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i '; TRANSLATION (clipping of "La Nacion of February 14, 1953) THE JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS 0? NEW YORK WILL PAY TRIBUTE TO THE GENERAL IS IMO The far reaching declarations »a4e bf Gen. Dr. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, Representative of the Dominican Republic at the United Nation, made at a press conference, have had profound reverberations in the International circles of the United States and have been widely commentated. Gen. Trujillo made reference to the violent antisemitic persecutions which broke loose in the countires dominated by the Soviets, the problem of the Spanish prisoners held back in Russia together with groups of orphans of the same nationality, and the activities of the Carribean Legion, themes to which the metropolitan press gave adequate coverage. Personalities of the Jewish community of New York have been constantly visiting the illustrous Dominican leader. This morning he received at his suite in the hotel Plaza the eminent Jewish lawyer James Rosenberg, president of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association (Dorsa) who came to congratulate hi?*, on his noble attitude toward the problem created by the Russian persecution of Jews. Dr. Rosenberg took this opportunity to request Gen. Trujillo to accept a homage of the Jewish organizations of New York. In the course of that same morning Trujillo received the visit of Sefcge Rubinstein, one of the outstanding financiers of the world, and of % . Bodrigo Royo, a newspaperman representing 35 Spanish newspapers who asked a great number of questions concerning the Generalisimo's sensational declarations. Las organizaciones hebreas deNueva York rendiran ua honxenaje al Generalisimo Especial para LA NAOION y palses domlnados por el Soviet, el problema de los prisloneros espaVUEVA YORK, 13 de febrero.— fioles retenidos en Rusia conjun. • Las teascendentales declaraclones tamente con grupos de hu^rfanos " hechas por el Generalisimo y Doc- de la misma nacionalidad y las acter Rafael Leonldaa Trujillo Moli- tivldades de la Legion del Caribe, na, Representante de la Republitemas a los cuales did la adecuacs Domlnlcana ante la Organizada prominencia la prensa metrotion de las Naciones Unidas, en Dolltana. ^ _ i rueda de periodlstas, nan tenldo bonds repercual6n en los medios iBternacionales de los Estados Unifloe y ban sldo comentadas con mecxalo. .Refiriose el Generalisimo Trujillo, an sus declaraciones, a la Wolenta persecuci6n antlsemlta I aueae ha desatado a traves de los ! ;j Personalidaties de la comunldad it Judia-neoyorquina han estado vi' sitando constantemente al llustre I llder domlnlcano. Esta. mafiana '•I recibl6 en su suite defTiotel PJaza al emlnente abogado hebreo James Rosenberg, presidente de la Dominican Republic Settlement Association (Dorsa), quien vino a felicitarlo por su noble actitud frente al problema creado por la persecucidn Judfa por parte de Rusia. El doctor Rosenberg aprovechd la ocasi6n para invitar al Generalisimo a aceptar un home|naje de las organizaciones hebreas de Nueva York. En el curso de la misma mafiana Trujillo recibi6 la visita de Serge Rubinstein, uno de los mas destacados flnanclstas del muttdo, y la del perlodista Rodrlgo Royo, en represeritacldn de 35 periddicos de Espafia, quienes formula ron al Generalisimo lnfinidad de' preguntas en relaci6n eon sus sensacionales declaraciones.