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Triadan, p. 1 September 2010 CURRICULUM VITAE DANIELA TRIADAN Department of Anthropology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Tel.: (520) 626-0077 Fax: (520) 621-2088 E-mail: Current and Pervious Positions: Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2007- present Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2001-2007 Research Associate, Dept. of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 2004-present Research Archaeologist, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education, Smithsonian Institution, 2000-2001 Research Collaborator, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE), 1996-2004 Education: Ph.D. in American Archaeology and Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, January 1995, summa cum laude. Dissertation: White Mountain Redware: Expensive Trade Goods or Local Commodity? A Study of the Production, Distribution, and Function of White Mountain Redware During the 14th Century in the Grasshopper Region, Eastcentral Arizona (submitted in English). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Berthold Riese M.A. in American Archaeology and Anthropology, European Prehistory, and Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin, 1989, summa cum laude. Thesis: Defining Local Ceramic Production at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona (submitted in English). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Berthold Riese Triadan, p. 2 September 2010 B.A. equivalent in American Archaeology and Anthropology, European Prehistory, and Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin, 1985. Areas of Specialization: Southwestern Prehistory, Mesoamerican Prehistory, Ceramic Analysis, Archaeometry Technical Skills: Mapping and Instrument Survey, Compositional Analysis of Ceramics Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Nahuatl Archaeological Research and Fieldwork: Co-Director, Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project, 2006- present. Principal Investigator, NSF funded research project “ Production and Distribution of Polychrome Ceramics in the Casas Grandes Region, Chihuahua, Mexico,” 2000-2005. Director, Aguateca Archaeological Project. Investigations of Classic Maya household organization and polities, 2002-2006. Co-Director, Aguateca Archaeological Project. Investigations of Classic Maya household organization, 1996-2002. Field Supervisor, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, Grasshopper, May-July 1992. Dr. J. Jefferson Reid, Director. Assistant Project Director, Aguateca Sub-project, Petexbatún Regional Archaeological Project, March-May 1992. Mapping and instrument survey at Aguateca, Petén, Guatemala. Takeshi Inomata, Director Aguateca Sub-project, Dr. Arthur Demarest, General Director. Field Supervisor (survey and excavation), University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, Grasshopper, May-July 1991. Dr. J. Jefferson Reid, Director. Assistant Director, Intersite Survey, Petexbatún Regional Archaeological Project, February-May 1991. Exploration of intersite settlement in the Petexbatún Region, Petén, Guatemala. Mapping, instrument survey, and supervision of the test excavation program. Dr. Thomas Killion, Director Intersite Survey, Dr. Arthur Demarest, General Director. Assistant Project Director, San Estevan Project, northern Belize, February-May 1990. Coordination and supervision of test excavation program. Laura Levi, Principal Investigator. Excavation Supervisor, San Estevan Project, northern Belize, February-May 1989. Supervision of test excavations. Laura Levi, Principal Investigator. Triadan, p. 3 September 2010 Excavation Supervisor, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, Grasshopper, 1987-1991. Dr. J. Jefferson Reid, Director. Graduate student, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, Grasshopper, May-July 1986. Dr. J. Jefferson Reid, Director. Student, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (Institute of European Prehistory), Freie Universität Berlin, fall 1984. Excavations of a Middle Bronze Age site in SchleswigHolstein, northern Germany. Dr. Joseph Eiwanger, Director. Teaching: TRAD 101 Patterns in Prehistory, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2010 Anthropology 320, Ancient Civilizations, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2010 Anthropology 696a Aggression, Violence, and Warfare in Prehistory, Fall 2005, Fall 2008 Anthropology 496F/596F Ceramic Analysis