Download Cavalry Company of the Province of Los Texas First day of the
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1 Cavalry Company of the Royal Presidio of San Anttonio de Bexar Province of Los Texas First day of the month of December of 1790 Summary of the review passed by me, Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry Don Manuel Munoz, governor of this province, as captain of [the company] on the officers, chaplain, sergeants, corporals, and privates on hand on today's date. [Note: P=present CP=counted present V=vacant] Names Capt. and governor r t Lieutenant. . 2 nd same .. r t Alferez .. 2 nd same .. Chaplain .. Armorer. . Lt. Col. Don Manuel Munoz Don Bernardo Fernandez.... Don Francisco Amangual. .. Don Manuel de Vrruttia ...... Don Josse Xavier Menchaca. P CP with the horse herd CP with the Commandant Gen'l. P P V Francisco Orendayn .. P Troops Sergeants . Mariano Rodriguez Prudencio Rodriguez Andres del Valle . . . P P CP with the horse herd Drummer. .. Juan Josse Calderon . P .. Francisco Xavier de Sosa Francisco de los Santtos Juan Chirino Juan Anttonio Vrruttia Josse Manuel Granados Josse Farias Pattricio Rodriguez . . .. . . . . P CP CP CP CP CP CP Jose Manuel de Casttra . Corporals Privates . Cadet, Don Nicolas Leme . Josse de Lasso . Francisco Rolec .. Cayettano Dominguez . Fran[cislco Anttonio Vrruttia . Juan Galvan . Alexandra de la Garza .. Josse Ygnacio de los Santtos Don Remigio Perez .. Francisco del Rio . Anttonio Menchaca .. Manuel Ramon . Manuel Flores . with the mail pouch with the citizens' horse herd on guard duty with the horse herd same with Sergeant Juachin Guttierrez to the Lipanes CP with the Commandant Gen'l. P P P P P P P P P P P P P 2 Francisco Anttonio Leal...... Pablo del Rio.................... Pedro Chirino.................. Don Andres Courbiere....... Pedro Santta Cruz............. Vizentte de la Cuestta..... .... Casimiro Ximenez............. Josse Olivarry................... P P P P P p P P Francisco Granados . . Victtorino Losoya Juan Josse Curbelo . Diego Carmona .. Fran[cislco Menchaca .. Marzelo Borrego . Leandro de Sosa . Josse Anttonio de la Garza . Pedro Monttalbo . Lorenzo Pozos . Anttonio Marttinez .. Juan Josse de Cordova . Pedro Enrriquez . Ramon Flores . Josse Manuel Galvan . . Josse Maria Marttinez Anttonio Bergara .. Fran[cislco de los Santtos . Pedro Hernandez . Manuel Perez .. Tomas de Luna . Josse de Luna . Eusevio de la Garza . Miguel de la Garza . Manuel Galvan .. Josse Rodriguez .. Juan Anttonio Casanova .. Francisco Xavier Galvan . .. Josse de Sosa Juachin Perez .. Don Francisco Perez .. Francisco Sales Gamez . Juan Seguin . Juan Manuel Enrriquez . Pedro Flores .. Josse Manzolo . Josse Francisco Saucedo . . Josse Corttinas Juan de la Cruz .. Bernabe del Rio .. Josse Maria Berlanga . Marttin de Casttro . Francisco de Casttro . Josse Maria Hernandez . P P P P P P P P P CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Illv sick in Saltillo with the horse herd same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same same with the citizens' horse herd same same 3 //2 Josse Anttonio de Abila Vizentte Cavrera Juan Maria de la Cerda Miguel de Sosa . . . . Facundo Manzolo . Juan Andres Quinones . Juan Cadena . Francisco Sales Cavrera . Josse Xavier de Lasso . Josse Cervanttes . Anttonio Perez . Francisco Xavier Chaves . Francisco Anttonio Guzman Miguel de Casttro . Josse Mariano Gamez . Ygnacio Flores . Francisco Antonio Flores . Josse Manuel Ximenez . Alexandro Ydalgo . Josse Fragoso . Juachin de los Angeles . Josse Melchor Yanze . Manuel Marttinez . Francisco Gil de Leyba .. Manuel Rodriguez . Josse Luis Gallardo . CP same CP same CP same CP with Sergeant Juachin Guttierrez to the Lipanes CP same CP same CP same CP with the mail pouch CP same CP same CP same CP same CP same CP on guard duty CP same CP same CP same CP same CP same CP with the Commandant Gen'l CP same CP same CP same CP sick CP same P Ymbrilidos Captain Lieutenant . .. AIJerez . Another. Privates . . Dn Luis Anttonio Menchaca Don Marzelo Valdez .. Don Juan Josse Ydalgo . Don Balttasar Perez . Domingo Diego Acostta .. Anttonio Gonzalez . Pedro Minon . Barttolome Rosales . Josse Miguel Gamez . Josse Anttonio Vaquera . CP sick P P P P P P P P P Summary Captain pt Lieutenant 2 nd Same pt AlfereZ 2 nd same Chaplain Amorer Sergeants . . . . .. . . .. P CP CP P P V P P l 1 1 l l l l .2 4 Same Drummer. Corporals Same Privates Same . . . . .. . CP P P CP P CP Company total.. . . 1 l l 7 .31 60 109 Ymbrilidos Captain Lieutenant AIJerez Same Privates . . . . .. CP P P P P General total.. . . 1 l l l ~ 119 The soldado distinguido Don Felix Francisco Pacheco took a discharge (lizencia) on the proximate past 18th of November. On the same 18th of November, the recruit Josse Luis Gallardo entered [the ranks]. This is in agreement with the review passed by me, the afore-mentioned governor, on [today's] / /2v date, which I certify and sign. Man[ue]l Munoz [Rubric] [D. S., 1-2v pp., 12/1 /1790]
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