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José Enrique Vila Gisbert
Department of Economic Analysis.
University of Valencia,
Campus dels Tarongers. Facultad de Economia.
Avda. dels Tarongers s/n.
Valencia 46022. Spain
Tel: 34-96-3828246, Fax: 34-96-3828249
Personal data:
Date of birth: 10 / 05 / 2000
Nationality: Spanish
Fields of interest
Microeconomic analysis, strategic decisions, game theory, bounded rationality, design of auctions and
bids optimal (telecommunications market), communication networks, contract designs in complex
-Ph.D. in Economics: Doctor en Economía. Universidad de Valencia. Julio 1998.
-Degree in Mathematical Sciences: Licenciado en Ciencias Matemáticas. Universidad de Valencia,
Septiembre 1981.
Current positions:
- Professor at the University of Valencia (Profesor Titular de Universidad) Department of Economic
Analysis. University of Valencia (from 10th January 2006 till now)
Previous academic posts:
- Associate professor at the University of Valencia. (Profesor asociado) University of Valencia.
From 1997 to 1999.
- Assistant professor of the faculty (Profesor Ayudante de Facultad). University of Valencia. From
1999 to 2005.
- Doctor hired teacher (Profesor Contratado Doctor) University of Valencia. From 2005 to 2006.
5. “Human capital determinats of the survival of entrepreneurial service firms in Spain”, (with I. Arribas).
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 3, pp. 309-322. September 2007.
4. “Enterpreneurial social capital as competitive advantage in the performance of business planning”,
(with D. Ribeiro y M. Fornoni). Revista de Negocios do Centro de Ciências Sociais Da Furb, vol. 10 (2),
pp. 169-183. March 2006.
3. “Unmediated Communication in Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring”, (with Amparo Urbano).
Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 46 (1), pp. 143-173. January 2004.
2. “Computationally Restricted Unmediated Talk under Incomplete Information”, (with Amparo Urbano).
Economic Theory, vol. 23 (2), pp. 283-320. January 2004.
1. “Computational Complexity and Communication: Coordination in two-player Games”, (with Amparo
Urbano). Econometrica, vol. 70, pp. 1893-1927. September 2002.
Discussion Papers:
3. “Unmediated talk under incomplete information”, (with Amparo Urbano). Serie AD – Instituto
Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 99/07 (1999).
2. “Unmediated communication in repeated games with imperfect monitoring”, (with Amparo Urbano).
Serie AD – Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 98/27 (1998).
1. “Communication and coordination in two-player games”, (with Amparo Urbano). Serie AD – Instituto
Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 97/26 (1997).
Mimeo University of Valencia Papers:
-“Dynamic on-line communication for network formation”, ( with Amparo Urbano).
-“Isolation and redundancy on information dissemination through Dynamic Networks”, (with Amparo
-“A Communication Protocol for Random Consensus in the Coordinated Attack Problem“. (with Amparo
-“Communication through Noisy Channels“, (with Amparo Urbano and P. Hernández).
-“Extensión del modelo de Van Hiele para la didactica de conceptos microeconómicos”.
Seminars and Conferences
-2008, SING 4 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory) (Worwlac, Polonia).
-2007, XXIV EURO, (Praga, Republica Checa).
-2006, SING 2 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory), (Foggia, Italia).
-2005, SING 1 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory), (Mastrich, Holanda).
-2004, IV encuentro Latino Americano de Emprendedores, (Medellin, Colombia); 15th Summer Festival
on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, EEUU).
-2003, XV IMGTA (Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications), (Urbino, Italia); First Indian
Workshop of the Game Theory Society, (Bombay, India).
-2002, XXVII Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Salamanca); First Brazilian Workshop of the Game
Theory Society, (Sao Paulo, Brasil); 13th Stony Brook Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook,
USA; Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications. European Voting Games, (Sevilla,
-2001, XXVI Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Alicante); XIV Italian Meeting on Game Theory and
Applications, (Ischia, Italia).
-2000, I encuentro iberoamericano de creación de empresas, (Mar del Plata, Argentina); Eleventh
Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York); First meeting of the international society
of Game Theory, (Bilbao, España);
-1998, XXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Nineth Summer Festival on Game
Theory, (Stony Brook, New Cork); Sixth Summer Meeting On Game Theory and Applications,
(Valencia, España); Third Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, (Barcelona, España).
-1997, XXII Simposio Nacional de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Eigth Summer Festival on
Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York).
-1996, XXI Simposio Nacional de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Seventh Summer Festival
on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York); Fourth Summer Meeting On Topics in Game Theory and
Applications, (Valencia, España); International Workshop on Game Theory and politics, (Santiago de
Compostela, España).
Funded Research Projects:
1. Project: Un análisis experimental de la eficiencia de redes informacionales
Supporting Institution: Generalitat Valenciana. From January 2008 till December 2008.
2. Project: Nuevo Laboratorio de Investigación en Economía Experimental y Computacional
Supporting Institution: Ministerio de ciencia y tecnologia. Fondos Feder . From July 2004 till July 2009.
3. Project: : Formación dinámica de redes. Redes de comunicación con restricciones de complejidad
Supporting Institution: Ministerio de ciencia y tecnologia . From June 2004 till June 2007.
4. Project: Complejidad computacional y comunicación interactiva en el diseño de mecanismos para los
mercados públicos y privados. Una aplicación a las subastas públicas y a las subasta en línea. n
Supporting Institution: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia. From 15th June 2001 till 16th June 2004.
5. Project: Estrategias de localización de empresas a partir de modelos de elección discreta de los
Supporting Institution: Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE). From January 2003 till
October 2003.
6. Project: Comunicación, coordinación y equilibrio de Nash
Supporting Institution: Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE). From March 1995 till
September 1996.
Other Information:
- Grant approved in Introduction to Research of the Generalitat Valenciana (1990-1991).
- Attend the course of Game Theory and Allocation. Advanced Study Institute (ASI) of OTAN. State
University of New York.
Academic Prizes
- Sexenio de Investigación (2008).
Referee for:
- International journal: Journal of Game Theory Games and Economic Behavior.
Experience in Organization of R&D
- Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory (July 2000).
- Sixth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1999).
- Fifth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1998).
- Fourth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1997).