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Richard Chenevix Trench wikipedia , lookup

Assistant Professor of Historical Studies
Department of Religion
College of Arts and Sciences
Baylor University
List of Publications
Book Projects (Under Contract)
¾ Rady Roldan-Figueroa, The Ascetic Spirituality of John of Avila (1499-1569)
(Leiden: Brill, 2009)
¾ Rady Roldan-Figueroa and Doug Weaver, assoc. eds., Early English Baptist
Texts, 11 vols. (Macon: Mercer University Press, )
¾ Hanserd Knollys, Collected Works of Hanserd Knollys (1599?-1691), ed. Rady
Roldan-Figueroa, in Early English Baptist Texts, ed. Rady Roldan-Figueroa and
Doug Weaver (Macon: Mercer University Press, )
*Refereed Journals:
¾ *“ ‘Espirituación’: Juan de Ávila’s Doctrine of Union with the Holy Spirit,”
Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 2-3 (2005): 65-96.
¾ *“La relación de 1625 por Francisco Crespo sobre los mártires de Japón:
Introducción, edición y comentarios,” Encuentros en Catay 20 (2006). [Fu Jen
University, Taipei, Taiwan]
¾ *“Filius Perditionis: The Propagandistic use of a Biblical Motif in Spanish
Evangelical Biblical Translations of the Sixteenth Century.” Sixteenth Century
Journal 4 (2006): 1027-1055.
¾ *“ ‘Justified Without the Works of the Law’: Casiodoro de Reina on Romans
3:28,” in The Formation of Clerical and Confessional Identities in Early Modern
Europe, ed., Wim Janse and Barbara Pitkin, Dutch Review of Church History 85
(2005): 205-224.
Proceedings (Refereed):
¾ “Reina’s Vision of the Reformed Ministry: A Reconstruction from the Fringes of
the 1569 Spanish Translation of the Bible,” in Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800,
ed., M. Lamberigts and A. A. den Hollander, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum
Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 198 (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2006).
¾ “Contemporary Anabaptists Historiography and Theology and the Broadening of
Baptist Identity,” in Truett Journal of Church and Mission 1 (2006): 5-11.
¾ “B.F. Stockwell, Protestant Mentality, and the Missionary Appropriation of
Sixteenth Century Spanish Reformers.” Apuntes 23/3 (Fall 2003): 84-99.
¾ “The Christologies of Luther and Sobrino and Pastoral Care.”
Apuntes (Spring 2001): 15-29.
¾ “Latin American Women Through Missionary Eyes: The Work of the Women
Commission of the Panama Congress.” Apuntes (Winter 1998): 112-124.
Proceedings (Refereed):
“Translation, Guided Reading, and Anti-Roman Catholic Propaganda in the
Reina-Valera Bible (1602): The Rendering of Deuteronomy 23,17[18],” in
Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium (accepted for
Book Chapter:
¾ “Antonio del Corro and Paul as the Herald of the Gospel of Universal
Redemption,” in Paul in the Reformation, ed., R. Ward Holder (Leiden: Brill,
Book Reviews:
¾ Herman J. Selderhuis. Calvin’s Theology of the Psalms. (Texts and Studies in
Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought.) Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker
Academic, 2007. 304 pp. Renaissance Quarterly 61.1 (2008).
Under Review
¾ “Father Luis Pinheyro, S.J., the Tridentine Economy of Relics, and the Defense
of the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise in Tokugawa Japan,” Archives for
Reformation History/Archiv für Reformationgeschichte (To be resubmitted
with suggested revisions)
¾ “Arguing from ‘Spanish Authors and Bookes’ Against Rome: Tomás Carrascón
and his Exhortation of 1624.” Conference Title: Early Modern Reading: Books,
Communities, Conversations. Newcastle University (UK), 11-12 April 2008.
