Download Unit 3: El Mundo Maravilloso del Invierno Winter Wonderland

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Unit 3: El Mundo Maravilloso del Invierno
Winter Wonderland
Theme 3: Los Días Festivos/Holidays
Learning Targets:
Students will be able to:
*understand that many holidays are celebrated around the world
Including: Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Three Kings Day, Presidents’ Day
Vocabulary:La Navidad (LAH nah-BEE-dahd): Christmas
El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos ( EHL DEE-ah DEH LOHS TREHS
REH-yehs MAH-gohs): Three Kings Day
La Janucá (LAH hahn-uh-KAH): Hanukkah
La Cuansa (LAH KWAHN-sah): Kwanzaa
El Día de los Presidentes
(EHL DEE-ah DEH LOHS preh-see-DEN-tehs): Presidents’ Day
el regalo (EHL reh-GAH-loh): gift
las luces (LAHS LOO-sehs): lights
la familia (LAH fah-MEE-lyah): family
la música (LAH MOO-see-kah): music
el amor (EHL ah-MOHR): love
la canción (LAH kahn-see-OHN): song