urban Sociology) (With Yves Pedrazzini ) . IN Enjeux de la
Sociologie Urbaine. Sous la Direction de Michel Bassand, Vincent Kaufmann, et Dominique Joye.
Science, Technique, Société Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. CH- Lausanne.
1997 “ Vie violente et liens sociaux d’urgence“ (Violent life and social links of urgency). (With
Yves Pedrazzini. IN Les liens social et l’Inachèvement de la Modernite. Experiences d’Amerique
et d’Europe. (The social links and the accomplishment of modernity. Experience from America
and Europe) Edited by J.Pavageu, Gilbert and Y. Pedrazzini. Ed. L’Harmattan /ARCI. Paris.
“ Bandes de Barrios de Caracas et Gangs des Ghettos Américains ” (Gangs
in the
Barrios of Caracas and Gangs in American ghettos)( With Yves Pedrazzini IN Sujet-Acteur et
Societes en Transformations. ( IN Suject- Actor and the Societies in transformation) Edited by
Luce Kellerman and German Solinis.Collection Etudes.Presses Universitaires de Perpignan.
“Riesgos de perturbación en las relaciones sociales existentes en el Barrio
consecuencia de los procesos de Rehabilitación ” (Perturbations risks in the existing social
relations in the barrios as a result of Rehabilitation process.(With
Yves Pedrazzini ) IN La
cuestión de los Barrios IN (The question of the Barrios). Edited by Teolinda Bolivar and Josefina
Baldo. Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana. Fundacion Polar. UCV. Caracas
”Jeunes en revolte et Changement Social” (Youths in revolts and social
others) L’Harmattan. Logiques Sociales. Paris. France
“Le malheur de naitre pauvre en milieu urbain” (The Adversity of Being Born Poor at
the Urban Environment).( With Yves Pedrazzini) IN La Societé en éclats. Recits recueillis par
Thomas Schnee et Dominique Godfard. Fondation pour le Progrés de l’Homme et Association de
Recherche Cooperative International. Syros Editions. Paris
“Hacia una estrategia cultural de los Movimientos Sociales?” (Toward a Cultural
Strategy of the Social Movements). IN Ambient , Estado y Sociedad. Edited by Maria Pilar Garcia .
CENDES. USB. Caracas
“Radicalizacion y barbarismo” By Magaly Sanchez R .El Nacional. Caracas . Venezuela
27 Agosto 2014
“Portrayals of Colombian and Venezuelan Immigrants Organizations in the United
States” By Magaly Sanchez R and Maria Aysa–Lastra. Bulletin of Latin American Research June
10 (NIHMS5616741)
Book Review “Demanding the Land : Urban Popular Movements in Peru and Ecuador
1990-2005” By Magaly Sanchez R .Contemporary Sociology. July 2012, 41 (4)
“From exclusion to International Migration : The case of Latino Youths”. Magaly
Sanchez R IN Urbana. Instituto de Urbanismo. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas.
Venezuela. No. 39 Septiembre 2012. NIHMSID # 463673.
“Violencia –Inseguridad y la Emigración de Venezolanos” Magaly Sanchez R. IN Revista
Debates. IESA Volume XVI. Numero 3. July Sep 2011 Caracas . Venezuela
2011 Book review “Violent Democracies in Latin America” by Magaly Sanchez R. IN American
Journal of Sociology. May 2011
“Relation d’une Expérience Sociale: Science ou Auto- fiction ?
(Magaly Sanchez R With Yves Pedrazzini) IN Nouvelles Practiques Sociales, 20 (2)
“Latino and American Identities as perceived by Immigrants”
(Magaly Sanchez R With Douglas Massey) IN Qualitative Sociology, 30:81-108 .
“Latino and American Identities as perceived by Immigrants”.(Co- Authored With
Douglas Massey) IN Qualitative Research. Publisher Springer Netherlands.November.