New Westminster Dictionary of Church History
¾ “Acosta, Joseph (c.1540-1600),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Alumbrados,” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, Robert
Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press,
¾ “Bañez, Dominic (1528-1604),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Bible, Translation (Renaissance and Reformation),” in New Westminster
Dictionary of Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and
London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Corro, Antonio del (1527-1591),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Diaz, Juan (c. 1515-1546),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History,
Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox
Press, 2008).
¾ “Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco (1436-1517),” in New Westminster Dictionary
of Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Juan de Avila (1499?-1569),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Juan de la Cruz,” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, Robert
Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press,
¾ “Marranos,” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, Robert
Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press,
¾ “Patronato Real,” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, Robert
Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press,
¾ “Pedro de Alcántara (1499-1562),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Pérez de Pineda, Juan (c.1500-1568),” in New Westminster Dictionary of
Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Ponce de la Fuente, Constantino (1502-1559),” in New Westminster Dictionary
of Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Quiñones, Francisco de los Angeles (1475-1540),” in New Westminster
Dictionary of Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and
London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Reina, Casiodoro de (c.1520-1594),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Salmeron, Alfonso (1515-1585),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de (1490-1573),” in New Westminster Dictionary of
Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Torquemada, Tomás de (1420-1498),” in New Westminster Dictionary of
Church History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London:
Westminster John Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Torquemada, Juan de (1388-1468),” in New Westminster Dictionary of Church
History, Robert Benedetto, gen. ed. (Louisville and London: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2008).
¾ “Estilos de Predicación.” Hispanic Preaching Conference, Truett Theological
Seminary, Baylor University (March 31, 2007).
¾ “The Economy of Relics of Martyrs According to Spanish Sources (1614-1663),”
Renaissance Society of America, Miami (2007).
¾ Chair, Panel: “The Reception of the Apostle Paul in the Sixteenth Century,”
Renaissance Society of America, Miami (2007).
¾ “Orígenes históricos de los Anabaptistas,” Facultad Teológica, Primera Iglesia
Bautista de Carolina, Carolina, Puerto Rico (15 May 2006).
¾ “Teología Pastoral.” Hispanic Preaching Conference, Truett Theological
Seminary, Baylor University (March 30-April 1 2006).
¾ “ ‘Relaciones de Martirios’: Or, the Literary Representation of Christian Martyrs
in Japan.” Renaissance Society of America, San Francisco (March, 2006).
¾ “ ‘Los Someticos’: Biblical Glosses Against Sodomy in the Reina-Valera Bible
(1602),” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Atlanta (October, 2005).
“Francisco de Osuna y el contenido, valor y limites de la experiencia
religiosa,” Seminario Teológico Unión Evangélica Bautista Española, Madrid
(June 2005).
“Teresa de Ávila y el contenido, valor y limites de la experiencia religiosa,”
Seminario Teológico Unión Evangélica Bautista Española, Madrid (June 2005).
¾ “Un modelo evangélico de teología practica.” Hispanic Preaching Conference,
Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University (April 15-16, 2005).
¾ “Casiodoro de Reina on Romans 3: 28.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference,
Toronto (2004).
¾ “Reina’s Vision of the Reformed Ministry: A Reconstruction from the Fringes of
the 1569 Spanish Translation of the Bible.” Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800 –
International Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam (April 2223, 2004).
¾ “Canon and Identity in the Spanish Protestant Bible (1569, 1602).” Sixteenth
Century Studies Conference, Pittsburgh (2003).
¾ “The Demonic and Political Power According to the Spanish Exile Casiodoro de
Reina.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Pittsburgh (2003).
¾ “The Ecclesiology of a Refugee Church: The Case of the Confession de Fe
Christiana.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, San Antonio (2002).
¾ “The Catechisms of Luther and Valdés: A Comparative Study of their Main Ideas
and Theological Assumptions.” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Denver
¾ “B.F. Stockwell, Protestant Mentality, and the Missionary Appropriation of
Sixteenth Century Spanish Reformers.” Paper read at the Seminary Scholar
Research Forum, Boston University School of Theology (2001).