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Scientific and technological advances in criminal investigation Master in Public Law Academic Year: ( 2016 / 2017 ) Department of Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Electives ECTS Credits : 6.0 Year : 1 Semester : 1 Course Director : ZAFRA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS, MARIA ROCIO Review date: 12-09-2016 12:28:54 STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE COMPLETED Criminal Procedural Law COMPETENCES AND SKILLS THAT WILL BE ACQUIRED AND LEARNING RESULTS especifics competences: - learn about investigative - learn about statal actual regulation of DNA - learn about how are incorporation of informatics document in the trial - detect the case that need undercover operation for investigation - know new investigacion through communication forms DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS: PROGRAMME 1.- Balance between garantias systems and new technologies for delictual investigation 2.- Scientific evidence 2.1.- Investigation based on scientific and technological methods. 2.2.- DNA analysis as investigation method and evidence 2.3.- the importance database as method investigation 3.- undercover operation 3.1.- videovigilancia 3.2.- Infiltration police 3.3. -Delivery and controlled movement 4.- some electronic evidence 5.- Criminology 4.1.- informatic document 4.2.- e-mail 4.3.- videograbacion 4.4.- SMS LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND METHODOLOGY The course will include lectures by teachers in charge of the subject. Seminars where experts in the field will participate will be held. And visits will develop the most relevant and of interest to the subject institutions. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The Assessment system will are since 1 to 10 points: 1.- investigation work 2.- participation in case extraordinary convocatory: those students who, having not passed the subject in the ordinary call , should make a research of a topic related to the subject that can be checked through the acquisition of skills and knowledge that are intended . The investigation is assessed about 10 points % end-of-term-examination: 50 % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, 50 BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Página 1 de 2 - SOLETO MUÑOZ, H La identificación del imputado, Tirant lo Blanch, 2009 - ZAFRA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS, R El policía infiltrado. Los presupuestos jurídicos en el porceso penal español, Tirant lo Blanch, 2010 - ZAFRA ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS, R El impacto de la prueba de ADN en los derechos fundamentales, La LEy, 13 de abril de 2014 - GASCÓN INCHAUSTI, F iNFILTRACIÓN POLICIAL Y AGENTE ENCUBIERTO, COMARES, 2001 - DEL OLMO DEL OLMO, JA Las garantías procesales en la identificación de imputados mediante perfiles de ADN, La Ley Penal, núm. 91, marzo 2012 - SOLETO MUÑOZ, H; FIODOROVA, A DNA and Law Enforcement in the European Union: Tools and Human Rights Protection, Utreccht Law Review, Vol. 10, enero 2014. - SORIANO SORIANO, JR La prueba pericial de ADN: problemas procesales. Jurisprudencia penal (2005-2007): análisis crítico, Estudios de Derecho Judicial, núm. 120, 2007, CGPJ - CABEZUDO BAJO, MJ La regulación del ¿uso forense de la tecnología del ADN¿ EN España y en la UE: identificación de cinco nuevas cuestiones controvertidas, Revista General de Derecho Procesal, NÚ,. 26, 2012 - CASTILLEJO MANZANARES, R La prueba de ADN en el borrador del Código Procesal Penal, La Ley, núm. 8213, diciembre 2013 Basic Electronic Resources - Instituto Nacional de Toxicología y Ciencia Forense . INTYCF: onal_de_toxicologia_y_ciencias_forenses/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gzT1dTz6BgExPjUBcTA0_j sDDXAA9fAwNXI6B8JG55EwNidBvgAI6EdIeDXItbRbAZfnkTIwLyBhB5PO7z88jPTdUvyA2NMMj01AUA6k8A_w!!/dl3/ d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ - Policía CIenctífica . policía Cienctífica: Página 2 de 2