“Pobreza Urbana en el Nuevo Milenio”. Editorial. IN Revista URBANA No 26 . Institute
of Urbanism. Faculty of Architecture. Central University of Venezuela . Caracas Venezuela. EneroJulio.
2000 “Drug dealing, and Street Violence among Inner City Latino Youth “. IN Revista URBANA
No.26 Institute of Urbanism. Faculty of Architecture,Central University of Venezuela .Caracas.
Venezuela. Enero- Julio.
“De los movimientos sociales urbanos a la cultura de urgencia en la metrópoli”.(From
the Urban social movements to the Culture of Urgency in the
Metropolis) Editorial. IN
FERMENTUM. Revista de Sociología y Antropología.
Año 6. No.16 y 17.Mayo-Diciembre.
Mérida. Venezuela.
“Vida Violenta y Vínculos sociales de Urgencia en la Metrópoli ”.( Violent
life and
urgent social link in the Metropolis).(With Yves Pedrazzini ) IN
FERMENTUM. Revista de
Sociología y Antropología .Año 6. No.16 y 17. Mayo-Diciembre, Mérida. Venezuela.
“Tiempos de Metropolis ” ( Time’s of Metrópolis )IN URBANA No
13.Institute of
Urbanism. Faculty of Architecture. Central University of Venezuela. Caracas, January
“Vers une Culture d’Urgence dans les Métropoles d’Europe? ” (Toward a
Culture of
Urgency, in the European Metropolis).( Witt Yves Pedrazzini)
Controverses. Paris. Septembre
IN Lettre du Pir-Villes.
“Nuevas Legitimidades Sociales y Violencia Urbana en Caracas ” ( New
Legitimacy and Urban Violence in Caracas ) (With Yves Pedrazzini) IN Nueva Sociedad.No.109.
Caracas. Septembre- Octobre.
“El rol de la renta de la tierra en la economía venezolana de los años 70 ”. (The rol of
the Land Rent in the Venezuelan Economy in the 70’s)IN Revista URBANA No 4. Institute of
Urbanisme. Faculty of Architecture. Central University of Venezuela . Caracas. Venezuela.
“Reproducción de la fuerza de trabajo en la estructura Urbana de Caracas ”. (Work
force Reproduction in the Urban Structure of Caracas: The urban Crisis in the Segregated Areas).
IN Revista Urbana No 1. Institute of Urbanism. Faculty of Architecture. Central University of
Venezuela . Caracas.
Projects :
Since 2010 International Migration of Talent and HSE to United States. OPR. Princeton
University. PI with Douglas Massey
Since 2009 - The Venezuelan Immigrant case. LAMP, PI with Douglas Massey. Princeton
2003-2009 -Transnational Identities and Behavior: An Ethnographic Comparison of First and
Second Generation Latino Immigrants. ( PI. With Douglas Massey )
Population Research Office at Princeton University and the Population Studies Center at the
UPENN/ Russell Sage Foundation Grant
2001- 2005 -International Research partnership for mitigating syndromes of global change. (
With various authors ) IP5 Social Practices and Empowerment in Urban societies In JACS Central
and Caribbean America. FNRS National Fond for Scientific Research, and the DDC-SDC Direction
for Cooperation and Development. IREC IU/UCV.
1999 - Field Work with the Dominican Community in New York. LAMP Latin
Migration Project. Sociology Department. University of Pennsylvania
1997-1999- Low Income Non Custodial Fathers. Latino Community (With PI
Edin) Field Work with the Latino Community in Kensington.
Sociology Department. University of Pennsylvania.1998
Professor Kathryn
1998-2000 -Drug dealing and street violence among Latino children and youth in inner cities .
Kensignton. Philadelphia. Initial support from the Foundation pour le Progress de l’ Homme.
FPH- Paris.
1998-2000 - International Comparative research. Youths and Urban Violence.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Caracas, Venezuela: Dakar, Senegal; Marseille, France,
Philadelphia, USA. Research coordination with Latino Youths at Kensington
Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme
Philadelphia .
