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Departament of Microbiolo ogy Juan Carlos Ulloa Ru ubiano, Microb b. Ind., M.Sc.., Ph.D. Lab. V Virología Grupo o de Enfermedaades Infecciosaas Facultad de Cienciass E‐mail: Researrch Interest Characterization of enteeropathogenic viruses, antivirals, phytotherapeeutics. Last Pape L ers Mesa Giovann M na, Ulloa Juan n Carlos, Uribee Ana María, eet al., (2013). Bovine Leukem mia Virus Gen ne Segment Deetected in Human B Breast Tissue. Open Journal of Medical M Microbiology.. 3: 84‐90. Jazmin Lopezz, Juan Carloss Ulloa, et al., (2012). Geno Cristina Lenis, C omas virales ffragmentadoss sugieren con ntaminación p para aguas dee consumo humano. Infectiio. 16 (2):104‐‐111. María F. Gutie M errez, Jazmín LLópez, Andrea a Ruiz, et al., ((2011). Identiffication of hum man Noroviru us (HNoV) in d domestic pig sttool samples.. Universitas SScientiarum. 16 (2) : 168‐1 172. JC, Ulloa., F, G J Guzmán, CA, G Guerrero, et all., (2011). Iden ntification of TTwo Immunorreactive Peptid des Useful forr the Detection n of Porcin ne Astrovirus. Intervirology. 55 (4): 311‐317. Juan Carlos Ul J lloa and María ía Fernanda G Gutiérrez. (201 10). Genomic a analysis of two o ORF2 segmeents of new po orcine astroviirus isolates a and their closee relationship p with human astroviruses. Can. J. Microb biol. 56 (7): 56 69‐577. Juan Carlos Ul J lloa, Adriana M Matiz, Leonarrdo Lareo, et a al., (2005). Mo olecular analyysis of a 348 b base‐pair segm ment of open reading fframe 2 of human astroviru us. A characteerization of colombian isola ates. In Silico B Biology. 5 (5‐6 6): 537‐546. Reesearch Linees Epiidemiological a and molecular ccharacterization n of enteric viru uses