Seminar, Fall 2010 Anthropology 696a Household Archaeology, Spring 2003 Anthropology 205 From Clovis to Coronado: Archaeology of the Southwest, Spring 2002 Instructor, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School 1987-1992. Training students in archaeological field methods (excavation and survey), and teaching courses in Southwestern Prehistory at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Teaching Assistant, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin. Winter semester 1987/88: Mesoamerican Codices (graduate seminar), with Prof. Berthold Riese. Technical Training: University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility, Columbia, Missouri, May-September 1993. Technical training in instrumental neutron activation analysis of archaeological ceramics. Dr. Hector Neff and Dr. Michael Glascock, Advisors. Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, summer 1985. Ceramic conservation internship. Triadan, p. 4 September 2010 Fellowships and Grants: National Science Foundation, research grant “The Development of Social Inequality at the Middle Preclassic Maya Community of Ceibal. US $ 238,288. Submitted August 2010. National Endowment of the Humanities, collaborative research grant, “Community-building in the Preclassic Maya Lowlands: Archaeological Investigations at Ceibal, Guatemala”, U$ 220,000, 2010-2012. National Science Foundation, research grant (BCS-0836904) “Domestic and Political Lives of the Classic Maya Elites: Subvention for the Aguateca Monographs”, US $ 12,600.00, 2009-2011. National Science Foundation, research grant, “Agency and Practice in the Classic Maya Collapse: Excavations of the Terminal Classic Royal Palace at Seibal, Guatemala,” US $233,038, 2008-2010. National Geographic Society, research grant “Excavations of the Terminal Classic Palace at Seibal, Guatemala” (#8258-07), US $15,000, 2007-2008. National Geographic Society, research grant (#7995-06), Archaeological Excavation of the Terminal Classic Palace at Seibal, Guatemala: Politics, Ideology, and Collapse, US $20,000, 2006. National Science Foundation, research grant (BCS-041467), Households and Polities in Classic Maya Society: Survey and Excavation in the Aguateca Area, Guatemala, 20042007, US $ 228,656. National Science Foundation, research grant (BCS-9911104), Production and Distribution of Polychrome Ceramics in the Casas Grandes Region, Chihuahua, Mexico, 2000-present, US $ 90,708. National Geographic Society, research grant, (#6303-98) Aguateca Archaeological Project: A Study of the Classic Maya Household, 1998-1999, US $29,860. National Geographic Society, research grant, (#5937-97) Aguateca Archaeological Project: A Study of the Classic Maya Household, 1997-1998, US $12,660. Materials Analysis Postdoctoral Fellowship, Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, September 1995-September 1997. Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, State of Berlin, Germany, 1993-1995, DM 33,600.00. Triadan, p. 5 September 2010 Predoctoral Internship Program in Archaeometry, University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), 1993. Neutron activation analysis on prehistoric Southwestern ceramics. Funded by the National Science Foundation (DBS 9102016), research funds equivalent of ca. US $33,000.00. Post-graduate Fellowship, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service), September 1991-July 1992, DM 17,000.00. Fellowship, Agnese Lindley Foundation, 1989, US $1,900.00 Honors and Awards: Inducted as Miembro Correspondiente into the Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala, July 27, 2005. Nomination for the Ernst Reuter Award of best dissertation of the Freie Universität Berlin, 1996. Monographs and Publications in Professional Journals and Edited Volumes: Triadan D. 2010 El Resurgimiento Político de Ceibal en el Clásico Terminal [The Political Resurgance of Ceibal in the Terminal Classic]. Estudios de Cultura Maya. In press Inomata, T., D. Triadan, M. Eberl, and E. Ponciano 2010 Espacios Teatrales y la Política de Comunidades en el Centro Clásico Maya de Aguateca, Guatemala [Theatrical Spaces and Community Politics in the Classic Maya Center of Aguateca, Guatemala] In Lugares y Representación: Ceremonias Comunitarias Mayas, edited by Rodrigo Liendo and Francesca Zalaquette. Centro de Estudios Mayas y el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F. In press. Inomata, Takeshi, and Daniela Triadan (editors) 2010 Burned Palaces and Elite Residences of Aguateca: Excavations and Ceramics. Aguateca Archaeological Project First Phase Monograph Series, Volume 1. Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan, series editors. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. Triadan, Daniela, and Juan Manuel Palomo 2010 Estrategias Políticas durante el Clásico Terminal en Ceibal [Political Strategies during the Terminal Classic in Ceibal]. In XXIII Simposio de Triadan, p. 6 September 2010 Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala 2009, edited by Bárbara Arroyo, Adriana Linares Palma, and Lorena Paiz Aragón, pp. 251264. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Guatemala. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, and O. Román 2009 El Desarrollo de las Comunidades Preclásicas e Interacciones entre las Tierras Bajas Mayas y el Área Olmeca [The Development of Preclassic Communities and Interactions between the Maya Lowlands and the Olmec Area]. In XXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala 2009, edited by Bárbara Arroyo, Adriana Linares Palma, and Lorena Paiz Aragón, pp. . Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Guatemala. Inomata, Takeshi, Daniela Triadan, and Otto Román 2010 La Transformación y Continuidad de Ritos durante el Preclásico en Ceibal, Guatemala. In El Ritual en el Mundo Maya: De lo Privado a lo Público, edited by Andres Ciudad Ruiz, Maria Josefa Iglesias, and M. Sorroche, pp. 29-48. Publication 9. Sociedad Española de Estudios Maya, Madrid. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, E. Ponciano, and K. Aoyama (editors) 2009 La Política de Lugares y Comunidades en la Antigua Sociedad Maya de Petexbatun: Las Investigaciones del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca Segunda Fase. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Dirección General del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural, and Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Guatemala. Inomata, T. and D. Triadan 2009 Culture and Practice of War in Maya Society. In Warfare in Cultural Context: Practice, Agency, and the Archaeology of Conflict, edited by Axel E. Nielsen and William H. Walker, pp. 56-83. University of Arizona Press. Inomata, Takeshi, Daniela Triadan, Otto Román, Estela Pinto, Jessica Munson, and Kenichiro Tsukamoto 2009 Cambios sociales durante los períodos preclásico y clásico en Ceibal: Los Resultados del Proyecto Arqueológico Ceibal-Petexbatun. In XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala 2008, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, and Héctor E. Mejía. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala. Triadan, D. 2005 Las Figurillas de Aguateca y Su Significado Sociopolítico. [The Figurines of Aguateca and Their Sociopolitical Significance]. Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 53: 25-54. Published in 2008. Triadan, p. 7 September 2010 Triadan, D. 2007 Warriors, Nobles, Commoners and Beasts: Figurines from Elite Buildings at Aguateca, Guatemala. Latin American Antiquity 18: 269-293. Triadan D. 2006 Five Fine Gray Pottery Bells from Aguateca, Guatemala. Mexicon 28(4):75-78. Inomata, T., and D. Triadan, Erick Ponciano, Markus Eberl, and Jeffery Buechler 2006 Fundación de una Nueva Capital Dinástica en Aguateca, Guatemala. [The Foundation of a New Dynastic Capital in Aguateca, Guatemala]. In Nuevas Ciudades, Nuevas Patrias: Fundación y Relocalización de Ciudades en Mesoamerica y el Mediterráneo Antiguo, edited by Maria Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León, Rogelio Valencia Rivera, and Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, pp.131-148. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Pub. 8. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. Triadan, D. 2006 Dancing Gods: Ritual, Performance, and Political Organization in the Prehistoric Southwest. In Theatres of Power and Community: Archaeology of Performance and Politics, edited by T. Inomata and L. Coben. Altamira Press. Triadan, D., and M. N. Zedeño 2004 The Political Geography and Territoriality of 14th Century Settlements in the Mogollon Highlands of East-central Arizona. In Cluster Analysis: The History and Organization of Pueblo IV Period (A.D. 1275-1540) Settlement Clusters in the American Southwest, edited by E. Charles Adams and Andrew I. Duff, pp. 95107. University of Arizona Press. Triadan, D., and T. Inomata 2004 What Did They Do and Where? Activity Areas and Residue Analyses in Maya Archaeology. In Continuities and Changes in Maya Archaeology: Perspectives at the Millenium, edited by C. Golden and G. Borgstede, pp. 243-255. Routledge, New York. Inomata T., and D. Triadan 2003 El Spectaculo de la Muerte en las Tierras Bajas Mayas. In Antropología de la Eternidad: La Muerte en la Civilización Maya, edited by A. Ciudad Ruiz, M. H. Ruz Sosa, and M. J. Iglesias Ponce de Leon, pp.195- 207. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, and Centro de Estudios Mayas, Universidad Autónoma de México, Madrid. Zedeño, M. N., D. Triadan, and R. L. Bishop 2003 Interpretations of Compositional Analysis in Archaeology. In Patterns and Process, edited by L. van Zelst, pp.27-55. Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Triadan, p. 8 September 2010 Inomata T., and D. Triadan 2003 Where did Elites Live? Analysis of Possible Elite Residences at Aguateca, Guatemala. In Maya Palaces and Elite Residences: An Interdisciplinary Approach, edited by J. J. Christie, pp. 154-183. University of Texas Press, Austin. Inomata, Takeshi, Daniela Triadan, Erick Ponciano, Estela Pinto, Richard E. Terry, and Markus Eberl 2002 Domestic and Political Lives of Classic Maya Elites: The Excavation of Rapidly Abandoned Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala. Latin American Antiquity 13(3):305-330. Triadan, D., B. J. Mills, and A. Duff 2002 From Compositional to Anthropological: 14th Century Red Ware Circulation and its Implications for Pueblo Reorganization. In Ceramic Production and Circulations in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, edited by D. M. Glowacki and H. Neff, pp. 85-97. The Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Inomata, Takeshi, Daniela Triadan, Erick Ponciano, Richard Terry, and Harriet F. Beaubien 2001 In the Palace of the Fallen King: The Excavation of the Royal Residential Complex at the Classic Maya Center of Aguateca, Guatemala. Journal of Field Archaeology 28(3-4):287-306. Volume just appeared, Spring 2004. Triadan, D. 2000 Elite Household Subsistence at Aguateca, Guatemala. Mayab 13:46-56. Inomata, T., and D. Triadan 2000 Craft Production by Classic Maya Elites in Domestic Settings: Data from Rapidly Abandoned Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala. Mayab 13:57-66. Zedeño, M. N., and D. Triadan 2000 Ceramic Evidence for Community Reorganization and Change in east-central Arizona. Kiva 65(3):215-233. Mills, B. J., S. A. Herr, S. L. Stinson, and D. Triadan 1999 Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Silver Creek Area. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analysis of the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by B. J. Mills, S. A. Herr, and S. Van Keuren, pp. 295-324. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series 192. University of Arizona, Tucson. Triadan, p. 9 September 2010 Inomata, T., D. Triadan, E. Ponciano, R. Terry, H. Beaubien, E. Pinto, and S. Coyston 1998 Residencias de la Familia Real y de la Élite de Aguateca, Guatemala. Mayab 11:23-39. Triadan D. 1998 Socio-demographic Implications of Pueblo IV Ceramic Production and Circulation: Sourcing White Mountain Redware from the Grasshopper Region. In Migration and Reorganization: The Pueblo IV Period in the American Southwest, edited by K. A. Spielmann, pp.233-253. Anthropological Research Papers 51. Arizona State University, Tempe. Triadan D., H. Neff, and M. D. Glascock 1997 An Evaluation of the Archaeological Relevance of Weak-acid Extraction ICP: White Mountain Redware as a Case Study. Journal of Archaeological Science 24(11):997_1002. Triadan, D. 1997 Ceramic Commodities and Common Containers: Production and Distribution of White Mountain Red Ware in the Grasshopper Region, Arizona. Anthropological Paper 61. University of Arizona, Tucson. Welch, J. R., and D. Triadan 1991 The Canyon Creek Turquoise Mine, Arizona. Kiva 56 (2):145-164. Triadan, D. 1990 Review of Schwabe, J., Die Tonfiguren der Hohokam und ihr zeremonieller Kontext. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 115:299-301. Manuscripts in Preparation: Triadan D. 2009 Compositional and Distributional Analyses of some 14th Century Ceramics from Kinishba Pueblo: Implications for Pottery Production and Migration Processes. In Unsilencing Kinishba: James B. Shaeffer’s Mid-century Ecvavations and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by John R. Welch. Arizona State Museum, Tucson. Submitted, under review. (Original research) Inomata, Takeshi, and Daniela Triadan (editors) n.d. Life and Politics at the Royal Court of Aguateca: Artifacts, Analytical Data, and Synthesis. Aguateca Archaeological Project First Phase Monograph Series, Volume 3. Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan, series editors. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. Triadan, p. 10 September 2010 Triadan, D., E. Gamboa, M. J. Blackman, and R. L. Bishop n.d. Sourcing Casas Grandes Polychrome Ceramics: Assessing Medio Period Economic Organization. Submitted to American Antiquity. Under revision. Triadan D. n.d. Late Classic Male Figurines and Their Social Context. To be submitted to Ancient Mesoamerica. Triadan D. n.d. The Termination Ritual at Aguateca’s Palace: Sourcing the Ceramics. To be submitted to Latin American Antiquity. Triadan, D. n.d. Change or Continuity? Resource Use During the Tepeu 1 to Tepeu 2 Ceramic Transition at Aguateca. To be submitted to Latin American Antiquity. Technical Reports and other Publications: Gillett-Netting, R., L. B. Green, M. Nichter, J. Senf, and D. Triadan 2003 Review and Approval of Human Subjects-related Research at the University of Arizona: A Critical Assessment. Report presented to the President of The University of Arizona. Dept. of Anthropology and Dept. of Community and Family Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson. Triadan, D., and T. Inomata (editors) 2003 Informe Final de la Temporada de Laboratorio del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Ponciano, E., T. Inomata, and D. Triadan (editors) 2000 Informe del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1999. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, E. Ponciano (editors) 1998 Informe del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1998. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Ponciano, E., T. Inomata, D. Triadan, E. Pinto, and S. Coyston 1998 Aguateca, Evidencia de un Abandono Repentino en el Clásico Tardío. In XI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, 1997, edited by J. P. Laporte and H. L. Escobedo. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Guatemala. Triadan, p. 11 September 2010 Inomata, T., E. Ponciano, and D. Triadan (editors) 1997 Informe Preliminar del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1997. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Inomata, T., E. Ponciano, D. Triadan, B. Bachand, S. Coyston, and B. Castellanos 1997 Proyecto Arqueologico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1996. In X Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1996, edited by J. P. Laporte and H. L. Escobedo, pp. 403_416. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala. Inomata, T., E. Ponciano, and D. Triadan 1996 Informe Preliminar del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1996. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, and C. Wolley 1993 Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Aguateca, Departamento de Petén. In VI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1992, Museo Nacional de Arqueología e Etnología, edited by J. P. La Porte, H. L. Escobedo, and S. Villagran de Brady, pp. 185-199. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, C. Wolley, and L. Wright 1992 Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Aguateca. In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatún, Informe Preliminar #4, Quarta Temporada 1992, edited by A. Demarest and T. Inomata, pp. 190-218. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Killion, T. W., I. Verhagen, D. Van Tuerenhout, D. Triadan, L. Hamerlynck, M. McDermott, and J. Genoves 1991 Reporte de la Temporada 1991 del Recorrido Arqueológico Intersitio de Petexbatún (RAIP). In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatún, Informe Preliminar #3, Tercera Temporada 1991, edited by A. Demarest, T. Inomata, H. Escobedo, and J. Palka, pp.588-644. Report presented to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. Riese, B., G. Burkhardt, D. Triadan, B. Blaszak, O. Brinkmann, S. J. Grünberg, M. Hellwig, G. Million, and G. Suharto 1985 Indianische Sprachkunst. Unpublished reader, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin. Conference Papers and Posters: Triadan, Daniela, Kazuo Aoyama, Takeshi Inomata, and Otto Román Triadan, p. 12 September 2010 2010 La Transición del Preclásico al Clásico Temprano en Ceibal. Paper presented at the 23rd Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, Daniela 2009 Procesos políticos en el Clásico Terminal en Ceibal. Paper presented at the Simposium Investigaciones Arqueológicas en la Región Petexbatun y la Zona del Río de la Pasión: Nuevos Datos, Nuevas Interpretaciones. Centro