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Portes obertes IMB-CNM 2015 Les oportunitats de les microtecnologies a l’àrea de les aplicacions biomèdiques GRUPO DE APLICACIONES BIOMEDICAS Cochlear Implant • • Mission Take advantage of its own technological facilities and its scientific and technical know-how, the primary mission of the Biomedical Applications Group at CNM-IMB is to transform the innovation possibilities of microdevices and related technologies into successful commercial biomedical products and advanced applications. MICRO/NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ADVANCED MOLECULAR TO ORGAN BIOMONITORING To foster and manage experimental and clinical assays that use microsystems and transfer the microsystem technology to the biomedical field MiCROTRANS: Micro-probe multisensor for graft viability monitoring during organ preservation and transplantation CORBI: Multisensor for corneal pathologies that can affect the corneal barrier function Ph Impedancia Temperatura Pyrex sustrate Patent License 5 A multidisciplinar group Biomedical Application Group TECHNOLOGIES MEDICAL APPLICATIONS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Students Grup de Recerca Consolidat 2014 SGR 6 Micro/nano technologies for advanced molecular, celular and organ biomonitoring BIOSENSORES PLATAFORMAS MULTISENSORAS INTERFASES NEURONALES 7 Micro/nano technologies for advanced molecular, celular and organ biomonitoring Highligts (2010-2014) Development of electrochemical devices for biomedical applications (simulation, design, fabrication and characterization) Functionalization of surfaces for biosensing applications Standarization of technological processes using flexible substrates (SU-8, COP, Parylene, Polyimide) Development of electronic instrumentation for biomedical devices 8 Micro/nano technologies for advanced molecular, celular and organ biomonitoring Trends for 2015… Graphene Microelectrodes for biomedical applications Biomimetic microfluidics microchambers : Organ on a chip 9 1.-Graphene Microelectrodes for biomedical applications. 10 1.-Graphene Microelectrodes for biomedical applications. Graphene -Transistor / flexible-sustrates. Graphene Au Local Field Potencial Neural Recording JAE INTRO 2015 (25 MAYO) JAEINT_EX15_0076: Desarrollo de un sistema de instrumentación para caracterizar electroquímicamente SGFETs basados en grafeno JAEINT_EX15_0481: Diseño y simulación de biosensores impedimétricos basados en variaciones de la conductividad superficial 11 Fabrication steps: Challenges 1cm Neurological Recording with Graphene The objectives of this project are to validate graphene as a brain interface material, to develop devices for recording neural activity. 2012-2022 BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES 13 2. ORGAN ON A CHIP. + The convergence of Lab-on-Chips (LOCs) and cell biology has permitted the study of human physiology in an organ-specific context, introducing a novel model of in vitro multicellular human organisms. An Organ-on-a-Chip (OC) is a multi-channel 3-D microfluidic cell culture chip that simulates the activities, mechanics and physiological response of entire organs and organ systems. One day, they will perhaps abolish the need for animals in drug development and toxin testing. Air flow 14 Science. 2012 Jun 25 Reconstituting organ-level lung functions on a chip. European Commission. Full EU Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics Enters into Force (2013) GLIOBLASTOMA • El glioblastoma es la forma más agresiva de cáncer cerebral • En los lactantes y niños pequeños los tumores cerebrales son la segunda forma más común de cáncer, después de la leucemia. • En los adultos la incidencia anual de estas neoplasias oscila según edad entre 5 y 11 por 100 mil habitantes • En los últimos años apenas se han incorporado novedades a su tratamiento. BARRERA HEMATO ENCEFALICA BLOOD – BRAIN BARRIER (BBB) blood blood BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER Permeability Measurement: TRANSWELL ORGAN ON A CHIP: BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER ORGAN ON A CHIP THANKS!!! ANIMO!!