Download 11:00h Symposium I: Novel cancer tar

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 PRELIMINARY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM MONDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2013 08:00‐ 10:00h Registration 09:00‐ 11:00h Symposium I: Novel cancer targets and therapeutic approaches discovery Chairpersons: Dr. Alfredo Carrato and Dr. Manuel Hidalgo ‐ New targets and therapeutic strategies in pancreatic cancer Dr. Manuel Hidalgo, Hospital de Madrid Norte Sanchinarro‐CIOCC y Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), Madrid ‐ Introducing RNA therapeutics in the clinic Dr. Josep Mª Tabernero, Hospital General Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona ‐ Selected oral communications 11:00‐ 11:30h Coffee break and poster viewing 11:30‐ 12:30h Lecture I Chairperson: Dr. Josep Mª Tabernero ‐ Drugging the cancer genome: recent discoveries with kinases and Hsp90 Dr. Paul Workman, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK 12:30‐ 13:00h Opening ceremony 13:00‐ 14:30h Lunch and poster viewing 14:30‐ 20:00h VI RTICC ANNUAL MEETING 2013 14:30‐ 15:00h Opening ceremony VI RTICC annual meeting 2013 Dr. Antonio L. Andreu Périz, Director General del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Madrid Dr. Eugenio Santos, Coordinador Nacional de la RTICC y Centro de Investigación del Cáncer‐Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (CIC‐IBMCC), Salamanca Dr. Javier Maldonado, Gerente del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid Dr. Alfredo Carrato, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: 15:00‐ 16:00h Opening conference: Pdte. 16:00‐ 16:30h RTICC National Coordinator conference: RTICC 2013 update Dr. Eugenio Santos, Coordinador Nacional de la RTICC, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer‐Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (CIC‐IBMCC), Salamanca 16:30‐ 16:45h RTICC Prize for Cooperative Research in Oncology 2013 16:45‐ 17:15h Presentation of the awarded with RTICC Prize for Cooperative Research in Oncology 2013 17:15‐ 17:30h Coffee break and poster viewing 17:30‐ 17:50h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC epidemiology and cancer prevention program: Priorities for research in cancer epidemiology and prevention: the RTICC perspective Dr. Josep María Borràs, Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO)‐IDIBELL, Barcelona 17:50‐ 18:10h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC hematological tumors program: When to transplant acute myeloid leukemia patients based on genetic features of the disease: registries and networks experiences Dr. Jordi Sierra, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona 18:10‐ 18:30h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC breast cancer program: Breast cancer translational research Dr. Joaquín Arribas, Instituto de Oncología Vall d'Hebron (VHIO), Barcelona 18:30‐ 18:50h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC colorectal and digestive tract tumors program: Colorectal Cancer Translational Research Dr. Gabriel Capellà, Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO)‐IDIBELL, Barcelona 18:50‐ 19:10h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC lung and respiratory tract tumors program: RTICC lung and upper respiratory tract cancer program: summary of objectives and update of achievements Dr. Luis Montuenga, Centro para la Investigación Médica Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: 19:10‐19:30h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC other solid and pediatric tumors program: Potential and actual synergies in the field of pediatric, gynecological, and neural system cancer research Dr. Enrique de Álava, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer‐Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (CIC‐IBMCC), Salamanca 19:30‐ 19:50h Presentation Coordinator of RTICC molecular mechanisms: molecular tumor characterization, cancer genomics and biomarkers program: Molecular mechanisms program: update activities 2013 Dr. Eugenio Santos, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer‐Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (CIC‐IBMCC), Salamanca 19:50‐ 20:00h Closing ceremony TUESDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 2013 08:30‐ 10:30h Symposium II: Wide genome analysis of human cancers Chairpersons: Dra. Montse Sánchez‐Céspedes and Dr. Javier Benítez ‐ Genomic landscapes of the 10 breast cancer subtypes