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WWW.NUTRIHEALERS.COM SANGRE DE GRADO CONDICIONES DE SALUD EN LAS QUE LA SANGRE DE GRADO ES UTIL USOS TRADICIONALES E INVESTIGACION MODERNA Cáncer Leucemia mielógena Modulación del sistema inmunológico Anti Inflamatorio Anti Viral Cicatrizante Diarrea Ulceras Dolores articulares y musculares Extracciones dentales Faringitis - Amigdalitis Fracturas ESPECIECroton lechleri UBICACIÓNAmazonía baja y alta DESCRIPCIONSavia o látex de color rojo profundo, que proviene del árbol Crotón lechleri, cuya copa es redondeada y amplia, la corteza es griso-blanquecina. Las hojas son generalmente alternas, de 12 a 20 cm de longitud y de 5 a 14 cm de ancho. Las flores se presentan en racimos, son de color ámbar, tienen numerosos estambres. El fruto es capsular globoso deprimido, de 3 a 4.5 mm, las semillas son lisas con carúncula y endosperma oleaginoso. FUENTES Medicinal plants from Peru: a review of plants as potential agents against cancer. Author: Gonzales,-G-F; Valerio,-L-G Jr Citation:Anticancer-Agents-Med-Chem. 2006 Sep; 6(5): 429-44 Evaluation of the mutagenic, antimutagenic and antiproliferative potential of Croton lechleri (Muell. Arg.) latex. Author: Rossi,-D; Bruni,-R; Bianchi,-N; Chiarabelli,-C; Gambari,-R; Medici,-A; Lista,-A; Paganetto,-G Citation:Phytomedicine. 2003 Mar; 10(2-3): 139-44 A novel extract SB-300 from the stem bark latex of Croton lechleri inhibits CFTR-mediated chloride secretion in human colonic epithelial cells. Author: Fischer,-H; Machen,-T-E; Widdicombe,-J-H; Carlson,-T-J; King,-S-R; Chow,-J-W; Illek,-B Citation:J-Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Aug; 93(2-3): 351-7 Immunomodulatory activity and chemical characterisation of sangre de drago (dragon's blood) from Croton lechleri. Author: Risco,-E; Ghia,-F; Vila,-R; Iglesias,-J; Alvarez,-E; Canigueral,-S Citation:Planta-Med. 2003 Sep; 69(9): 785-94 Review of sangre de drago (Croton lechleri)--a South American tree sap in the treatment of diarrhea, inflammation, insect bites, viral infections, and wounds: traditional uses to clinical research. Author: Jones,-K Citation:J-Altern-Complement-Med. 2003 Dec; 9(6): 877-96 Taspine is the cicatrizant principle in Sangre de Grado extracted from Croton lechleri. Author: Vaisberg, A J : Milla, M : Planas, M C : Cordova, J L : de : Agusti, E R : Ferreyra, R : Mustiga, M C : Carlin, L : Hammond, G B Citation: Planta-Med. 1989 Apr; 55(2): 140-3 All information is for informational purposes only, and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. No statements have been evaluated by the FDA. We always suggest talking to your physician concerning any questions you may have about supplement/drug interactions. Extended Disclaimer