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REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL Y FAMILIA 2014 NÚMERO 1 (JUN) ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND FAMILY 05, 30-39 NUMBER 1 (JUN) ISSN: 2007-9249 Características Neuropsicológicas de Niños Preescolares con Diagnóstico de Retraso Simple del Lenguaje Neuropsychological Characteristics In Preschool Children Diagnosed With Simple Language Delay 1 2 ENRIQUE FILIO CASTRO , RUBÉN HERNÁNDEZ COCOLETZI 1 UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE TLAXCALA. UNIDAD BÁSICA DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL MUNICIPIO LÁZARO CÁRDENAS SISTEMA ESTATAL PARA EL DESARROLLO INTEGRAL DE LA FAMILIA (DIF) TLAXCALA. 2 Abstract 1 Correspondencia: Enrique Filio Castro Facultad de Ciencias para el Desarrollo Humano UAT. Carretera TlaxcalaPuebla Km. 1.5 Tlaxcala, Tlax. C. P. 90000 Teléfonos (01 246) 46 2 15 33 y 46 2 62 35 e-mail: Six preschool children with language delay were evaluated, aged three to five. Belonging to a suburban population in Tlaxcala which are attended in the Basic Rehabilitation Unit (UBR) with the same socioeconomic conditions excepting the Simple diagnosis of language delay. A neuropsychological Evaluation for Preschoolers Children was applied. The Mann-Whitney statistical test showed a significant difference of p<.01 in the kinesthetic factor, in which children with simply language delay obtained the worst performances. The kinesthetic factor is related to articulatory imprecision of oral language; in addition, some children with simple language delay, regulation and control factor, weakly developed, were not allowed to check their pronunciation errors. Any significant statistically differences were showed in the Neuropsychological factors, phonemic hearing, verbal audio, programming and control, visual and spatial perception retention. Key words: Simple language delay; imprecision; Neuropsychological factor; factor. Recibido: . enero 2014. Revisado: febrero 2014. Articulatory Kinesthetic Aceptado: marzo 2014.