Dr. Carlos Caldas, Cambridge Cancer Center, Cambridge, UK ‐ Exome sequencing: from research to clinical application Dr. Javier Benítez, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), Madrid ‐ Selected oral communications 10:30‐ 11:00h Coffee break and poster viewing 11:00‐ 13:00h Symposium III: Epigenetics and microenvironment Chairpersons: Dr. Luis Paz‐Ares and Dr. Manel Esteller ‐ Myc inhibition as a therapeutic strategy in cancer Dr. Laura Soucek, Fundació VHIO, Barcelona ‐ Human cancer epigenetics: from knowledge to application Dr. Manel Esteller, IDIBELL‐ Hospital Duran y Reynals, Barcelona ‐ Selected oral communications Symposium IV: Deregulation of cell metabolism in cancer development Chairpersons: Dr. Ana Osorio and Dr. Manuel Serrano Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: ‐
Exploiting cellular metabolism for cancer detection and treatment Dr. Arkaitz Carracedo, CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia SIRT1 and PI3K in cancer and metabolism Dr. Manuel Serrano, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), Madrid Selected oral communications 13:00‐ 14:00h Lunch and poster viewing 14:00‐ 15:00h Lecture II Chairperson: Dr. Carlos Caldas ‐ Cancer research in the genomic era: from genes to genomes Dr. Carlos López Otín, Instituto Universitario de Oncología del Principado de Asturias (IUOPA), Oviedo 15:00‐ 17:00h Symposium V: Cancer progression and metastasis Chairpersons: Dr. Félix Bonilla and Dr. Amparo Cano ‐ EMT reversibility in development and cancer Dr. Ángela Nieto, CISC‐ Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante ‐ Regulation of cell plasticity and metastasis by lysyl oxidase‐like 2 Dr. Amparo Cano, Instituto Investigaciones Biomédicas (CSIC‐UAM), Madrid ‐ Selected oral communications Symposium VI: Stem cells and cancer Chairpersons: Dr. José Antonio Rodríguez and Dr. Isidro Sánchez ‐ Role of polycomb in gene transcription, development and cancer Dr. Luciano Di Croce, Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona ‐ Stem cell reprogramming as a driver of cancer: implications in its development and treatment Dr. Isidro Sánchez, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer, Salamanca ‐ Selected oral communications 17:00‐ 17:30h Coffee break and poster viewing Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: 17:30‐ 19:30h Symposium VII: DNA damage and cancer development Chairpersons: Dr. Pedro Lazo‐Zbikowski and Dr. Andrés Aguilera ‐ Targeting oncogene‐induced DNA damage for cancer therapy Dr. Óskar Fernández‐Capetillo, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), Madrid ‐ A new role for tumor suppressors in the removal of R‐loops responsible for genome instability Dr. Andrés Aguilera, Universidad de Sevilla‐ CABIMER, Sevilla ‐ Selected oral communications WEDNESDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER 2013 09:00‐ 11:00h Symposium VIII: Noncoding RNAs and cancer Chairpersons: Dr. Trinidad Caldés and Dr. Miguel Ángel Piris ‐ MicroRNAs in lymphoid malignancies. New tools for a better understanding, diagnosis and treatment Dr. Miguel Ángel Piris, IFIMAV, Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander ‐ MicroRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors in cancer development Dr. Pedro Medina, Center for Genomics and Oncology Research, University of Granada, Granada ‐ Selected oral communications Symposium IX: Hypoxia and angiogenesis Chairpersons: Dr. Gabriel Capellà and Dr. Luis del Peso ‐ The oxygen sensing HIF pathways and cancer cell proliferation Dr. Julián Aragonés, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid ‐ HIF and PHDs‐mediated hypoxia tolerance Dr. Edurne Berra, CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia ‐ Regulation of angiogenesis by Notch and its relevance in cancer Dr. Rui Benedito, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid ‐ Regulation of gene expression by hypoxia Dr. Luis del Peso, Instituto Investigaciones Biomédicas (CSIC‐UAM), Madrid ‐ Selected oral communications 11:00‐ 11:30h Coffee break and poster viewing Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: 11:30‐ 12:30h Presidential Symposium Chairpersons: Dr. Alfredo Carrato and Dr. Montse Sánchez‐Céspedes ‐ Best oral communications 12:30‐ 13:00h Closing ceremony ‐ Future perspectives of research in Spain TBD 13:00‐ 14:00h Lunch and poster viewing 14:00‐ 14:30h ASEICA Assembly Secretaría Técnica: TACTICS MD C/ París, 162 Pral. 1ª – Barcelona ‐ Telf. 93 451 17 24 – e‐mail: