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Lillian’s Gourmet Cookie Dough/Fall 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE 48 Count Pre-portioned Gourmet Cookie Dough Triple Chocolate Snicker Doodle Monster Cookie Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip White Chocolate Delight Chocolate Chip Pecan Oatmeal Raisin Sugar 9 Items 8.375” X 10.875” Brochure 4 Pages (includes order form) K, TREE NUT, FD&C YELLOW #5 ducen las masas para las galletas son ueden ocurrir. an’s Gourmet ki e Dough pre-portioned cookie dough ORDER TOTAL EXAMPLE: $15.00 CUSTOMER PAID IN FULL SUGAR MISC IF Applicable 809 808 OATMEAL RAISIN 15.00 (PER BOX) Allergy Information: These cookie dough products are produced on shared equipment with products containing: PEANUT, MILK, TREE NUT, FD&C YELLOW #5 AND FD&C YELLOW #6. Incidental residue may be present. (0 Trans Fat) WHAT’S INSIDE Lillian’s THE BOX OF THE YEAR FAVORITE Triple Chocolate (Chocolate Triple) ALL FLAVORS JUST $15.00 Rich chocolate dough with milk chocolate and white chocolate chips 4 8 co u n t p re- p o r t i o n ed cookie dough in each box ITEM #803 ITEM #804 ITEM #805 Monster Cookie Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip (Manteca de mani) Crisp edge and chewy middles filled with chocolate chips ITEM #806 ITEM #807 ITEM #808 ITEM #809 White Chocolate Delight Chocolate Chip Pecan Oatmeal Raisin Sugar Cookie (Chocolate Blanco) (Chocolate y Nueces) (Avena y Uvas pasas) (Galleta Azucarada) Chewy oatmeal raisin dough A blend of tasty sugars satisfies the sweet tooth ORD ER F ORM STUD ____ ENT’ ______ S LA __ ST N ____ ____ AM ___) E ___ __ ME PHO ______ NE ____ (___ HO ____ ______ of ________ H TOTAL TEAC MA HER KE ____ ____ ____ CH ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ (___ ____ ___) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ • • • • • • • • $15.00 all items Quality ingredients 2.7 lbs. per box 0% trans fat Delivered in a freezer truck Straight from the freezer to the oven 48 pre-portioned cookies per box School only pays for what is ordered • • • • • • • ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ GRA __ DE ALL FLAV ORS Lillian’s G our Cooki e Dou met gh JUST Premiu m pre -po 801 TR IPL CHOCE 802 OL AT SNICK E ERDO MO OD LE CO NSTER OK PEAN IE BUTTE UT CHOC R CHIP OL AT E 806 WH ITE DELIG CH OC 807 CH HT OL AT OC E OL CH 808 OA IP PECAATE N TM RAISI EAL N 809 SUGA R MISC Order form on back side 8. 9. 10. 11. RETAIL PRICE SUMMARY• ____ EC ____ ____ CUST Haga K S __ OM ___ PA NO los ER MB cheq YA OL/ ______ EX: RE DEL NAM ues B LE ORG __ JANE CLIEN E a no TO AN ____ TE mbre SM SC H 1. IZAT __ ITH de AD ION ____ la Es O O L DRES _ cuela 2. O DIR S EC o de R O R EX: CIÓN la Or G A 123 3. N ga MAI nizaci IZ A N ST ón. TI O ., GR 4. N. EENV PHON ILLE 5. E TEL ÉFO NO EX :(555 6. ) 55 5-555 7. 5 803 ALLERGY INFORMATION: These cookie dough products are produced on shared equipment with products containing: Peanut, Milk, Tree Nut, FD&C Yellow #5 and FD&C Yellow #6. Incidental residue may be present. A INFORMACIÓN DE ALERGIA: Esos productos de la masa de la galleta son producidos en eel equipo compartido con: Mani, La Leche, Juez de Arbol, FD&C Amarillo #5 y FD&C Amarillo #6 productos que contienen. Los residuos casuales pueden ser presntes. ____ 804 808 809 MISC TOTAL AMOUNT rtione $15. 00 12. d co (PER okie ORDE TO R EXAMTAL $15.0PLE: 0 doug h BOX) L ____ Allerg AND y Inform com FD&C ation: The partido YE s y estaLLOW se cookie dough n a con#6. Inc produc tacto idental res con ts MANI,idue ma are pro LECH y be pre duced on sen E,N UEZ,F t. Info shared D&C rmacio equipm ent AMAR n sob STUD ILLO# re alergiawith pro ENT’ 5, FD s: Las ducts con &C S FI AMARmaquinar taining RST ILLO# ias con : PEAN NAM UT, 6. Res las iduos cuales MILK, E CELL accide se pro TREE PHO NU ntals ducen pueden las ma T, FD&C NE DU YE ocurrir sas par E DA a las LLOW . galleta #5 TE SCHO s son able Milk chocolate chips, pecan pieces and brown sugar 805 White chocolate chips adorn our premium cookie dough = (Pedazos de Chocolate) Made with real chunky peanut butter plic (Galleta Monstruo) Packed with oatmeal, coconut, candy pieces and peanut butter IN FUL (Canela y Azucar) A cinnamon and sugar laden recipe IF Ap Snickerdoodle PAID ITEM #802 ITEM #801 CUSTO MER 48 Count pre-portioned cookie dough 13. 14. 15. All American rep. on your delivery all day All student orders arrive pre-sorted Prizes packed with students orders “Limo To Lunch” prize incentive available Additional prize programs available Online store available for all fund raisers Additional items available to run with cookie dough 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PRIZ E SE I SO YO LD VEND #920 14 Í LECT ION (IF AP PLIC ITEM ARTÍC SCHO OL USE ABLE ONLY ) Se lecci : on Su Prem I CH io (S OO i Ap lica) ELIJOSE PR EL PR IZE # EM S ULOS (Pizzas, cheesecakes, magazines, Auntie Annie’s and so much more) 1-800-228-9028 • IO # TOTA LS: 801 802 803 CHEC KS + 804 805 806 807 808 809 Page MISC TOTAL CASH______ AM OUNT _ of ____ __ TOTA __ = L A INF ORMA CIÓN ALLERG DE ALE Y INF RGIA: ORMA Esos TION: The producto se cook s de la mas ie dough products a de la gall eta son are prod producid uced on os en shared eel equ equipm ipo com ent with partido products con: Mani, containing: La Lech Pea e, Juez nut, Milk de Arb , Tree ol, FD& Nut, C Ama FD&C Yell rillo #5 ow y FD& #5 and FD& C Ama rillo #6 C Yellow #6. producto Inciden tal s que contien residue may en. Los be residuo pre s casu