Download Instructions: • In the section “puedo” : write the things you can do

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• Instructions:
• In the section “puedo” : write the things you can
do- e.g. Yo puedo cocinar pasta deliciosa.
• In the section “quiero’: write material and non
materail things you want to have. E.g. Yo quiero
tener salud, yo quiero tener una guitarra electrica.
• In the section “sé”: write about what you know: Yo
sé algebra, yo sé hablar francés.
• In the section “tengo” : write about the material
and non material things you have. E.g. Yo tengo un
iPhone 6; yo tengo el amor de mi familia.
• In the section “mis puntos fuertes”: write the
values you have as a person.
• In the section “papelera”: write the negative things
you need to improve on as a person (e.g. I am
selfish, I need to be ,more generous)