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SANDRA NIETO Curriculum vitae Web: July 2015 Date of birth: Office address: Telephone: March 15th, 1984 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Economia i Empresa. Avda. Tibidabo 39-43 - 08035 Barcelona (Spain) +34 679 05 23 15 E-mail: / PROFESSIONAL STATUS Dec 2014- Post-doctoral researcher at Open University of Catalonia Sept 2012- Consultant at Open University of Catalonia Mar 2014-Nov 2014 Technician at Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU Catalunya) Feb 2010-Jan 2014 Research assistant at Regional Quantitative Analysis research group (AQR-IREA). ACADEMIC DEGREES 2010-2014 PhD in Economics, University of Barcelona. Title: Essays on Overeducation: Evidence from Spain Advisor: Raúl Ramos 2008-2010 Master in Economics, University of Barcelona. 2005-5008 Graduated in Economics, University of Barcelona. MAIN RESEARCH INTERESTS - Labour markets: Analysis of educational mismatch and wage effects - Education: Determinants of educational outcomes - Regional and Urban economics 1 SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS 2015 María Jesús San Segundo Best Paper Award for Young Researchers for “Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data” presented in the XXIV meeting of the Economics of Education Association. Mar 2013 - Jun 2013 Predoctoral Fellowship for research visit (Ministerio de Educación). Dec 2010 - Jan 2014 Predoctoral Fellowship for research training FPU 2010 (Ministerio de Educación) Feb 2010 - Dec 2010 Predoctoral Fellowship for research training FI 2010 (Generalitat de Catalunya) RESEARCH VISITS Mar 2013 – Jun 2013 TIER, University of Amsterdam PUBLICATIONS IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2015). Educational outcomes and socioeconomic status: A decomposition analysis for middle-income countries. Prospects, forthcoming. Ramos, R; Matano, A; Nieto, S. (2015). EU Immigrant Integration Policies and Returns on Human Capital. The International Spectator, forthcoming. Nieto, S.; Matano, A.; Ramos, R. (2015). Skill Mismatches in International Journal of Manpower, 36 (4), 540 – 561. EU: immigrants vs. natives. Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2013). Non-formal education, overeducation and wages. Revista de Economía Aplicada, 61 (vol.XXI), 5-28. Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2011). ¿La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos?. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies/ Estudios Económicos Regionales y Sectoriales, 11 (3), 97-118. WORKING PAPERS Nieto, S. (2014). “Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data”. Working Paper 2014/06 AQR-IREA. Ramos, R.; Duque, J. C.; Nieto, S. (2012). “Decomposing the Rural-Urban Differential in Student Achievement in Colombia Using PISA Microdata”, IZA Discussion Paper n.6515. 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS AQU Catalunya (2014). La inserció laboral dels doctors i doctores de les universitats catalanes. Nieto, S., Ramos, R. (2011). Sobreeducación, Educación no formal y Crisis Económica, Informe CYD 2010. Artís, M., García, J.R., Nieto, S., Ramos, R. Surinach, J. (2010). Necessitats de qualificació professional de les empreses a Catalunya DOCT AQR-2010C26. PARTICIPATION IN WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS… 2015 XVII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Alicante, Spain); XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (Madrid, Spain); XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral (Barcelona, Spain). 2014 XVII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Gran Canaria, Spain) 2013 XXII Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (A Coruña, Spain); X Jornadas de Economía Laboral (Madrid, Spain) 2012 52nd ERSA Congress (Bratislava, Slovakia); VI World Conference Spatial Econometrics Association (Salvador de Bahía, Brasil); XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (Oporto, Portugal); XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (A Coruña, Spain) 2011 XIV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Huelva, Spain); XX Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (Málaga, Spain); IX Jornadas de Economía Laboral (Santiago de Compostela, Spain); IV Congreso Nacional sobre Mercado de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales (Palencia, Spain) PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS 2013 Decomposition of differences in PISA in middle income countries, Education For All Global Monitoring Report. UNESCO. IP: Raul Ramos 2010-2013 Crecimiento económico regional y desigualdad en España (Regional economic growth and inquality in Spain), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, CICYT ECO2010-16006. IP: Raul Ramos. 2010-2014 Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRegionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH), FP7-SSH-2010-2.2-1 (266834). IP: Jordi Suriñach. 2012 Workshop on regional and urban economics: Innovation and Regional Economic Performance, 2012, ARCS 1 00271. IP: Rosina Moreno 3 COURSES ATTENDED - September 2011: “4th Spanish Stata users group meeting”. Spain. - July 2011: “The econometrics of wage decomposition”, given by Ronald Oaxaca and Yolanda Pena-Boquete. (6 hours). Spain. - December 2010: “R course”, taught by Dr. Klaus Langhor (14 hours). Spain. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Coordinator of the AQR Lunch Seminars Series, February 2012 - July 2013. - Member of the Local Committee at the III World Conference of Spatial Econometrics that was held on July 8th-10th 2009 at the University of Barcelona. - Member of the volunteer student support team attended and cooperated in various organizational tasks during the 51st Congress of the European Regional Science Association and the 37th Meeting of Regional Studies of the Spanish Association of Regional Science: New Challenges for European Regions and Urban Areas in a Globalised World. - Computer skills: OFFICE, STATA, EVIEWS, SPSS, R 4