UNIDAD: 10.-7.MONERAS, PROTISTAS,HONGOS HONGOS Y PLANTAS. UNIDAD: MONERAS, PROTOCTISTAS, Y PLANTAS EL REINO MÓNERA. Características: Son seres unicelulares y sus células son procariotas. Ej. Las bacterias. - Algunas bacterias nos ayudan: Algunas viven en nuestro aparato digestivo y forma la flora intestinal, unas nos ayudan a hacer la digestión y otras fabrican vitaminas que necesitamos. Otras bacterias las utilizamos para fabricar alimentos, fertilizar el campo, etc. - Algunas bacterias nos perjudican: Algunas bacterias causan enfermedades, por ejemplo: la tuberculosis, el tétano, el cólera, la meningitis, etc. Funciones vitales: - Nutrición: La mayoría son heterótrofas, pero hay un grupo, las cianobacterias, que son autótrofas. - Relación: Algunas bacterias no se mueven, pero otras si pueden desplazarse. Las bacterias pueden vivir en las condiciones más extremas. - Reproducción: Se reproducen asexualmente por división de la célula. En muy poco tiempo se pueden reproducir muchísimas veces. Por ejemplo: una bacteria se puede reproducir millones de veces en unas horas. EL REINO PROTISTA. A este reino pertenecen los protozoos y las algas. LOS PROTOZOOS: Características: Son seres unicelulares y sus células son eucariotas - Algunos protozoos nos ayudan: Porque son muy importantes para el medio ambiente, ya que ayudan a reciclar la materia orgánica. - Algunos protozoos nos perjudican: Algunos son muy dañinos porque causan enfermedades, por ejemplo: la malaria, etc. Funciones vitales: - Nutrición: La mayoría son heterótrofos. Capturan los alimentos del medio natural. - Relación: La mayoría se mueven gracias a cilios, flagelos o seudópodos. - Reproducción: Se reproducen asexualmente por división de la célula. LAS ALGAS: Características: Pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares. Sus células son eucariotas parecidas a las de las plantas. Pueden ser algas rojas, pardas o verdes. - Algunas algas nos ayudan: La podemos utilizar como alimento. - Algunas algas nos perjudican: Pueden contaminar lagos y mares. Funciones vitales: - Nutrición: Son autótrofos. Realizan la fotosíntesis. - Relación: La mayoría son acuáticas, pero si hay humedad suficiente pueden vivir en la corteza de los árboles, rocas, etc. - Reproducción: Si el alga es unicelular, se reproduce asexualmente por división de la célula. Si es pluricelular, se puede reproducir asexualmente o sexualmente. EL REINO DE LOS HONGOS. Características: Son seres unicelulares o pluricelulares y sus células son eucariotas. - Algunos hongos nos ayudan: De algunos se obtienen valiosas sustancias como los antibióticos. Otros al descomponer la materia orgánica, forma el humus que enriquece el suelo del bosque de manera natural y recicla la materia orgánica Otros son comestibles. Algunos hongos como las levaduras las utilizamos para hacer: pan, cerveza, vino, etc. - Algunos hongos nos perjudican: Algunos causan enfermedades en personas, animales y plantas. Funciones vitales: - Nutrición: Son heterótrofos, se alimentan de materia orgánica. Segregan una sustancia que descomponen el alimento y luego lo absorbe. - Relación: La mayoría viven en el suelo, pero los unicelulares pueden vivir en nuestro cuerpo, frutas, flores, etc. Algunos hongos se asocia con algas y forman los líquenes. El hongo proporciona agua y sales minerales y el alga hace la fotosíntesis y fabrica el alimento. - Reproducción: Se reproducen por esporas. EL REINO DE LAS PLANTAS. $$$$$$$ EUCARIOTAS Características: Son seres pluricelulares y sus células son procariotas. - Las plantas nos ayudan: Son el alimento básico para las personas, de ellas extraemos materiales como: madera, corcho, caucho, papel, medicamentos, combustible, etc. Funciones vitales: - Nutrición: Las plantas son autótrofas, se fabrican su propio alimento mediante la fotosíntesis. En este proceso las plantas con la energía del Sol, las sales minerales del suelo y el dióxido de carbono, fabrica alimentos para ella y expulsa oxígeno a la atmósfera. - Relación: Las plantas viven fijas en el suelo pero pueden moverse en busca de la luz, humedad, etc.. - Reproducción: Tienen reproducción sexual y asexual. Clasificación de las plantas: ¿Tienen raíz, ¿Tienen ¿Tienen GRUPOS ¿Tienen flores? tallo y hojas? semillas? frutos? NO NO NO No tienen flores. Briofitas SI NO NO No tienen flores, se reproducen por esporas. Pteridofitas SI SI NO Tienen flores, pero no son completas Gimnospermas SI SI SI Tienen flores completas Angiospermas Partes de una flor: - Cáliz: Está formado por los sépalos, que protegen al ovario. - Corola: Está formada por los pétalos. Son hojas de colores llamativos para atraer a los insectos para la polinización. - Androceo: Es el órgano de reproducción masculino. Está compuesto de los estambres, con su filamento y su antera (que contiene los granos de polen). - Gineceo: Es el órgano de reproducción femenino. Está compuesto del estigma, el estilo y el ovario (que contiene los óvulos). NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______ 1º ESO __ (Bilingual) UNIT: 10.MONERA, PROTISTS, FUNGI PLANTS. UNIT: 7.