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Harvest Partners June 2011 Argentina Connection Retiro de la Familia - Región Córdova, Argentina Los días 21 al 24 de abril llevamos adelante el 2do. Retiro Regional de la Familia, con el lema: “Visión 2020 y la familia”. Los temas que se desarrollaron fueron: La oración y la Familia. La cosecha y la familia. El desarrollo de líderes y la familia. Invitamos al pastor Miguel Pinto y su familia quienes estuvieron ministrando. Reporte: 42 santificados. 04 salvos. 01 niño recibió sanidad. 08 bautizados en agua. 32 fueron añadidos a la iglesia. 78 asistentes entre niños, adolescentes, jóvenes y padres. Vivimos un tiempo glorioso con el Señor y la familia. Asistieron todos los pastores de nuestra región a quienes les agradezco su apoyo, nuestra región Córdova – La Rioja, sigue avanzando gracias a Dios. Rogamos sus oraciones por Argentina. Family Retreat—Córdova Region, Argentina On April 21-24, we conducted the 2nd Regional Family Retreat with the theme: "Vision 2020 and the Family." The themes developed were: Prayer and the Family; Harvest and Family; Leadership Development and Family. We invited Pastor Miguel Pinto and his family who were ministering. The report from this retreat is: 42 sanctified. 4 saved. 1 child received healing. 8 were baptized in water. 32 were added to the church. 78 attendees including children, young adults, youth and parents. We enjoyed a glorious time with the Lord and family. All the pastors in our region attended and I appreciated their support. Our region, Cordova - La Rioja, continues to make progress, thank God. We ask your prayers for Argentina. More photos from the Family Retreat in the Córdova Region of Argentina continues on page 2. Page 2 El Lema del Retiro “Mujeres en Acción” Bendiciones en abundancia fueron recibidas en el Retiro de Damas en General Alvear Mendoza – Argentina. El pastor Miguel Roldán estuvo a cargo y contamos con las visitas de las hermanas de la capital MZA con el pastor Carlos Ariza, esposa e hijos. También nos acompañó el supervisor Nacional, Obispo Francisco López y familia. El lugar del Retiro fue el departamento de Malargue, en el Albergue Municipal; las reuniones se realizaron en el salón de la conferencia, lo cual la municipalidad del lugar nos ofreció la sala roja. Se pasaron unos excelentes días llenos de bendición y alabanza a Dios. Fue un retiro diferente, se hicieron talleres reflexivos a través de representaciones hechas por la pastora Nancy Fuentes. Retreat Theme –“Women in Action” The Ladies Retreat celebrated in General Alvear Mendoza, Argentina was tremendously blessed. Pastor Miguel Roldán was in charge of the retreat, and we had the presence of several sisters from the capital MZA (Mendoza) accompanied by Pastor Carlos Ariza, his wife and children. National Overseer, Bishop Francisco López and his family graced us with their presence. The site of the retreat was in the department of Malargue, in Albergue Municipal. The sessions were held in the department’s conference hall, of which the municipality offered us the red hall. We experienced wonderful days of blessing and praise to our God. It was a retreat like no other. Pastor Nancy Fuentes presented wonderful workshops that caused us to reflect on our lives. “Women in Action” Retreat, Mendoza, Argentina Harvest Partners Ministry a division of Global Outreach Ministries Note that all gifts are tax deductible and 100% of your gift is applied to the need you specify. Annette Taylor | International Director Church of God of Prophecy International Offices PO Box 2910 | Cleveland | TN | 37320-2910 Phone: 423.559.5205 | Fax: 423.559.5238 E-mail: -or-