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SGEM SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBER ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY and PHILOSOPHY PhD. Carmen Castilla Vázquez SHORT PROFESSIONAL INFO Carmen Castilla, received her PhD. in Social Anthropology from the University of Seville and is a professor of social anthropology at the University of Granada. Since 2012 she is the Coordinator of the degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Granada (Spain). Her research focuses on popular religiosity, new religious movements, and immigration. She is part of the University of Granada working group “Antropología y Filosofía” (Anthropology and Philosophy) and has spent time researching and teaching at the University of Florence and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among her publications can highlight: (2014) Religious Pluralism, Conflict and Social Transformation in Today´s Spain. In: J. Martín Ramírez, C. Morrison & A.J. Kendall (eds). Conflict, Violence, Terrorism, and their Prevention. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | (2011) El diálogo interreligioso: iniciativas para la gestión de la diversidad religiosa. Granada: Comares | (2006) He decidido dejar mi país: reflexiones en torno al fenómeno de la inmigración. Sistema, 194, Madrid, p. 45-72. | (2006) La religione di integrazione sociale come fattore Contesti nei di inmigrazione: il case dell'Andalusia (Spagna). In: A. Nesti (ed.). Multiculturalism and religious pluralism and realtà fra illusion: a é altro mondo possibile? Firenze University Press, p. 283-294. | (1999) De neófitos a iniciados: el movimiento neocatecumenal y sus ritos de admisión, Gazeta de Antropología, nº 15. International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM