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B etween the C overs R are B ooks 112 Nicholson Rd, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 (856) 456-8008 [Broadside for a Female Torreador]: Plaza de Toros Rea. Para El Domingo 18 de Mayo de 1902 Presentation de la Simpatica y sin rival Charrita Mexicana Senora Maria A. De Marrero. La Verdadera La Unica ed toda la Republica Mazatlan: Tip. De M. Retes y Cia 1902 $950 Broadside. Approximately 11" x 7". Illustrated with photographic portrait and vignettes. Printed chromolithograph in gold, purple, and blue on thin card stock. Three neat vertical creases, and a small chip in left margin (probably removed from a scrapbook), very good. A broadside advertising an appearance by a woman bullfighter, praising her good looks, and proclaiming her the premier and only woman bullfighter in Mexico. There have been very few woman bullfighters. The culture of machismo in Mexico erected great barriers to women wanting to enter the bull ring. This is the earliest mention we can find of a woman bullfighter in Mexico. Rare. OCLC locates no copies. [BTC#399170]