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(1999) Master in Economics and Political Science, Escuela Superior de
Economía y Administración de Empresas (ESEADE) (Superior School of Economics
and Business Administration), cum laude, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(1996) Juris Doctor (Abogado), University of Buenos Aires, Law School, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
(1991) Superior Bachellor Oriented to Social and Human Sciences (Secondary
School), Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Employment History
1999 - Present: National Insurance Superintendency (Superintendencia de Seguros
de la Nación, Argentina). Position: Principal Liquidator
Function: Delegated liquidator appointed by the Insurance Superintendent
(Superintendente de Seguros) to act in the judiciary liquidations of the following
insurance companies: “Reliance National Compañía Argentina de Seguros S.A.”
(formerly), “Suizo Argentina Compañía de Seguros S.A.” (formerly), “I.A.B.
Compañía de Seguros S.A.” (formerly), “El Cabildo Compañía Argentina de Seguros
Generales S.A.” (at present), “La Confianza Compañía de Seguros S.A.” (at present),
“Ruta Cooperativa de Seguros Limitada” (at present) and “Luz Aseguradora de
Riesgos del Trabajo S.A.” (at present), among many others.In the exercise of the above mentioned position, it corresponds to mention the
successful management in the credit cashing in favor of the liquidated insurers,
originated in reinsurance treaties and facultatives. In the same order of ideas, it
corresponds to mention the presentation of six proofs of claims, also emergent of
international reinsurance treaties and facultatives, in favor of “Reliance National
Company Argentina of Insurances S.A.” in the liquidation of “Reliance Insurance
Company”, whose liquidator is the Commissioner of Insurance of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA. Formerly he had been commissioned by the
Superintendent of Insurance of Argentina to intervene in the negotiations between
cedants in liquidation and reinsurers, both reinsurance companies and INdeR.From 1997 to 1999: Private professional practice in Dr. Carlos Manuel Sosa legal
firm, in commercial, civil and criminal cases.
From 1992 to 1997: National Insurance Superintendency (Superintendencia de
Seguros de la Nación, Argentina). Positions: Advisor of Superintendent of
Insurance (1992-1995) and legal advisor of liquidator´s delegates (1996-1997).
1991: General Re Reinsurance Company, Argentina. Position: Assistant.
Academic Positions:
2012 - present
Professor, University of Buenos Aires, School of Agriculture. Course: Commercial
2008 – 2009
Visiting Professor, Master in Economics and Political Science, Escuela Superior de
Economía y Administración de Empresas (ESEADE) (Superior School of Economics
and Business Administration). Courses: Institutional Analysis (2008) and
Contemporary Political Science (with Joaquín Migliore, 2009)
1999 - 2006. Assistant Professor, University of Buenos Aires Law School. Course:
Economic and Financial Analysis.
Native in Spanish.
Fluent in English.
Friedrich A. Von Hayek: Select texts, Estudios Públicos, Nº 120, Spring
2010. Published by Centro de Estudios Públicos, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Co-anthologist with Eliana Maria Santanatoglia. This selection includes a
critical analysis by the anthologists.
The Hayekian concept of spontaneous order, Revista de Instituciones,
Ideas y Mercados (RIIM), Nº 49 – October 2008. Published by the Instituto
Universitario ESEADE. This paper was reissued in the context of a research
anthology published by Libertas in the occasion of the thirty years of
ESEADE in Argentina.
The regulatory state: economic analysis of two judicial decisions (El
Estado regulador: análisis económico de dos fallos), collaboration
published in the book entitled Economic analysis of law: application to
judicial decisions, Buenos Aires: La Ley, 2006. Authors: Martín Krause,
Federico G. M. Sosa Valle et alii.
The Hayekian concept of spontaneous order, Revista Libertas, Nº 42 –
May 2005, (Master thesis), published by the Instituto Universitario ESEADE
On the irregular society - Comment of the ruling handed in on November
20th, 1996 by Division C of the Court of Appeals in Commercial Matters
in re "EDELDING GORDON, Louisa c / GORDON, Jaime and another" (in
collaboration with Diego Emilio Rangugni), Revista Jurídica Argentina La
Ley, Tomo 1997-E, pp. 456., published by La Ley Publishing.
Professional Memberships:
Member, Argentine Bar Association (Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital
Member, Institute of Insurance Law, Argentine Bar Association (Colegio Público de
Abogados de la Capital Federal)