1991-1992 -Project Sud –Sul. Culture d’Urgence versus haute technology.
(With Yves Pedrazzini)Join project Lisboa, Portugal, Perpignan, France, Barcelona Spain, and
Caracas, Venezuela. Association de Recherche Coopérative International. ARCI.
1991-1994 -Liens sociaux d’urgence (With Yves Pedrazzini)( (Urgency Social Links ) Group
Thematic Number 3. Resseux et Interaccion Social. International
Joint Project.Asociation
Cooperative International. ARCI.
1987-1991-Los Jovenes Aventureros de la Cultura Urbana. Dinamica Urbana , Cultura popular, y
el rol de los jovenes en la Cultura Urbana. (With Yves Pedrazzini )The Young Adventurers of the
Urban Culture., Urban Dynamic Popular, Culture and the Role of the Young in the Barrios of
Caracas) .
Institute of Urbanism .Central University of Venezuela and The National Fond Swiss for the
Research . Caracas
1983-1987-Los Movimientos Sociales Urbanos y la Politica de Intervencion del Estado en el
Area Metropolitana de Caracas. (The Urban Social Movements and the Policy State Intervention
in the urban metropolitan Area of Caracas)
Institute of Urbanism. Central University of Venezuela. National Council of Science and
Technology CONICIT Caracas
1980 - Structure Urbaine, Force de Travail et Ségrégation social: les conditions de vie dans le
barrios de Caracas. (Urban Structure, Work Force and Social
Segregation:Survey on Life
Conditions in the Caracas popular Barrios)
Doctoral Thesis under the Direction of Professor Manuel Castells O.
Ecole des Hautes Etudes. EPHE. Paris Mai
1980 -81- Reproducción de la Fuerza de Trabajo en la Estructura Urbana: la condición de la
clase trabajadora en las zonas segregadas de Caracas.
( Reproduction of the Work Force in the Urban Structure: the working class conditions in the
segregated areas of Caracas).Institute of Urbanism. Central University of Venezuela . National
Council of Science and Technology - CONICIT -Fundacomun .Caracas
Congress and
"El caso reciente de Venezolanos Talentosos y Altamente Calificados a los Estados
Unidos" Magaly Sanchez R. Princeton University . IN Movilidad y Migración de Profesionales
Altamente Calificados a Estados Unidos y al Mundo. Plenaria SOMEDE. Mexico. Mai 28-30
Discussant " La Venezuela de Hugo Chavez: Memoria, Democracia y Revolución" LASA
Congress . Chicago. Mai 21-14
"Opening remarks" Magaly Sanchez R IN Venezuela Today Seminar. Princeton
University. April 17,18 April .Princeton. NJ.
"High Skills Educated Venezuelan Immigrants in United States" Magaly Sanchez R . Panel
Academia, Science, Technology and International E-Migration of High Skills and Talent IN
Venezuela Today Seminar . Princeton University. April 17,18 April .Princeton.NJ.
“Violencia, Deterioro de la Calidad de vida y la Migración de Venezolanos Talentosos y
Altamente Cualificados”. Magaly Sanchez R . Mesa Extendida Migración Internacional de
Venezolanos talentosos y Altamente cualificados : causas y repercusiones. SVS LASA .
Universidad Católica Andres Bello. UCAB. Caracas . June 17-18 -2013
“Violence, Quality Life Deterioration and International Migration of Talent and HSE
Venezuelans” . Magaly Sanchez R IN Panel Venezuelan HSE and talent to the World : A side
effects of Violence. LASA 2013. DC Mai 2013
Discussant Panel “Legacies of Violence on Latin American Politics and Societies”. LASA
2013 . DC Mai 2013
“Migration of Talent and HSE : Moroccans”. Magaly Sanchez R .In Workshop La
Inmigración Marroquí: Miradas origen y Destino. UNAV. Pamplona. Spain. 14-15 de Junio
“ Aspectos generales sobre la Migración Internacional de Latinos a EEUU”
Magaly Sanchez R . Lecture at the Master en Derecho y Filosofía del Derecho. U.N.A.V
.Pamplona. Spain Abril 2º.
“Veinte Años no son nada. Malandros, bandas y Niños de la Calle” Magaly Sanchez R
with Yves Pedrazzini.
Facultad de arquitectura y Urbanismo , Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Piso 1 , Salón de Post grado . Caracas .Venezuela. 14 Febrero
“ Identidad Latina y el contexto Anti-Inmigrante en Estados Unidos”
Magaly Sanchez R. Organizado por GEDIME. Facultad de CCPP y Sociología
Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona Spain. 31 Mai
2011 “Identidad Latina en el contexto Anti-Inmigrante de Estados Unidos “Magaly Sanchez R IN
Work shop Mestizaje , Identidad y Cohesión Social .El gobierno de los Movimientos de Población.
Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona .Spain 25-26 Mai
2011 “Immigrant Identity in Anti-Immigrant Times” Magaly Sanchez R
Speaker IN Conference New Realities of Mexican Immigration to the United
University. April 22
States. Princeton
2011 “Violence and radicalization in a Democratic Authoritarian regime : The
Case”. Magaly Sanchez R . Key Speaker Pannel De- Radicalization in Repressive Settings
Conference Process of radicalization and De- radicalization. Center for Interdisciplinary Research
. Bielefeld. Germany
April 6-8
2011 Authors meet the critics. “Brokered Boundaries. Creating immigrant Identity in AntiImmigrants Times “ .Douglas Massey and Magaly Sanchez R. IN Eastern Sociological Congress.
2011 “Creating immigrant Identity in Ant immigrants times” Magaly Sanchez R
IN Immigration from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Colloquium. Florida
University Center for Latin-American and Caribbean Studies.Feb23
2010 “International Migration of talent: the case of Venezuelan Immigrants”
Magaly Sanchez R Session 3 Skilled migration, Trends and Determinants.IN Research workshop
Migration and Education-INED . Paris 17 and 18 December.
2010 “Migration, Boundary and Policy “ Table 15. Section on International Migration . Magaly
Sanchez R . Table Présider. ASA 2010 , Atlanta. Aug 15.
2010 “Colombian and Venezuelan Immigrant Organization in the United States”
Magaly Sanchez R ( Presenter) Session 3C. Cumber 2010 Human Mobility, the
Promise of
Development and Political Participation. May 14-15. Omaha.Nebraska.
2010 “Venezuelan Immigrants in the United States” Magaly Sanchez R Poster
Dallas.Texas April 15-17
Session 7 PAA
2009. “Restrictive Immigration Policies and Latino Immigrant Identity in United States”.Magaly
Sanchez R. Round Table Analyses of Policies and Outcomes: education, Youth and Immigration
ASA 2009. San Francisco
2009. “Formation of Immigrant Organizations: A comparison of the Colombian, Ecuadorian and
Venezuelan in the United States” Co-Author with Maria Aysa. Immigration Round Table. ASA
2009.San Francisco
2008- “From Exclusion to International Migration: The case of Latino Youths”
Parallel Session 1.2 Migration and multi local livelihoods.
International Conference on Research for Development. Bern. Switzerland, 2-4-July.
2008.” De la Exclusión a la migración Internacional: el caso de los Jóvenes Latinos”. Session
Venezuela. Latino American Sociological Asociación.
Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Caracas 24 de Mayo.
2007- Chair and Discussant. Panel Colombian Immigrant Experience.
Sociological Association . LASA 2007. Montreal 5-8 September.
