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11th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Ontology, Terminology & Text Mining 19-21 Jun 2014 DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. Berlin, Germany SPECIALIZED TEXT MINING THROUGH SPECIFIC KEYWORDS Plested, María Cecilia; Pulgarín, Maira Alejandra; Díaz, Adriana Lucía Research Group for Terminology and Translation- GITT, University of Antioquia, Colombian Terminology Network, Calasanz’ School, Medellin KOLUMBIEN BACKGROUND Colombia Ecuador Perú Chile - Colombia is - a MONOLINGUAL country in relation to Spanish a MULTILINGUAL in relation to the indigenous languages OBJECTIVE To present the structure of a methodological procedure for the specialized text mining through specific keywords applicable to different LSP- text typologies in specialized areas. In this case, the use of a foreign language by the experts is unusual Many researchers are unaware of the use appropriate search engines to select the right documents in order to determine the specialized texts in the needed foreign language. In that case, the benefits of a digital interactive text mining can be greatly reduced. INTRODUCTION According to the research carried out on cognitive autonomy and reading literacy (Pulgarín,Plested, 2012), readers of specialized fields (most of them postgraduate students) considered that their level of a foreign language appropriation was weak. That means they do not have the competence to determine keywords derived of a concept system in order to build textual relationships to understand a text in a foreign language or Reading Strategies in a Foreign Language. Pulgarin, Plested, 2012 PROBLEM For most of researchers in many specialized fields to get specific BIBLIOGRAPHY in a foreing language, even if they can read in that foreign language, is like… THEORETICAL SUPPORT Our research’s theoretical starting point is based on the WIKO Model. It is understood as an organizational focus of expertise constituted by conceptual units that represent the subject field or discipline of every spoken or written process coherently. The contextualized terminology in a foreign language must be seen as an additional tool in the learning or us of that language. This practice improves the acquisition basis and gives users the possibility to elaborate and acquire new knowledge. In addition, one of the most important aspects is to THEORETICAL SUPPORT Knowledge as center, Plested, 1999, 2000 THEORETICAL SUPPORT Methodology for Terminology. Díaz, 2007 Preparation of the terminological analysis - the work team : terminologists + subject field experts - determination of responsibilities M E T H O D O L O G Y Multilingual work - corpus - determination of the key words - pilot evaluation Validation workshop - inside the work team - with the community of the subject field experts Results - Training of the experts about this specific methodology management - SPECIALIZED TEXT MINING THROUGH SPECIFIC KEYWORDS MULTILINGUAL GLOSSARIES TEXT MINING STRATEGIES PROJECTS Análisis diacrónico de los conceptos: “definición, concepto, análisis terminológico y rastreo terminológico”. Hacia una precisión conceptual en Colombia Terminological Thesaurus in Translation and Interpretation Terminology 'TETIT‘ Conceptualización Metodológica en Clínica Forense: análisis de inconsistencias y ambigüedades (Forensics project) Social Circus of the Cirque du Soleil, Montréal Canada Conceptualización Metodológica en Clínica Forense: análisis de inconsistencias y ambigüedades (Forensics project) La obtención de ADN en el ámbito penal suele tener al menos dos escenarios y dos momentos distintos dentro del proceso. Por un lado se trata de obtener el ADN dubitado (la prueba) de la escena del delito o del cuerpo de la victima y, por otro, la obtención del ADN de referencia de las personas implicadas en el proceso con las que realizar el análisis genético comparativo. ÁREAS Odontologí a Clínica Forense Fotografía RUC (Registro Único de Cadávere s Psiquiatrí ay psicología CRRV (Centro de Referenci a sobre la Violencia) Balística Ciencias forenses Entomología Biología Forense Topografía y dibujo Química Grafología y documentos copia Patología Histopa tología Física aplicada CLíNICA FORENSE Drogadicción Persona Compensada Embriaguez Estado de salud de la persona privada de libertad Prisión domiciliaria Alcoholismo Violencia sexual Lesiones no fatales de causa externa Arma de fuego Golpe contundente Maltrato Abuso Social Circus of the Cirque du Soleil, Montréal Canada Screen from TBAC’s glossary. (Source: Díaz, 2013) TERMINOLOGICAL PROCEDURE Achieved results Methodology for Terminology. Díaz, 2007 CONCLUSIONS • Each terminology analysis permitted effective text mining and determined specific keywords to build the glossaries • The application of COLTERM methodology for terminological work combined with reading strategies allowed a better use of specialized keywords by experts, students or researchers, which knowledge in a foreign language is weak. • SPECIALIZED TEXT MINING THROUGH SPECIFIC KEYWORDS gave a harmonized and effective CONCLUSIONS • The production of specialized glossaries and lexicons favored the creation of an interdisciplinary awareness and scientific community. • All the processes in the projects were validated through workshops of experts and guided activities for autonomous learning. • The specialized text mining through specific keywords allowed experts in different subject fields to determine a set of informational contents which provide them a better contextualized conceptual understanding of LSP-documentation of their disciplines. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! MERCI BEAUCOUP! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! WIR BEDANKEN UNS FÜR IHRE AUFMERKSAMKEIT Maria Cecilia Plested Maira Alejandra Pulgarín Adriana Lucia Díaz