Download II Workshop Second-Person Perspective, Folk Psychology, and

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II Workshop
Second-Person Perspective,
Folk Psychology, and
Project “Agency, Normativity and Rationality.The Presence of the Subject in
Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC)
January, 24-25
January, 24
First session: 11.30-13.00
Hanne de Jaegher (IAS-UPV): Participatory sense-making and social interaction
Discusant: Manuel Heras Escribano (UGR)
Second session: 15.30-17.00
Josep Corbí (UV): The perplexities of Moral Disagreement and the Divided Conception
of the Self
Discussant: Fernando Broncano (UC3M)
Third session: 17.30-19.00
Manuel de Pinedo (UGR): When my own beliefs are not second-personal enough
Discussant: Jesús Navarro Reyes (US)
Friday, 25
Fourth session: 9.30-11.00
Antoni Gomila (UIB): From the second-person point of view to the third
Discussant: Víctor Fernández Castro (UGR)
Fifth session: 11.30-13.00
Daniel Hutto (Hertfordshire University): 'Exposing the Background: Deep and Local'
Discussant: Jesús Vega Encabo (UAM)
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