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JOSÉ M. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS March 2016 CURRENT POSITION Institution: Complutense University of Madrid · School of Economics and Business Department: Economic History Address: Campus de Somosaguas · 28223-Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) · Spain st Tel.: +34 91 3942348 E-mail: Office: 217 · 1 Course Building Category: Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) (since 2007) Activity: Teaching and research in Economic and Business History (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) Research interests: innovation and economic development; patents; economic history; business history EDUCATION - Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration · Autonomous University of Madrid · 1991 PhD in Economics (Economic History) · University of Alcalá (Madrid) · 1998 PREVIOUS ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships - Autonomous University of Madrid - Scholarship for PhD Studies · 1991 - Ministry of Education of Spain - Scholarship for Research Personnel · 1992-95 · University of Alcalá - Bank of Spain - Scholarship for PhD Students in Economic History · 1996-97 · University of Alcalá - Ministry of Education of Spain - Postdoctoral Scholarship for Studies Abroad · 1998-99 - Madrid Regional Government - Postdoctoral Research Scholarship · 1998-2001 · University of Alcalá Academic Positions - Assistant Professor of Economic History · Complutense University of Madrid · 2000-2003 - Lecturer in Economic History · Complutense University of Madrid · 2003-2007 STAYS ABROAD - Harvard University · David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies · 2001 - University of Manchester & The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester · 2005 - London School of Economics and Political Science · Department of Economic History · 2012/13 PARTICIPATION IN FINANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS (LAST 5 YEARS) 1. The Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Institutions, Education, Patents and Technology in a Comparative View - Financing Institution: Madrid Regional Government · Ref.: S2007/HUM-0433 · 2008-2012 - Members: Gabriel Tortella (University of Alcalá, director), Youssef Cassis, P. Angelo Toninelli, M. Vasta, José L. García Ruiz, Eugenio Torres, Nuria Puig, Juan Hernández Andreu, Gloria Quiroga, Leonardo Caruana, Manuel Santos, Ignacio Moral and José M. Ortiz-Villajos 2. Technological innovation in Spain: Cotec, 1990-2015 - Financing Institution: Fundación Cotec para la Innovación · 2013-2015 - Members: José M. Ortiz-Villajos (director), Jesús Romero (UCA), José J. Martos, Vicente Boado 1 3. Reindustrializing Spain? A view from economic and business history - Financing Institution: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain · Ref.: HAR2014-51871-R · 2015-2017 - Members: José L. García Ruiz (UCM, director), Manuel Santos (UCM), Gloria Quiroga (UCM) and José M. Ortiz-Villajos (UCM) SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles (JA), Books (B), Book Chapters (BC) and Edited Books (EB) 1. HOUPT, Stefan and ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (dir.) (1998): Astilleros Españoles, 1872-1998: La construcción naval en España, Madrid: LID Editorial (LID Award in Business History 1998), 531 pages, ISBN: 84-88717-14-8, EB 2. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (1999): Tecnología y desarrollo económico en la historia contemporánea. Estudio de las patentes registradas en España entre 1882 y 1935, Madrid: Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 527 pages, ISBN: 84-86857-68-6, B 3. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (1999): “Tecnología y desarrollo regional en España, 1882-1935. Estudio basado en las patentes de invención”, Revista de Historia Económica. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, XVII, N. 1, pp. 11-48, JA 4. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2001): “La banca en el periodo de entreguerras. Comparación internacional”, Estudis d'Història Econòmica, 17-18, pp. 141-175, JA 5. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2002): “Foreign and national patenting in Spain, 1882-1935: An explanation of Spain's technological backwardness”, in Hubert Bonin et al. (eds.): Transnational th th Companies (19 -20 Centuries), Paris: Éditions P.L.A.G.E., pp. 699-726, BC 6. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2002): “International Patenting in Spain Before the Civil War”, History of Technology, Vol. 24, pp. 203-232, ISSN: 0307-5451, JA 7. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2004): “Spain's Low Technological Level: An Explanation”, in Ljungberg, J. and J-P. Smits (eds.): Technology and Human Capital in Historical Perspective, Houndmills-New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 182-204, ISBN: 1-4039-2067-2, BC 8. