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______________________________________________________ José Enrique Vila Gisbert Department of Economic Analysis. University of Valencia, Campus dels Tarongers. Facultad de Economia. Avda. dels Tarongers s/n. Valencia 46022. Spain e-mail: Tel: 34-96-3828246, Fax: 34-96-3828249 _______________________________________________________ Personal data: Date of birth: 10 / 05 / 2000 Nationality: Spanish Fields of interest Microeconomic analysis, strategic decisions, game theory, bounded rationality, design of auctions and bids optimal (telecommunications market), communication networks, contract designs in complex organizations. Education -Ph.D. in Economics: Doctor en Economía. Universidad de Valencia. Julio 1998. -Degree in Mathematical Sciences: Licenciado en Ciencias Matemáticas. Universidad de Valencia, Septiembre 1981. Current positions: - Professor at the University of Valencia (Profesor Titular de Universidad) Department of Economic Analysis. University of Valencia (from 10th January 2006 till now) Previous academic posts: - Associate professor at the University of Valencia. (Profesor asociado) University of Valencia. From 1997 to 1999. - Assistant professor of the faculty (Profesor Ayudante de Facultad). University of Valencia. From 1999 to 2005. - Doctor hired teacher (Profesor Contratado Doctor) University of Valencia. From 2005 to 2006. Publications 1 5. “Human capital determinats of the survival of entrepreneurial service firms in Spain”, (with I. Arribas). International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 3, pp. 309-322. September 2007. 4. “Enterpreneurial social capital as competitive advantage in the performance of business planning”, (with D. Ribeiro y M. Fornoni). Revista de Negocios do Centro de Ciências Sociais Da Furb, vol. 10 (2), pp. 169-183. March 2006. 3. “Unmediated Communication in Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring”, (with Amparo Urbano). Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 46 (1), pp. 143-173. January 2004. 2. “Computationally Restricted Unmediated Talk under Incomplete Information”, (with Amparo Urbano). Economic Theory, vol. 23 (2), pp. 283-320. January 2004. 1. “Computational Complexity and Communication: Coordination in two-player Games”, (with Amparo Urbano). Econometrica, vol. 70, pp. 1893-1927. September 2002. Discussion Papers: 3. “Unmediated talk under incomplete information”, (with Amparo Urbano). Serie AD – Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 99/07 (1999). 2. “Unmediated communication in repeated games with imperfect monitoring”, (with Amparo Urbano). Serie AD – Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 98/27 (1998). 1. “Communication and coordination in two-player games”, (with Amparo Urbano). Serie AD – Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), vol. 97/26 (1997). Mimeo University of Valencia Papers: -“Dynamic on-line communication for network formation”, ( with Amparo Urbano). -“Isolation and redundancy on information dissemination through Dynamic Networks”, (with Amparo Urbano). -“A Communication Protocol for Random Consensus in the Coordinated Attack Problem“. (with Amparo Urbano). -“Communication through Noisy Channels“, (with Amparo Urbano and P. Hernández). -“Extensión del modelo de Van Hiele para la didactica de conceptos microeconómicos”. Seminars and Conferences 2 -2008, SING 4 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory) (Worwlac, Polonia). -2007, XXIV EURO, (Praga, Republica Checa). -2006, SING 2 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory), (Foggia, Italia). -2005, SING 1 (Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory), (Mastrich, Holanda). -2004, IV encuentro Latino Americano de Emprendedores, (Medellin, Colombia); 15th Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, EEUU). -2003, XV IMGTA (Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications), (Urbino, Italia); First Indian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, (Bombay, India). -2002, XXVII Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Salamanca); First Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, (Sao Paulo, Brasil); 13th Stony Brook Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, USA; Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications. European Voting Games, (Sevilla, España). -2001, XXVI Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Alicante); XIV Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, (Ischia, Italia). -2000, I encuentro iberoamericano de creación de empresas, (Mar del Plata, Argentina); Eleventh Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York); First meeting of the international society of Game Theory, (Bilbao, España); -1998, XXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Nineth Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New Cork); Sixth Summer Meeting On Game Theory and Applications, (Valencia, España); Third Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, (Barcelona, España). -1997, XXII Simposio Nacional de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Eigth Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York). -1996, XXI Simposio Nacional de Análisis Económico, (Barcelona, España); Seventh Summer Festival on Game Theory, (Stony Brook, New York); Fourth Summer Meeting On Topics in Game Theory and Applications, (Valencia, España); International Workshop on Game Theory and politics, (Santiago de Compostela, España). Funded Research Projects: 1. Project: Un análisis experimental de la eficiencia de redes informacionales Supporting Institution: Generalitat Valenciana. From January 2008 till December 2008. 2. Project: Nuevo Laboratorio de Investigación en Economía Experimental y Computacional Supporting Institution: Ministerio de ciencia y tecnologia. Fondos Feder . From July 2004 till July 2009. 3 3. Project: : Formación dinámica de redes. Redes de comunicación con restricciones de complejidad computacional. Supporting Institution: Ministerio de ciencia y tecnologia . From June 2004 till June 2007. 4. Project: Complejidad computacional y comunicación interactiva en el diseño de mecanismos para los mercados públicos y privados. Una aplicación a las subastas públicas y a las subasta en línea. n BEC200-1429 Supporting Institution: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia. From 15th June 2001 till 16th June 2004. 5. Project: Estrategias de localización de empresas a partir de modelos de elección discreta de los consumidores Supporting Institution: Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE). From January 2003 till October 2003. 6. Project: Comunicación, coordinación y equilibrio de Nash Supporting Institution: Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE). From March 1995 till September 1996. Other Information: Scholarships: - Grant approved in Introduction to Research of the Generalitat Valenciana (1990-1991). - Attend the course of Game Theory and Allocation. Advanced Study Institute (ASI) of OTAN. State University of New York. Academic Prizes - Sexenio de Investigación (2008). Referee for: - International journal: Journal of Game Theory Games and Economic Behavior. Experience in Organization of R&D - Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory (July 2000). - Sixth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1999). - Fifth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1998). - Fourth Summer Meeting on Game Theory and Aplications (July 1997). 4