Download JUANA FRONTERA-FOGEL, MD, MEd. PROFILE Bilingual Educator
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JUANA FRONTERA-FOGEL, MD, MEd. 3530 Mystic Pointe Dr. #1101. Aventura, Fl. 33180Phone: 305-7050936 cell phone: 768- 6247859 Email: PROFILE Bilingual Educator (Spanish and English), Doctor in Medicine, Pediatrician and Gastroenterologist-Nutritionist, 20 years of experience, Highly motivated with exceptional experience and leadership skills. Highlights include: Specialized in the use of High technology in medical work (Endoscopic Pediatric Procedures), multiple medical research, Experience in medical seminar organization. Trainer of Pediatric Endoscopic procedures, Mountain Rescue Trainer, Masters of Science in Education, Major: Science EDUCATION M.S in Education, Major: Science. Nova Southeastern University. Miami, Florida (USA) 2008-2009 Florida Department of Education: Official Statement of Status of Eligibility for Biology (Grades 6-12) Credentials reviewed by Joseph Silny & Associate, Inc., International Consultants: Equivalent of USA degree of Doctor in Medicine earned at a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Miami, Fl. 2007 Education and Sciences Minister of Spain Government. Licensed Physician 2005 Gastroenterologist and Pediatric Nutritionist Specialist: 1989 Pediatrician Specialist. 1987 Doctor in Medicine: Universidad de Carabobo. Venezuela. 1982 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE -Private Practitioner of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 1989 to 2006 -Endoscopic Pediatric Trainer of the Internship Specializing in Endoscopy, 1996 to 2006 -Mountain Rescue and First Aid Instructor. Venezuelan Association of Mountain Guides, 2000-2005 -Member of Editorial Group of Medical Magazine HCC- 1996 to 2004 -Fellowship in Pediatrics Gastroenterology Unit – University Hospital of Hadassa. Jerusalem- Israel. 2003 - 2004. -Coordinator in the Organization and Development of the following Medical Seminars: Endoscopic Ultrasound- II Avant-Guard Endoscopy and Endoscopy- Ultrasound -I Latin-American Society Congress of Endosonography Caracas, Venezuela. 1998-2002 PUBLICATIONS & RESEARCH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Trans-Oral Vertical Gastroplasty As a Viable Treatment for Childhood Obesity. A Study of 21 Adolescents with Up to 18 Months of Follow-up. ASGE Poster Session Presentation. DDW. Chicago. May 2009 Endoluminal Vertical Gastroplasty for Weight Reduction- a US Study of 30 Patients with Up to 18 months Follow-Up. AGA Institute Poster Presentation. DDW. Chicago, May 2009 Clinical experience of transoral suturing for an endoluminal vertical gastroplasty: 1-year follow-up in 64 patients. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.2008 July 18 Propofol administrado por Gastroenterologos para sedacion en endoscopia digestiva. Coautor. Presentacion oral.GEN 1-4 septiembre 2004 Experience in Pediatric Endoscopy Ultrasound in HCC. Journal of Pediatric and Gastroenterlogy and Nutritition. Vol. 39 (1) 2004 Congenital Hypertrophic oesophageal stenosis in a older infant. Journal of Pediatric and Gastroenterlogy and Nutritition. Vol. 39 (1) 2004 Endocinch : 3 años de experiencia y modificacion de la tecnica original . GEN 1-4 septiembre 2004 Giardiasis in Children. GEN. Vol 58 (S) 2004 Impacto del EUS en la evaluación de las lesiones sub epiteliales del tracto digestivo . Experiencia En el Hospital de clínicas casacas. GEN 1-4 septiembre 2004 Incidencia de Infeccion por H. Pylori en Dolor Abdominal Recurrente in Children. Clinica Medica HCC. Vol. 7 (2) 2002 Cambios Endosonograficos presentes en la enfermedad de Hirschpurng. Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología. Vol. 16. N4. 2002. Endoscopy Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Hirschprung Disease Poster 119 EUS 2002.Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Vol. 56 N4 October 2002. Ciliated Hepatic Cyst of the foregut: A two cases Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasound Poster 115 EUS 2002. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Vol. 56 N4 October 2002. Endosonography Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis in the treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Pain and Chronic Pancreatitis. Clínica Medica H.C.C. Vol. VII N2. 2002. Utilidad del Ultrasonido Endoscopico en la Enfermedad de Hirschprung. Presentación de un caso Clínica Medica H.C.C. Vol. VI N3. 2001. Alergia Alimentaría y sus manifestaciones Digestivas Articulo de Revisión Clínica Medica H.C.C. Vol. VI N3. 2001 Tratamiento del Divertículo de Zenker. Reporte de cuatro casos y Revisión de la Literatura Clínica Medica H.C.C. Vol. VI N1 2001. Valor del Ultrasonido Endoscopico en el manejo de los Linfomas no Hodgkin asociados a Tejido Linfoide Mucoso. Gen. Vol. 55. N2. 2001 Food Allergic Disease in Children. Clinica Medica HCC. Vol. 6 (3) 2001 Experiencia en el uso del tratamiento del Ultrasonido Endoscopico en la Unidad de Exploraciones Digestivas del Hospital de Clínicas Caracas. Gen Vol. 54. N2. 2000 Internet para Gastroenterólogos. Clínica Medica H.C.C. Vol. 3 N2. 1998 Recto – Sigmoidoscopia Roll in Pediatric Patient. GEN. Vol. 42 (4). 1997. Children and Sports. Clinica Medica HCC .Vol 51 (3) 1997 Gamma-Glutamil-Transpeptidasa (GGTP) in Colestasis Neoonatal diagnosis. Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatria. Vol. 51 (3-4) 1988 The Ultrasound & Acute Apendicitis Diagnosis. Gen. Vol. 42 (3) 1988 Gastritis and Campylobacter Pillory in Children. GEN Vol.42 (4) 1988 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • • • Venezuelan Society of Pediatric and Child Care .Since 1987. Venezuelan Society of Gastroenterology. Since 1989 Member of the Excursionist Center of Caracas. Since 2000. BOOK PUBLISED • • • Nursing Manual for Endoscopy Specialist (2002) Chapter of Book: Tecnicas en Endoscopia Digestiva.Edition: Asociación Colombiana de Endoscopia Digestiva. (2007) p. 445-467 Como educar hijos para el exito. (2009) Registration Number TXu-609-789 Copyright office. USA. AWARDS (Recognitions) • • • SciencesDirect (July-September 2008) Top 25 Hottest Articles. Number eight in the list of most-accessed articles. “Clinical experience of transoral suturing for endoluminal vertical gastroplasty: 1-year follow-up in 64 patients” OUTREACH AWARD INTERNATIONAL. 2do. Congress in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. France (2004) Best investigation in the Hepato-cellular area. Karla Foundation. XXV Venezuelan Congress of Pediatric. (1988) OTHER SKILLS • • • • Windows XP- Vista- World, Excel. Power Point and Internet Explorer Ability to conduct seminars and trains Excursionist and Mountaineer Climber- Trekker PERSONAL AFFILIATIONS • Greenpeace • Hadassa Writing samples and References available upon request