2007- Fellow participant in Salzburg Seminar. Session 440 Immigration and Inclusion:Rethinking
National Identity. Salzburg . Austria. March 27 to April 1
2006- Participant in La Chaire Quetelet 2006 . Les systèmes d’information en démographie et
en sciences sociales. En quête de leur Identité : Latinos sans documents aux Etats Unies . (
With Douglas Massey)( Searching Identities : Undocumented Latinos in United States) Louvain
La Neuve. Belgium, November 27-December 1
2006- Chair and Discussant in the Session Issues in the Measurement and Modeling of Migration
Processes. PAA Annual Meeting. Session 92. March 31.Los Angeles
2005- Participation in the Meeting Seminar Immigrants and Ethnic Communities in Philadelphia
and Beyond. Transnational Identity and Behavior: A Ethnographic Comparison of First and
Second Generation Latino Immigrants
Gateway Conference Room. Bryn Mawr College .October, 28, 2005
2005- Participant in the International Congress of Population .IUSSP.
Poster Session 5 . Transnational Identity and Behavior: an Ethnographic Comparison of First and
Second Generation Latino Immigrants. ( With Douglas Massey). Tours. France. Julio, 17-23.
2005- Participation in the International Seminar on Violencia Urbana y Políticas de Seguridad,
organized by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) and the Universidad
Central de Venezuela.
La perversión de la Violencia: Inseguridad y Violencia como Relación de Poder en América Latina.
Mai 23-27. Caracas . Venezuela
2005- Participación en el Seminario Internacional Perspectivas de México y EEUU en el estudio
de la migración internacional. (Comentarista. with Douglas S.Massey) . Percepción de la
Identidad Latina y Americana por parte de los Inmigrantes. Taxco, México January 27-29 .
2005- Participant in the Integrating the Americas First Annual Conference. Labor in the Americas:
Integration and Free Trade. Discussant Integration and International Migration University of
Texas .Austin. March 10-11.
2004-Latino and American Identities as Perceived by Immigrants. ASA 2004
Migration Round Tables. San Francisco .August 14-17
2004-Dialogues “Identity, Diversity and Globalization . Forum Barcelona 2004.
Spain. July 24- 27
2003- Peruanos en Caracas Venezuela. Un estudio piloto. Seminario Internacional
American Migration Project. Costa Rica, April 3-6, 2003
2003 -Violence In the Latin American Metropolis: Urban Security as a New relation of Power. IN
the Session 662 Violence in a Between the Americas : Transnational Alliances for an against the
Peace and Social Justice. LASA . International Congress. Dallas, Texas, 26-30. March.
2002 -Participant in Workshop Impactos regionales del síndrome urbano en América Central y el
Caribe. NCCR-N-S/JACS ACC. Ciudad Mexico. November 11 -15.
2002 –Participant IN“Globalization and Latino Youths” Seminar . with Globalization and Latino
Youth : Exclusion, radical gangs and immigration Reid Hall . Paris.Social Science Research Council.
September 18-20.
2001- Executive Summary of Sustainable Regional Development in Central America and the
Caribbean : Problems and Opportunities. NCCR/SPSP I
IN the International Conference Regional and Global Perspectives of Syndrome Mitigation.
Research. Grindelwald . Swisstzerland, 18-21 September.
2001- Participant. SPSP International Workshop. Sustainable Regional Development in Central
America and Caribbean : problems and Opportunities. Designing a framework, for long term
collaborative research , on Urban Violence in Latin-America. NCCR North South. La HabanaCuba. Julio 1-7.
2001 -President and Organizer of the Special Session Children without shelter: homelessness in
the city American Sociological Association. Annual Congress Cities of the Future. Anaheim. Los
Angeles. CA, August 18-22,
1998 -Participant. Epa chamo, ponte pilas. Malandros, gangs and street kids: a
Culture of
Urgency in the Latino American Metropolis Eastern Sociological Society. Session 138.Inequality
and Children’s world. Philadelphia
1997 -Conference at the Latino American Cultures Program of the University of Pennsylvania .
The Culture of Urgency in the Latino American Metropolis: Malandros, gangs, and Street kids.
Philadelphia, Feb
1996 - Participant. Working Conference The New Urban Marginality in the Dual Metropolis:
Trajectories and Strategies of Poor Urban Youths in France and the United States. University of
Berkeley California. Sponsored by the Center for Western European Studies , The Centre National
de Recherche Scientifique and The National Science Foundation. Berkeley
1992 -International Congress The 92 Global Forum, ONG International
Commitments for the Future. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. June 2-14
1991-Central Lectura : Riesgos de Perturbación en las relaciones sociales como consecuencia
del Proceso de Rehabilitación. (Perturbation risks in the social relations, as an effect of the
rehabilitation process). International Congress Rehabilitation of the Barrios in the Third World .
Casa Romulo Gallegos. CELARG. Caracas Nov
1990 -International. Congress A.R.C.I Association de la Recherche Cooperative International:L’Emergence des Nouvelles Legitimites Sociales. (Emergency of the New Social Legitimacy) Celles
sur Belles. Poiutiers, France Sept
-Les Jeuns et les Nouvelles legitimites sociales , cultural et politiques.(The Youths and the new
political, social and cultural legitimacies). Estoril. Portugal, April
1988 -Transformation economique, dinamique culturel et development.
transformations, cultural dynamics, and development ). Chantilly, France
1990 -III Venezuelan Congress of Sociology and Anthropology .El Impacto social de la crisis. (New
social legitimacy and Urban Violence in Caracas).
Margarita, Venezuela, June
1987 -Soluciones de viviendas desarrolladas por las poblaciones de bajos ingresos en el Tercer
Mundo (Housing solutions developing by the Low Income Population in the Third World). Faculty
of Architecture. Association de Recherche Cooperative, Nations Unies and National Council of
Science and Technology . CONICIT. Caracas, Venezuela
Newspapers :
1999 “Xiomara Guánchez: Lider, luchadora y madre. Homenaje al coraje de los Pobladores”.( UIT
Yves Pedrazzini) IN Ciudades de la Gente. Latinoamericana por la Rehabilitacion Integral de los
Barrios. Caracas. Julio
1996 “Los Pobladores de la calle en las Metrópolis de hoy”. IN Ciudades de la Gente.
Latinoamericana por la Rehabilitación Integral de los Barrios. Caracas . June
1995 “Taller Sur – Norte. Investigación Acción Formación sobre Proyectos. Sociales Urbanos “
(Workshop South-North. Research Action Formation in Social Urban Projects) . Bogotá. February
“El desalojo en Tiempos de Metropolis ”. IN Ciudades de la Gente. Latinoamericana
por la Rehabilitación Integral de los Barrios. No 1.Central
University of Venezuela and
Fondation pour le Progress de l ‘Homme. Caracas. Mars
“Reves individuelles et aventure collective. Relations de pouvoir et changement social
”. ( With others )(Individuals dreams and collective adventure. Power relations and social
change) IN Bulletin ARCI. Paris France.
“La Cultura de Urgencia. Por un Neorrealismo en Sociologia Urbana ”.
( With Yves Pedrazzini) (The culture of Urgency. For a Neo-realism in Urban
Dimension. Facultad de Arquitectura. UCV. Caracas. Venezuela
Association :
Member of the L.A.S.A Latino American Sociological Association
Sociology . IN
Member of the ISA International Sociological Association.
Member of the IUSSP International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (Since 2005)
Executive Committee Member of the Venezuelan Section at the LASA.
American Population Association PAA ( Since 2005)
American Sociological Association .ASA.
Colegio de Sociólogos de Venezuela. (College of Sociology in Venezuela).
ASOVAC. Asociación venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia. (Venezuelan
Association for the advance of Science)
Asociación Espacio para la comunicación de Niños y Jóvenes del Barrio y de la Calle. ECOA.
Caracas. Venezuela.