de Estudios Maya, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico City. Triadan, Daniela, and Juan Manuel Palomo 2009 Organización Política durante el Clásico Terminal en Ceibal. Paper presented at the 23rd Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, and O. Román 2009 El Desarrollo de las Comunidades Preclásicas e Interacciones entre las Tierras Bajas Mayas y el Área Olmeca: Investigaciones Recientes en Ceibal. Paper presented at the 23rd Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Inomata T., and D. Triadan 2009 La Transformación de Ritos durante el Periodo Preclasico en Ceibal. [The Transformation of Ritual during the Preclassic period at Ceibal]. Paper presented at the 8th Mesa Redonda of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas. Granada, Spain. Inomata, Takeshi, Daniela Triadan, Otto Román, Estela Pinto, Jessica Munson, and Kenichiro Tsukamoto 2008 Cambios sociales durante los períodos preclásico y clásico en Ceibal: Los Resultados del Proyecto Arqueológico Ceibal-Petexbatun. Paper presented at the 22nd Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D., R. L. Bishop, and M, J. Blackman 2008 The Termination of the Royal Palace of Aguateca: Sourcing the Ceramics. Paper presented at the 73 rd Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Vancouver. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, M. Eberl, and E. Ponciano 2006 Espacios Teatrales y la Política de Comunidades en el Centro Clásico Maya de Aguateca, Guatemala [Theatrical Spaces and Community Politics in the Classic Maya Center of Aguateca, Guatemala]. Paper presented at the 52nd International Congress of Americanists, Sevilla, Spain. Triadan, p. 13 September 2010 Triadan D. 2006 Late Classic Male Figurines and Their Social Context. Paper presented at the 71th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Inomata T., and D. Triadan 2006 Recent Investigations at Aguateca, Guatemala: An Overview. Paper presented at the 71th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Triadan D. 2005 Nobles, Plebeyos, Guerreros y Monstruos: El Significado Sociopolítico de las Figurillas de Aguateca. Public talk for the induction into the Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala. Inomata T., and D. Triadan, E. Ponciano, M. Eberl, and J. Buechler 2005 Fundación de una Nueva Capital Dinástica en Aguateca, Guatemala. [The Foundation of a New Dynastic Capital in Aguateca, Guatemala]. Paper presented at the 7th Mesa Redonda of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas. Pamplona, Spain. Ponciano, E., T. Inomata, and D. Triadan 2005 Estructuras del Poder en al Clásico Tardío en la Región Petexbatún. [Structures of Power in the Petexbatún Region]. Paper presented at the 19th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D., Gamboa Carrera E., M. J. Blackman, and R. L. Bishop 2005 Sourcing Casas Grandes Polychrome Ceramics. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Salt Lake City. Triadan, D. 2004 Discussant, “Human /Environmental Interaction IV”, Archaeological Sciences of the Americas Symposium, Tucson. Triadan D., and T. Inomata 2004 Los Resultados de la Temporada de Campo del 2004 en el Área de Aguateca. [Results of the 2004 Field Season in the Aguateca Area]. Paper presented at the 18th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan D., and T. Inomata 2004 The Effects and Limitations of Cultural Codes in Maya Warfare. SAA/Amerind Seminar 2004, Dragoon. Triadan, p. 14 September 2010 Triadan D., and T. Inomata 2004 Los Resultados de la Temporada de Campo del 2004 en el Área de Aguateca. Paper presented at the 18th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan D., and T. Inomata 2004 The Effects and Limitations of Cultural Codes in Maya Warfare. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Montreal . Triadan D. 2003 Sources of Ceramic Assemblage Variability. Paper presented at the Foundations of Archaeological Inquiry Seminar. Snowbird, Utah. Inomata, T., and D. Triadan 2002 Guerra y el Spectaculo de la Muerte en las Tierras Bajas Mayas. Paper presented at the 6th Mesa Redonda of the Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Triadan, D. 2002 Dancing Gods: Ritual, Performance, and Political Organization in the Prehistoric Southwest. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Denver. Triadan, D. 2002 Las Figurillas de Aguateca [The Figurines of Aguateca]. Paper presented at the 16th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan D., and T. Inomata 2001 What Did They Do and Where? Activity Areas and Residue Analysis in Maya Archaeology. Paper presented at the 100st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. Triadan, D. 2001 La Determinación de Fuentes de Producción de Cerámica. Paper presented at the 15th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D. 2001 Warriors, Nobles, Commoners and Beasts: The Figurines of Aguateca. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Inomata, T., and D. Triadan 2001 Archaeological Investigations at the Rapidly Abandoned Center of Aguateca. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Triadan, p. 15 September 2010 Zedeño, M. N., and D. Triadan 2001 The Political Geography and Territoriality of 14th Century Settlements in the Mogollon Highlands of East-central Arizona. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Bishop, R. L., M. N. Zedeño, and D. Triadan 2001 Hybrid Ceramic Technologies: A New Look at the Development of Prehistoric Polychrome Pottery from East-central Arizona. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Triadan, D. 2000 La Subsistencia de Grupos Domésticos Elitístas en Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 14th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, and E. Ponciano 2000 Organización Doméstica de las Élites de Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 14th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D. 2000 Elite Household Subsistence at Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia. Inomata, T., and D. Triadan 2000 Craft Production by Classic Maya Elites in Domestic Settings: Data from Rapidly Abandoned Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia. Triadan, D., and T. Inomata 1998 Grupos Domésticos Élitistas de Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 4th Congreso de Mayistas, Antigua, Guatemala. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, S. Coyston, M. Eberl, and R. Puga 1998 Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1998. Paper presented at the 12th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Bishop, R. L., D. Triadan, M. J. Blackman, and E. Gamboa 1998 Production and Distribution of Polychrome Ceramics in the Casas Grandes Region, Chihuahua, Mexico. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle. Triadan, p. 16 September 2010 Triadan, D., and T. Inomata 1998 Elite Residential Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle. Ponciano, E., T. Inomata, D. Triadan, E. Pinto, and S. Coyston 1997 Aguateca: Evidencia de un Abandono Repentino en el Clásico Tardío. Paper presented at the 11th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D., B.J. Mills, and A. Duff 1997 From Analytical to Anthropological: 14th Century Redware Circulation and its Implications for Pueblo Reorganization. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville. Inomata T., and D. Triadan 1997 Excavations of Rapidly Abandoned Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville. Inomata T., and D. Triadan 1996 Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca: La Temporada de 1996. Paper presented at the 10th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Triadan, D. 1996 White Mountain Redware Production and Distribution and Its Implications for Population Movements in the 14th Century Southwest. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Zedeño, M. N., and D. Triadan 1994 The Material Correlates of Ceramic Circulation: An Example from East-central Arizona. Paper presented at the 8th Mogollon Conference, El Paso. Triadan, D. 1994 White Mountain Redware: An Exotic Trade Item or a Local Commodity? Perspectives from the Grasshopper Region, Arizona. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim. Inomata, T., D. Triadan, and C. Wolley 1992 Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Aguateca. Paper presented at the 6th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala City. Killion, T. W., D. Van Tuerenhout, D. Triadan, I. Verhagen, M. McDermott, L. Hamerlynck, and R. Chatham 1991 Broken Heartland between Cities. Paper presented at the International Congress of Americanists, New Orleans. Triadan, p. 17 September 2010 Triadan, D., and M. N. Zedeño 1991 Temporal Variability in Ceramic Assemblages from the Grasshopper Region. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Triadan, D. 1987 Ausgrabungen in Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. Paper presented at the meetings of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (German Ethnological Society), Köln.