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cine CICLO DE Lunes 8 S T E V E N Martes 9 S P I E L B E R G Miércoles 10 Jueves 11 Viernes 12 SETIEMBRE 2 0 1 4 SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY M o l i n a L a Historias clásicas de vampiros y trasmutantes It contains classic stories and excerpts of horror geniuses like Bram Stoker, M.R. James and Sheridan Le Fanu. Thus, get ready to leave on a trip which will clearly be full of emotions, mystery and unimaginable horror. Historias clásicas de vampiros y trasmutantes / Tig Thomas. Fundado el 2 de junio de 1938. Entidad cultural no lucrativa que fomenta un mayor entendimiento entre el Perú y los Estados Unidos. Registro de Entidades Exoneradas del Impuesto a la Renta N° 00023 Registro de Entidades Perceptoras de Donaciones N° 05571 RUC 20122667660 Hecho el depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2005-6187 T. (511) 706-7000 Biblioteca Luis E. Valcárcel - Sede Lima Centro Jr. Cuzco 446. Anexo 1272 Biblioteca Estuardo Núñez - Sede Miraflores Av. Angamos Oeste 160. Anexo 2272 Biblioteca Anna Clack de Díaz - Sede San Miguel Av. La Marina 2469. Anexo 3272 Biblioteca Jorge Basadre Grohmann - Sede La Molina Av. Javier Prado Este 4625. Anexo 4272 Biblioteca ICPNA Lima Norte - Sede Lima Norte Av. El Pacífico 477, Independencia. Anexo 5272 HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. L i m a N o r t e Sede Lima Norte Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 6:30 p.m. El poder del ayuno Have you ever thought about how many times you have eaten without being hungry, simply because of the habit of eating three times a day, or because when you suffer from a disease, you lose appetite and do not want to eat anything? El poder de ayuno / José Luis Pérez-Albela. Dirección de Biblioteca Av. Angamos Oeste 120, Miraflores. Anexo 9107 / bibliotecasicpna BIBLIOTECA Lima 1: el corazón de la ciudad The ancient history of Lima—especially the one of its historic downtown—is addressed in this book with more than four hundred photographs and narration by historian Juan Luis Orrego, host of “Tiempo Después”. Lima 1: el corazón de la ciudad / Juan Luis Orrego. b o l e t í n 100 maravillas del mundo Its reading will take you to unique and exceptional places, showing you some of the most impressive places offered by nature, as well as the most spectacular manmade masterpieces. 100 maravillas del mundo S a n M i r a f l o r e s Manual de redacción superior Addressed to managers, administrators, engineers, physicians, lawyers, economists, sociologists, higher education students and to everybody else who wants to be proficient in written expression. Manual de redacción superior / Miguel Carneiro Figueroa. M i g u e l L i m a C e n t r o libros destacados LIBROS DESTACADOS ICPNA Library Network will be simultaneously screening in all its video rooms a selection of feature films of this great American moviemaker, who has directed some of the films that have marked the history of cinema. Movies will be screened from September 8 to 12, in the following order: Always (1989) Schindler’s List (1993), Catch Me If You Can, (2002), The Terminal (2004) and War Horse (2011). Time: 6:00 p.m. PROGRAMA ALERTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA programa de actividades a l e r t a Friday 12 Discussion group UNA MIRADA A “THE BOYS” EL CÓMIC MÁS CONTROVERSIAL DE GARTH ENNIS Speaker: Arcadio Bolaños Acevedo Venue: Lima Norte Branch, Library, 6:30 p.m. BIOGRAPHIES B/609/T33 Yo y la energía / Nikola Tesla.-- Madrid: Turner Publicaciones, 2011. 311 p. INVENTORS - BIOGRAPHIES/ENERGY Lima Centro Tuesday 16 Comics Workshop CONTANDO HISTORIAS Speaker: Matt Dembicki (USA) Venue: Miraflores Branch, Conference Hall (tenth floor), 10:00 a.m. Pre-registration Conference CONTANDO MI HISTORIA Speaker: Matt Dembicki (USA) Venue: Miraflores Branch, Estuardo Núñez Library, 6:00 p.m. Thursday 18 Book presentation COMA SANO Y PREVENGA ENFERMEDADES Author: Jaime Salazar La Torre Commentators: Rosa Amelia Bardales Hoyos de Bazán and Diana Vásquez Aquino Venue: Miraflores Branch, Conference Hall (tenth floor), 6:30 p.m. Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA), through its Library Department, and Puntoinfo join the Software Freedom Day annual worldwide celebration. This event aims at educating the general public about the benefits of using quality free software for education, business and home. Thus, five participant specialists will share their experiences implementing solutions based on free software at universities, cultural institutions and libraries. Saturday 20 Conference EXPERIENCIAS DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE SOFTWARE LIBRE EN EL PERÚ With the participation of Yannick Warnier (Asociación Chamilo), Raúl Sifuentes (PUCP), Anahí Baylon (Provincial Municipality of Piura), César Castro (Provincial Municipality of Piura) and Alejandro Amaya (ICPNA) Venue: La Molina Branch, Jorge Basadre Grohmann Library, 10:00 a.m. Free admission with