- MONERA, PROTISTS, FUNGI ANDAND PLANTS. THE MONERA KINGDOM. Characteristics: They are unicellular beings and their cells are prokaryotes. E.g. Bacteria. - Some bacteria help us: Some bacteria live in our digestive system and form intestinal flora, others help us to digest and others manufacture vitamins that we need. We use other bacteria to manufacture foods, to fertilize crops, etc. - Some bacteria harm us: Some bacteria cause illnesses, for example: tuberculosis, tetanus, cholera, meningitis, etc Vital Functions: - Nutrition: Most are heterotrophic, but there is a group, the cyanobacteria, that are autotrophic. - Relationship: Some bacteria don't move, but others can move. Bacteria can live under the most extreme conditions. - Reproduction: They reproduce asexually by division of the cell. In very little time they can reproduce many times. For example: bacteria can reproduce millions of times in a few hours. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate these words: Monera: Intestinal flora: Illness: Bacteria: 3.- Does some bacteria help us? How? 4.- Does some bacteria harm us? How? 5.- How does the reproduction of bacteria occur? 6.- Can bacteria move? Prokaryote: Heterotrophic: 7.- Can bacteria be autotrophic? Which? 8.- Complete: a) _____________ are ___________________ and their cells are ______________. b) Some _________ help us, and other cause ________ . c) Most of ____________ are heterotrophic, but there is a group, _______________, that are ________. d) ____________ can live under the most extreme ______________ . e) ____________ can _____________ millions of time in __________________________. 9.- Write a “T” if the phrase is true and an “F” if the phrase is false a) Moneras are unicellular beings and their cells are prokaryotes. b) Some bacteria live in our digestive system. c) Some bacteria form intestinal flora. d) All bacteria cause illnesses. e) All bacteria are heterotrophic. f) Bacteria can live under the most extreme conditions. 10.- Underline the correct word and cross out the incorrect one. a) Bacteria are unicellular / multi-cellular beings and their cells are prokaryotes / eukaryotes. b) Virus / Bacteria form intestinal flora / foods. c) Most of virus / bacteria are autotrophic / heterotrophic. d) Cyanobacteria are autotrophic / heterotrophic. e) Bacteria reproduce sexually / asexually by division of the cell. NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______ 1º ESO __ (Bilingual) THE PROTISTA KINGDOM. Protozoa and Algae are in this kingdom. PROTOZOA: Characteristics: They are unicellular beings and their cells are eukaryotes. - Some protozoa help us: Because they are very important to the environment, since they help to recycle organic matter. - Some protozoa harm us: Some are very harmful because they cause illnesses, for example: malaria, etc. Vital functions: - Nutrition: Most are heterotrophic. They capture the foods of the natural environment. - Relationship: Most move thanks to cilia, flagella or pseudopods. - Reproduction: They reproduce asexually by division of the cell. ALGAE: Characteristics: They can be unicellular or multi-cellular. Its cells are eukaryotic similar to plants. Algae can be red, brown or green. - Some algae help us: We can use it as food. - Some algae harm us: They can contaminate lakes and seas. Vital functions: - Nutrition: They are autotrophic. They carry out photosynthesis. - Relationship: Most are aquatic, but if there is enough humidity they can live in the bark of trees, rocks, etc. - Reproduction: If algae are unicellular, it reproduces asexually by cell division. If it is multicellular, it can reproduce asexually or sexually. 1.- Copy the information about algae in the box: 2.- Translate these words: Protozoa: Unicellular being: Flagella: Pseudopods: Algae: Autotrophic: Cilia: Eukaryote: Multi-cellular being: 3.- How does the nutrition of protozoa occur? 4.- How does the nutrition of algae occur? 5.- Complete: ALGAE: Characteristic: It can be ______________ or _____________. Its cells are __________. PROTOZOA: Characteristic: They are _____________beings and their ________ are ______________. 6.- Write a “T” if the phrase is true and an “F” if the phrase is false a) Protozoa are unicellular beings and their cells are prokaryotes b) Some protozoa help us. c) Some protozoa harm us. d) Protozoa reproduce sexually. e) Algae can be unicellular or multi-cellular. f) Algae are heterotrophic. 7.- Match with arrows: Protozoa Algae We can use them as food. They are unicellular beings and their cells are eukaryotes. Most are heterotrophic. Some cause illnesses. They reproduce asexually by division of the cell. They can be unicellular or multi-cellular. They can be red, brown or green. Most move thanks to cilia, flagella or pseudopods. Most are aquatic. 8.- Match with arrows: Protozoa Algae 9.- a) What are the vital functions of a protozoa? b) What are the vital functions of an algae? 10.