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2004): “Kaldor Paradox”, in Segura, Julio and Carlos Rodríguez Braun (eds.): An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics, Cheltenham, UK · Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, pp. 130-131, ISBN: 1-84376-029-0, BC 9. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2004): “Kaldor’s Growth Laws”, in Segura, Julio and Carlos Rodríguez Braun (eds.): An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics, Cheltenham, UK · Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, p. 131, ISBN: 1-84376-029-0, BC 10. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2004): “Verdoorn’s Law”, in Segura, Julio and Carlos Rodríguez Braun (eds.): An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics, Cheltenham, UK · Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar, pp. 264-265, ISBN: 1-84376-029-0, BC 11. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2007): “La Sociedad Anglo-Española de Motores, 1902-1911. Auge y ocaso de la moderna industria metalmecánica de Menorca”, in Pascual, Pere and Paloma Fernández (eds.): Del metal al motor. Innovación y atraso en la historia de la industria metalmecánica española, Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, pp. 433-476, ISBN: 978-84-96515-32-1, BC 12. TORTELLA, Gabriel, J.L. GARCÍA RUIZ, J.M. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS and G. QUIROGA (with I. Moral) (2008): Educación, instituciones y empresa. Los determinantes del espíritu empresarial, Madrid, Academia Europea de Ciencias y Artes, 261 pages, ISBN: 978-84-612-8173-2, B 13. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2009): “La sociedad anónima como instrumento de crecimiento y modernización empresarial: las transformaciones societarias de La Maquinista Naval (1890-1902)”, Revista de Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa, Nº 3, pp. 81-103, ISSN: 1887-2956, JA 14. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2009): “Patents and Economic Growth in the Long Term. A Quantitative Approach”, Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 52 (3/4), pp. 305-340, ISSN: 0008-0195, JA 15. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2010): “Antecedentes históricos del sistema español de innovación. Siglos XVI-XVIII”, in J. Morilla, J. Hernández Andreu, J.L. García Ruiz and J.M. Ortiz-Villajos (coords.): Homenaje a Gabriel Tortella. Las claves del desarrollo económico y social, Madrid, LID Editorial-Universidad de Alcalá, pp. 289-315, EAN-ISBN13: 978-84-83560-96-9, BC 2 16. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2010): “Aproximación a la historia de la industria de equipos y componentes de automoción en España”, Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research, Vol 6, Issue 01, pp. 135-172, ISSN: 1698-6989, JA 17. TORTELLA, Gabriel, J.M. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS and J.L. GARCÍA RUIZ (2011): Historia del Banco Popular. La lucha por la independencia, Madrid-Barcelona-Buenos Aires, Marcial Pons, 431 pages, ISBN: 978-84-9768-917-5, B 18. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. and SOTOCA, Sonia (2013): “An Approach to Entrepreneurial Success and Its Determinants: The Case of Spain”, in Gabriel Tortella and G. Quiroga (eds.), Entrepreneurship and Growth: An International Historical Perspective, Houndmills (UK) & New York (USA), Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 133-172, ISBN: 978-1-137-03334-5, BC 19. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2014): “Patents, what for? The case of Crossley Brothers and the introduction of the gas engine into Spain, c. 1870-1914”, Business History, Vol. 56, Issue 4, pp. 650676, ISSN: 0007-6791, JA 20. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, José M. (2016): Cotec, 1990-2015. Un cuarto de siglo impulsando la innovación, Madrid, Fundación Cotec para la Innovación, ISBN: 978-84-92933-32-7, B MISCELLANEOUS Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies and Research · School of Economics and Business · Complutense University of Madrid · 2007-2011 Secretary of Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research (2015-) Refereeing: European Science Foundation · The Economic History Review · Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History · Technology and Culture · Enterprise & Society · Revista de Historia Industrial · Investigaciones de Historia EconómicaEconomic History Research · Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones (TsT, Revista de Historia) · Revista de Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa Awards: 1) Ramón Carande Award · Spanish Economic History Association · 1996. 2) LID Business History Award · 1998 (together with Stefan Houpt). 3) Extraordinary Doctorate Award · University of Alcalá · 1999. 3