pre-registration. C I C LO D E C O N F E R E N C I A S D E LA Sociedad Geográfica de Lima Tuesday 2 GESTIÓN DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Speakers: Dr. Juan Tarazona Barboza (CONCYTEC) Tuesday 9 GESTIÓN DE RIESGOS DE DESASTRES EN EL CONTEXTO DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Speaker: Oscar Manuel Aguirre Gonzalo (CENEPRED) Tuesday 16 DEGRADACIÓN DE SUELO Speaker: Ángel F. Toscano Santayana - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation – Productive Development Program AGRO RURAL Tuesday 23 INSTRUMENTOS DE LA GESTIÓN DE RIESGOS DE DESASTRES – ADAPTACIÓN A LOS CAMBIOS CLIMÁTICOS EN LA PLANIFICACIÓN DEL DESARROLLO Speaker: Oscar Manuel Aguirre Gonzalo (CENEPRED) Tuesday 30 VIGILANCIA DE LA CALIDAD DEL AIRE EN LIMA METROPOLITANA Speaker: Aldo Zevallos Amasifuen (Senamhi) Venue: Lima Centro Branch, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. b i b l i o g r á f i c a ICPNA CATALOGS CATI/14-01 Siegfried Laske: fracturas, textos y fotografías alrededor de una retrospectiva = Siegfried Laske: fractures textes et photographies autour d’une rétrospective.-- Paris: Pelícanus Éditeurs, 2014. 343 p.:ill. VISUAL ARTS - PERU - CATALOGS Lima Centro – Miraflores – San Miguel – La Molina – Lima Norte APPLIED SCIENCES 530.092/H39 Breve historia de mi vida / Stephen Hawking.-Barcelona: Crítica, 2014. 148 p.:il HAWKING, STEPHEN - AUTOBIOGRAPHY / PHYSICISTS BIOGRAPHIES San Miguel ECONOMICS 332.49/G14/Sp/2014 El dinero: de dónde vino y adónde fue / John Kenneth Galbraith.-- Barcelona: Ariel, 2014. 350 p. CURRENCY - HISTORY / ECONOMIC HISTORY La Molina 338.985/G42 Qué se puede hacer con el Perú: ideas para sostener el crecimiento económico en el largo plazo / Piero Ghezzi.-- Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013. 255 p. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PERU / PERU - POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Lima Norte MANAGEMENT 658.42/M51 La guía del Community Manager: estrategia, táctica y herramientas / Juan Carlos Mejía Llano.-Madrid: Anaya, 2013. 400 p. : ill. SOCIAL NETWORKS / WEB 2.0 / POSITIONING (ADVERTISING) / INTERNET MARKETING Miraflores LITERATURE 813.54/K38c En el camino / Jack Kerouac.-- Barcelona: Anagrama, 2014. 396 p. U.S. NOVELS San Miguel CHILDREN CHIP/C15 Ando, ando, fabulando = Rambling, Rambling, I Stroll Fabling / Beatriz Calle.-- Lima: ICPNA, 2014. 47 p.:ill. CHILDREN POETRY - SPANISH / CHILDREN POETRY ENGLISH Lima Centro – Miraflores – San Miguel – La Molina – Lima Norte CHIP/M33 La calle canta = Singing Street / César De María.-Lima: ICPNA, 2014. 55 p.:ill. CHILDREN POETRY-SPANISH / CHILDREN POETRY ENGLISH Lima Centro – Miraflores – San Miguel – La Molina – Lima Norte PAINTINGS 759.72/R44 Resumen pintores y pintura mexicana: 250 artistas mexicanos siglos XIX, XX, XXI / Lupina Lara Elizondo.-- México D.F.: 2012 265 p. : ill. PAINTING-MEXICO/MEXICAN PAINTERS Miraflores The latest news about politics, business, culture and opinion regarding current events in the United States and the world. LATEST MAGAZINES ACQUIRED FORUM Essential for language teachers’ professional development and teaching. This issue gathers important research articles addressing very important topics like initial training for English teachers. Available in all branches. THE NEW YORKER Publication famous for a good deal of literary fiction, quality journalism, cultural recommendations about movies, dance, music, theater plays, museums, art galleries and news about New York City. This issue includes an interview with American vice-president Joe Biden, who deals with several topics of interest like Ukraine and Iraq conflicts, the relations with China and Russia and the country’s agenda for 2016. Available at Miraflores Library. TIME It analyzes the most relevant topics in the field of world politics, culture, and economics. This issue offers an impressive chronicle of the current conflict in Gazza. It also reviews the immigration crisis in which hundreds of Central American children are immersed in their attempt to cross the American border. This publication presents as well the serious situation that Muslim minorities are facing in Burma as a result of a lengthy ethnic and religious conflict bringing them face to face with the Buddhist population. Available in all branches. VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICE ICPNA, through its Library Network, puts at your disposal this important informative resource that will give you access to thousands of publications, specialized articles, audios and videos. EBSCOHOST Multi-disciplinary database which provides access to academic and scientific journals. It contains information on administration, education, information sciences, philosophy, history, English, literature, psychology and health. BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER Designed for libraries and business schools, it includes the most prestigious publications worldwide in the areas of marketing and business management.