- Label with ‘protozoa’, ‘red algae’, ‘brown algae’, or ‘green algae’ NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______ 1º ESO __ (Bilingual) THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM. Characteristics: They are unicellular or multi-cellular beings and their cells are eukaryotic - Some mushrooms help us: From some mushrooms we obtain valuable substances like antibiotics. Others when decomposing organic matter form the compost that enriches the floor of the forest in a natural way and recycles the organic matter. Others are edible. We use some mushrooms like yeasts to make bread, beer, wine, etc. - Some mushrooms harm us: Some mushrooms cause illnesses in people, animals and plants. Vital functions: - Nutrition: They are heterotrophic, and they feed off organic matter. They segregate a substance that decomposes the food and then absorb it. - Relationship: Most live on the forest floor, but the unicellular can live in our body, fruits, flowers, etc. Some mushrooms associate with algae and form lichen. Mushrooms provide water and mineral salts and the algae does photosynthesis and manufacture the food. - Reproduction: They reproduce by spores. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate these words. Mushroom: Humus: Yeasts: Spores: Lichen: Bread: 3.- How can mushrooms help us? 4.- How can mushrooms harm us? 5.- Describe the nutrition of mushrooms: 6.- What is a lichen? Illness: Photosynthesis: Organic matter: 7.- Complete: Some ______________ help us: From some ________________ we obtain ________________ like ______________. Others when _______________________________________, it forms the ________ that enriches the ______________________ in a natural way and it ____________________________. Others are _____________. We use some _____________ like the ____________to make: _________, ________, _________, etc. Some ________________ harm us: Some _________________cause __________________________, ___________ and ____________. 8.- Write a “T” if the phrase is true and an “F” if the phrase is false. Correct the mistakes. a) Mushrooms are autotrophic. b) Mushrooms feed off organic matter. c) Mushrooms can live in our body. d) Mushrooms cause illnesses in people. e) Mushrooms reproduce by spores. f) Some mushrooms associate with protozoa and form lichen. 9.- How does the mushroom reproduce? 10.- Match with arrows: Mushroom Lichen NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______ 1º ESO __ (Bilingual) THE PLANTS KINGDOM. Characteristics: They are multi-cellular beings and their cells are eukaryotic. - Plants help us: They are the basic food for people, from them we extract materials such as: wood, cork, rubber, paper, medications, combustibles, etc. Vital functions: - Nutrition: Plants are autotrophic; they manufacture their own food through photosynthesis. In this process plants use the Sun’s energy, the mineral salts from soil and carbon dioxide, to manufacture themselves food and they emit oxygen to the atmosphere. - Relationship: Plants live fixed on the ground but they can move in search of light, humidity, etc. - Reproduction: They have sexual and asexual reproduction. Classification of the plants: GRUPS Have root, stem and leaves? Have seeds? Have fruits? Bryophytas Pteridophyts Gymnosperms Angiosperms NO YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO NO YES - - Have flowers? Don’t have flowers. Don’t have flowers., they reproduce by spores. Have flowers, but they aren’t complete. Have complete flowers. Parts of a flower: Chalice: It is formed by the sepals that protect the ovary. Corolla: It is formed by the petals with attractive colors to attract insects to pollinate. Androecia: It is the masculine reproductive organ. It is formed by the stamens, with their filament and their anther (this contains the grains of pollen). Gynaecium: It is the feminine reproductive organ. It is formed by the stigma, the style and the ovary (this contains the ova). 1.- Copy the classification of the plants: 2.- Translate these words: Chalice: Sepals: Petals: Gynaecium 3.- a) What is the Androecia?: b) What is the Gynaecium?: 4.- What is the Chalice?: Pollen: Flower: Stamen: Stigma: Androecia: Gymnosperms: Ovary: Angiosperms: 5.- Draw a flower and label its parts 6.- Complete: GROUPS Have root, stem and leaves? Have seeds? Have fruits? Have flowers? Don’t have . Don’t have , they reproduce Have , but they aren’t complete. Have complete . Bryophytas Pteridophyts Gymnosperms Angiosperms . 7.- Complete: Parts of a flower: a) _____________: It is ______________________________________________. It is formed the _____________, with their ____________ and their _________ that contains the grains of __________. b)_____________: It is the ______________________________________________. It is formed the _____________, the _______________ and the _______________. 8.- Complete: Bryophytas Have root, stem and leaves? Have seeds? Have fruits? Have flowers? 9.- Label this flower: 10.- What is the Corolla?: Pteridophyts Gymnosperms Angiosperms